Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Let's Drink To Feeling Of Temptations

Of course Nikki went completely nuts when it came to shopping. I was in and out of dressing rooms more then I could even count. After like the 100th dressing room we weren’t even close to being done. DJ fell asleep twice and I wanted to fall asleep. She finally found a dress all of us could agree on.

Once I was finally done getting ready the bus stopped and I walked out of the bathroom and said,”I am never letting Nikki pick anything out ever again.”

“Awe but you look fabulous,”she said.

“Ya but I almost broke my ankle like four times,”I said.

“That’s because you have horrible balance,”James said walking in to the bus.

“Or it’s because people weren’t meant to balance on 6 inch high heels,”I said,”and plus the heel really isn’t thick at all.”

“They’re not even 6 inches,”Nikki argued.

“So what,”I whined,”short people are meant to stay short and not be high off of the ground.”

“I still can’t believe that you’re related to Jimmy and you’re like 5’4” and he’s like 6’,”Nikki said.

“So where’s your bassist,”asked James.

“He’s meeting us at the restaurant,”I said.

“And why has he not been here?”Nikki asked.

“Not sure,”Faye said walking out of the bunk area,”something about a family issue.”

“Oh,”Nikki said,”so who’s all gonna be on Warped.”

“Well these asshole won’t tell me,”I said,”so I don’t know.”

“We’re on a need to know basis,”the other Nikki said walking in buttoning up his shirt.

“Ya and I guess they don’t want me to know,”I said.

“Of course we don’t,”Nikki said.

“Asshole,”I said.

“Sue me,”he retorted.

“Whatever,”I said,”so who’s gonna help me balance?”

“Who else,”DJ said walking in and holding out his arm.

“So you’re trusting him not to trip me, push me into a wall or walk me straight into a pole when I’m watching my feet,”I said.

“He wouldn’t do that because he’s not that dumb,”Nikki said.

“So we get to meet every band tonight?”I asked.

“Um some of them aren’t gonna be there tonight because they got off on late starts,”DJ said.

“So what bands are gonna be there?”I questioned.

“You’ll see,”Nikki said,”so are you ready now?”

“Of course, is it just us two groups or are like Nikki and Bill and all the others are going?”I asked.

“It’s just gonna be us two and Nikki and Bill since they’re together,”Nikki said.

“So it’s like everyone has a date besides you and James?”I asked.

“Basically,”Nikki said.

I was about to argue but decided against it. We soon filed out. First Nikki, then James then Faye (the bassist was her date), then Caleb and his girlfriend, then Nikki and Bill and finally me and DJ. Of course the place where we parked had to be all uneven so I was clinging to DJ for dear life and cursing the heels and Nikki.

“Damn it,”I said as I stumbled again. DJ started laughing and I pulled my arm from him and started walking away. I didn’t make it very far. I was soon falling but someone caught me. Of course it was DJ and he was wearing a smug smile with a little concern in his eyes.

“Okay I won’t laugh anymore,”he said as he swallowed down his laughs.

“So what’s the restaurant we’re heading to,”I asked.

Nikki answered,”Piccola rosa, I’m not sure that’s how you pronounce it, but it’s italian.”

I just nodded my head as we made our to the door. We were brought to the back/banquet room where I guess everyone was. I recognized a lot of them and fan-girled over most of them to. The, I guess, whole tour manager got up and cleared his throat,”I’d like to thank most of you all for being here, some of the other bands can’t be but we’ll make do.” After that he launched into a 2 hour lecture on rules basically. I managed to identify most bands.
There were:
Blood On The Dance Floor
Hey Monday
All Time low
Falling In Reverse
Panic! At The Disco
My Chemical Romance
30 Seconds To Mars
Escape The Fate
And a lot more other bands. The giant banquet room was full and that wasn’t all. Of course me being shy and all I clung to DJ. A lot of people asked if we were together and we just laughed and said no. They had an open bar and since I was 21 it was perfect. No I wasn’t downing drinks left and right but I never didn’t have and empty cup. Living with the Avenged boys I learned to handle my liquor pretty well.

By the end of the meeting thingy I was feeling pretty good. Not as in I’m-all-obnoxious-loud-dancing-on-the-table feeling good but as in I’m-laughing-at-even-stupider-shit-then-average. I met a lot of people but I knew I wasn’t gonna remember all of them since I suck with names. We finally went back to the bus around 1-ish. I opened up my computer and saw I had a new email from my brother. He was just wondering how things are and if we started touring yet. I answered back that we hadn’t started touring just yet but we were tomorrow.

I walked into the bunk area and stretched out my back. I took of my shoes and all my jewelry. Of course when I reached to undo my zipper I couldn’t get it. I sighed, of course this is so cliche,as I thought that DJ walked in and looked at me weird. I had my arms behind my back trying to undo the zipper.

He laughed and walked up behind me,”Do you need help?”he asked.

“Yes,”I said,”even though this is the most cliche thing ever.”

He just laughed and pulled the zipper of my dress down, his hand lingering for about a second. He quickly pulled away, grabbed his clothes for bed and went into the bathroom. I just stood there for a second in the awkwardness. I hate awkwardness.

I just nodded awkwardly and pulled on my pajamas. I crawled up onto the bunk ‘damn it’ I thought ‘this is gonna be awkward sharing a bunk with DJ’. I stretched scrunched against the side of the bunk, turned on my ipod and pretended to fall asleep. DJ never did come to the bunk. I soon fell asleep listening A Party Song (The Walk Of Shame) by All Time Low.
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Decided to update today. So nothing really to say here cause nothing really important has happened. I'd love to thank Crazy_Peep for making the first set because she is awesome.

I'm planning of just writing Nikki's wedding in a journal, is anyone interested in reading it or no, because no matter what I am gonna write it so ya.

So wall of fame/love has gained someone new:
Alexandrias Nitemare

You guys are all loved and appreciated. so comment what you liked, disliked and what I could've done better.

PEACE, LOVE, AND MUSIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!