Status: Will start posting asap...unicorns!

I'm Choking on This Ecstasy

Dear all of you who've wronged me

I woke up wrapped in my Gir blanket and colorful arms were slung around my waist. I sighed and cocked my head as far back as I could. Of course it was DJ. He was pressed against my back with his arms thrown around my waist. No matter what happens, I can’t stay mad at him. I wiggled so my back was to the wall and I was facing him. His head was lower then mine since it was resting in between my shoulder blades at first and now it rest right by my boobs.

I shook his arm and whispered,”DJ wake up it’s like 8 and I have to get ready and help everyone.”

He just groaned and buried his head in my boobs. I tried pushing him off but he clung to me.

“DJ get the fuck off of me I need to get up,”I whisper screamed in his ear. I finally pushed him hard off enough resulting in him falling off the bed. The only downside was that he was still holding onto me. I landed on top.

He groaned and arched his back,”What the hell are you doing,”he asked.

“You wouldn’t let go of me so I had to improvise,”I retorted.

“Oh sorry,”he said and removed his arms, that still rested around me.

“It’s all gee,’I said,”except now I have less time to ready.”

“You are such a female,”he said.

“Well I would hope so,” I responded.

“What ever just get ready,”he said laughing.

I just giggled and walked away. I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom. I hopped into the shower on and turned it on so hot that my skin turned pinkish but it felt so good. I was done in the next few minutes.

I changed quickly and slid my glasses on to the top of my head. I walked out and messed with my equality dog tags. I stretched and asked,”When do we go on?”

“You gone around two-ish,”DJ said eating,”but I’m not sure and plus, you might want to go familiarize yourself with the surroundings and help with merch since only one person has checked in.”

“Okay but you should come with me so I’m not alone,”I said pleadingly.

“Fine, just let me get dressed so that I am presentable,”he said.

“Okay,”I chirped. As he walked into the back room I grabbed a post-it and wrote everyone a note letting them know me and DJ were going to go and walk the venue.

He came out pulling on a plaid shirt over his grey wife-beater. As we walked out he grabbed his hat that’s basically like part of him.

“So should we head to the stage first before we head to merch?”I asked.

“Ya,”DJ said,”that’s seems like the better idea.”

I nodded,”So how has everything been in Ashbaland?”

“It’s fantastic, how’s everything in your little world,”he asked.

“It’s awesome,”I said,”but I feel like something big is bound to happen.”

“Well maybe something might,”he said.

“Ya,”I said. We walked for a while till we got to the stage. The band before us was Hey Monday and they were setting up and getting everything ready. We waved to them and they waved back quickly moving in to sound check.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~FFWD A FEW HOURS~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I stood clutching my microphone in my hands and bouncing from foot to foot. As soon as Faye, Caleb and Uri ran out I waited a second and ran out to. I ran to center stage and shouted,”How are you doing today Long Beach!” The crowd was loud but not loud enough so I screamed again,”I said how are you doing today Long Beach!”the roar of the crowd was deafening,”well we’re The Fallen!”

We soon started into our first song:

Take me, I'm alive
Never was a girl with a wicked mind
But everything looks better
When the sun goes down

I had everything
Opportunities for eternity
And I could belong to the night

Your eyes, your eyes
I can see in your eyes, your eyes

You make me wanna die
I'll never be good enough
You make me wanna die
And everything you love
Will burn up in the light

And every time
I look inside your eyes
You make me wanna die

Taste me, drink my soul
Show me all the things
That I shouldn't know
And there's a blue moon on the rise

I had everything
Opportunities for eternity
And I could belong to the night

Your eyes, your eyes
I can see in your eyes, your eyes
Everything in your eyes, your eyes

You make me wanna die
I'll never be good enough
You make me wanna die
And everything you love
Will burn up in the light

And every time
I look inside your eyes
(Burning in the light)
Make me wanna die

I'll die for you, my love, my love
I'll lie for you, my love, my love
(Make me wanna die)

I'll steal for you, my love, my love
(You make me wanna die)
I'll die for you, my love, my love
We'll burn up in the light

Every time I look inside your eyes
I'm burning in the light
I look inside your eyes
I'm burning in the light
I look inside your eyes
You make me wanna die

We played a few more songs. “So Long Beach since we’re to all of this, hell even new to playing live and we’re happy to be here and that we have atleast a decent size crowd,” the crowd shouted back,”and I see we have a few haters,”I said as I saw a group of people in the back flipping us off.

Faye laughed and said,”Wow what immature assholes, oh pardon my language, but I mean who would waste their time to flip us off for doing absolutely nothing.”

“You know what, they can do whatever they want,”I said,”cause it ain’t hurting us, you’re just adding more fuel to our fire.” We finished up our set and ran off the stage.

“God I have to change,” Uri exclaimed as he ran off the stage peeling of his shirt.

“Hurry up,”I shouted,”everyone has to change and meet and greet is in like 15 minutes.”

He shouted back okay.

*Meet & Greet*

“Time to meet and greet all of my adoring fans!”I shouted as I stepped into the tent thingy.

“You have so much issues,”Faye said.

“I know,”I said,”but why do people keep telling me that?”

“Just making sure you know,”Nikki said stepping into the tent.

“You finally made it,”I said.

“Hey pregnancy slows you down,”she said.

“Don’t worry I’ll still love you when you’re all pudgy and stuff,”I said.

“Gee, thanks Vee,”she said,”love you too, you ass hole.”

“Awe but I’m your asshole,”I said.

“And I just can’t seem to rid myself of you,”she said.

“Yeah yeah, sit your pregnant ass down cause the signing is about to start,”I said as we all took our seats behind the table.

Plenty people said they ‘loved us’, ‘loved how we sounded’, said we ‘were awesome’. Half way through out the meet and greet DJ and Nikki walked in. Surprisingly only a few people recognized them.

DJ leaned forward and whisper asked me,”So are you gonna be at our show?”

“Of course,”I whispered back.

“Well we go on in like an hour,”he said.

“Don’t worry I’ll be there,”I said.

He asked,”Do you know where the stage is?”

“Yes,”I said,”don’t worry I got this.” With that I leaned forward and started signing stuff again. DJ and Nikki soon left.

We were soon done and I took a walk since I had a half an hour left. I decided to stop at the bus and grab a hat and my favorite pair of sunglasses. I walked around the venue when I was soon picked up.

“Fuck!,”I yelled,”Put Me The Hell Down Whoever The Fuck You Are!!!”

“Ouch,”the voice said,”I thought you would’ve remembered me.”
♠ ♠ ♠

Song credit goes to: The Pretty Reckless

Don't really like the band name, any suggestions (as long as they aren't stupid) I will take into consideration and if I do use it I will credit you.

So I was gonna update last night, like for reals, but I went bowling instead. I did horrible cause I decided to bowl left-handed and it turns out that didn't work out. Then on the way back from the bowling alley we hit a dear. Yesterday was so unlucky for me.... Shit seems to keep happening to me, but enough about me life haha.

So I'm gonna post the wedding chapter thingy in a journal soon, so if you want to read it I shall post it. So ya..... Comment what you liked, disliked and what I could've done better.

The Wall of fame/love:
Alexandrias Nitemare

Peace, Love, and Music!

PS:Don't forget to subscribe