Frank on a Leash


(Meh. Someone make me a better banner? This one doesn't fit the layout. *pouts*)

Okay, this all started from a weird dream I had about two nights ago. It is a Frikey (Frank Iero and Mikey Way) where Mikey is the new goth kid and Frank is...Frank. They're in school, and most people seem to hate Bob in my story. Go figure, because I love Bob.

Goth-ness, gay-ness, and leashes ensue.

This is not one of those stories that has sex every chapter. (though those are fun)
And it kind of has long chapters, as well. And over-dramatic use of metaphors and ice cream....and Oreos. And it has dumb chapter titles. No, scratch that, amazing chapter titles, and I have recently made a game out of trying to remember where the h-e-double hockey sticks I got them from.

I own every character in this, especially Mikey. Sue me. They will break me out of jail.

I have weird dreams. That's really all that prompted me to write this. It's my first attempt at 3rd POV, so be nice. And I like comments, just so you know....It helps me to write.

Disclaimer: I dis-claim this. It's not even about MCR. It's just two boys who happened to be named Michael Way and Frank Iero. It's just a Quinncidence.