Frank on a Leash

Chapter 13: Frank...on a leash.

It only takes a sentence to completely change two people.

"You know, most goth couples like this to spice up their relationship, if that's what you're into..."

The clerk at the counter held up an item made up of leather and chains. Frank's eyes grew wide as he realised just what it was. Mikey's mind was still reeling over the fact that they'd been mistaken for a couple. He didn't know whether to be offended or...what. Really, he just thought it was odd that anyone could think that Mikey was good enough for Frank, since Frank was such an obvious beauty that he needed someone gorgeous--and probably of a different gender--to be with. But as Mikey turned his attention away from the rack of spiked belts he was searching through to look at whatever the clerk was holding, he let out a little cough. What the hell did this guy think they did?

"" Frank tilted his head to the side and loosened his grip on Mikey's arm. Perhaps that act of affection made people think they were a couple. They'd walked into the store, Frank latched onto Mikey's arm and talking animatedly about robot dragons with electricity breath. Even Mikey had offered a few words to this conversation that he actually seemed to enjoy. Mostly, though, he was content to listen to Frank's wild ramblings about whatever happened to pop into his mind and walk with an arm wrapped round his younger friend's shoulders. By now the touching was just for comfort, just to remind him constantly that Frank was still there. It was nice to have that luxury of knowing he had a friend who wanted to be around him.

Frank was a bit hesitant with his next few words. He didn't want to completely freak Mikey out and lose him, and his next statement threatened to do just that. He was tempted to just ignore the clerk like Mikey seemed to want to do, what with the way he was looking down at the floor in the shy way that he does when he prefers not to speak. That simple act of shyness and uncomfortable twitching did something to Frank. It was terribly endearing how Mikey was so awkward at times, how everything--down to the way he walked--belied his secret discomfort in his own skin. But it was also that very thing that broke Frank's heart, to see his friend hate himself. So Frank swallowed his apprehension and the words left his mouth somehow. He'd think, after all the blabbering that he did on a regular basis, that no words could get caught in his throat, but this was a very....different situation.

"Mikey, I think we should buy it," Frank said, grinning mischievously even though the smile glued on his lips was fake. He felt Mikey tense up beside him but didn't look up to check. He'd lose his nerve and become embarrassed if he had to see the look on Mikey's face, which he knew would be shocked. But what else did he expect? Why did they need a leash? Mikey didn't strike him as one to have hot and kinky boy sex.

Omigod, omigod, omigod, was the repetition coursing through Mikey's head, repeating itself over and over again and driving him crazy. What was Frank implying? Is he serious? No, this is going to be a joke. He'd say fine, and Frank would crack up and exclaim that he was just kidding, and why the hell would they want something like that! He was pretty sure both of them were straight. They sure as fuck weren't a couple, he knew that. Even if he did have that nagging voice in the back of his head reminding him of how fast his heart raced at the smallest sight of Frank's hips, and fuck, even his shoulders were alluring. It didn't matter if he wanted to run his hands over Frank's perfect body, he didn't want to fuck him. And certainly not when one of them was wearing a leash. That, for sure, would taint Frank's purity where noting else could. The make up, the clothes, not even being in a...well, whatever this place was, possibly a sex shop, took Frank's sweet innocence from him, but that certainly would. And Mikey wasn't up for that.

But here he was, being forced up to the counter by Frank's gentle pushes, toward the item he didn't even want to think about. Now that he was actually turned that way, he noticed that behind the clerk's counter, there was all sorts of painful-looking toys that were...not intended for good purposes. A metal pear caught his eye amongst all the other things and he started squirming in Frank's grasp until he reassured him.

"Don't worry, it's just to freak him out," Frank whispered softly into his ear. He hoped that helped Mikey out, because it was a lie at first. He didn't know why exactly he wanted the leash now, after seeing how timid Mikey got around it, but it only fueled his want even more.

After knowing that it was just a joke he was in on as well, Mikey warmed to the idea. Really, he just liked being part of something. It was like he was accepted on some basis as a human being. He finally got to be in on some stupid joke, finally wasn't the subject of one. He'd heard enough about himself, been called too many stupid names that only immature little boys come up with, like fuck-face, shit-face, or some other nasty noun followed by -face that didn't make any sense.

Before he could comprehend it all, Frank had the leash in his hands, running a finger across the leather collar tentatively. He traced the little square spikes all around, his smile getting wider. He wanted to feel the collar around his neck, the cool leather against his skin. He wanted even more for Mikey to be on the other end of the chains with the handle, leading him round the town, being completely in control for once. Frank knew he'd probably shy away from the idea, but really, he needed this. Mikey never takes initiative, he always just follows Frank around, providing input only when asked. But perhaps this little experiment will help him with his anti-social ways. Maybe if he is thrust into the spot of leader, he'll become more comfortable with himself and stop acting so robotic.


"I don't know about this, Frank..." Mikey fretfully picked at the handle held between his fingers. This was really too much for him to handle. There is no way he'll be able to lead Frank around like some fucking dog on a leash, he was too afraid. What if he pulled too hard and choked Frank? Or, what if the collar gets stuck around his neck and he has to go through life like that? Geez, Frank knew he wouldn't be able to do this, why did he even consider it?

"Nah, it'll be fine, Mikey. All you have to do is hold that chain and walk. I'll be right beside you," Frank reassured the visibly nervous Mikey. He squeezed his arm and smiled, hoping the act would reassure him. "Just think of all the weird looks we'll get! It shall be epic. Now, help me with this." Frank handed Mikey the collar and turned around so he could put it on. This was the first test, to see if Mikey has the nerves to actually put a collar on Frank.

Mikey took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a moment. He needed to gather his thoughts. This was terrifying for him. It made his stomach knot up into some weird-ass pattern and his heart to pound so hard he was afraid it'd jump straight up his esophagus and land on the sidewalk in a pretty vibrant red splatter, still pumping out the battery acid that now filled his veins, and staining the concrete.

With his eyes still closed, he ran a thumb along the edge of the collar and imagined the warm skin that this would soon be around. Frank's neck remained sans makeup, and was still that lovely olive shade that Mikey adored. Oh, god, he couldn't do it. If even Frank's shoulders made Mikey weak, he shuddered to think what touching his neck--his throat, the very passageway that guides air to his heart and keeps Frank living, keeps him with Mikey--would do.

He opened his eyes and immediately glanced over to the front of the store that they'd just been in. Chains 'n things. No shit, that's really what it was called. And it was a variable playground of chains, leather, and studs. He should have known better than to go in. It had the very foreboding 'step inside and get sucked into the depths of hell' feel to it.

He tore his eyes away from the sign hanging over the door and looked at Frank. Frank had stood there patiently, knowing that this was a big thing for Mikey to do. He wasn't that fond of touching people if he really didn't have to. Frank was anxious himself.. The way Mikey touched him was indescribable. It was so delicate, almost fearful, and rare. It sent shivers down his spine. He gasped when the cool leather encased his throat, Mikey's fingertips brushing lightly at the nape of his neck as he went to work lacing up the collar. Why it didn't just snap into place like a dog collar, he didn't know. Maybe it was designed so someone other than the wearer had to put it on, just to add to the intimacy of the act. But it was a sick intimacy, wasn't it? Just a sweet little moment of one lover putting the other in a collar before they fuck. *cough*

Mikey had to brush away a little of Frank's hair to gain access to his neck. As he threaded the stings through the metal holes in the collar, he let himself 'accidentally' make skin contact. Yes, of course it was all accidental. Why would he voluntarily do it when every touch from Frank seared his skin and fogged up his mind? No, he did not like it, thank you very much! He didn't enjoy feeling powerless, not in this way, not in control of his mind. His mind--his intelligence--was all he'd ever had. He'd always been in control, thought for himself, but now that damn lump of bloody mess nestled inside his chest was thinking for him.

Finally--despite several failed attempts due to his shaking hands--Mikey successfully secured the collar around Frank's neck and stepped back.

"There you go, Frank," he said, breathing a sigh of relief and loss. Now that he was faced with the loss of physical contact, he wondered if it was worth turning to mush with the consistency of play-doh to be able to touch his pretty skin like a normal person could. *sigh* Oh, how he wanted to be able to be normal right now. But he was balancing precariously on the edge of a panic attack from the hurricane of emotions that had ripped through his mind today. Just today alone, mind you! Yes, he had anticipated that Frank staying over at his house would be...quite an experience, but he didn't expect this onslaught of adoration pouring out of every crevice in his body, making him think differently of his only friend in a way that could possibly be destructive.

Frank turned back around to face Mikey, slightly saddened by the look of distress written plainly across his face. Frank knew that face. Mikey would mash his bottom and top lips together,making them look even more non-existent than they already did with all that powder he covers them up with, and his dark bushy eyebrows would disappear behind the rim of his glasses. His left hand was playing at the crease of his elbow on his right arm, lightly pinching the skin between his forefingers then releasing it. Frank wanted to teach out and still his hand, worrying that the little pinches hurt. But he realised that he was just being overprotective. So, instead, he held out the handle of the leash to Mikey. He took it hesitantly, and began to walk. Frank fell in step beside him and began racking his brain for any topic that would excite Mikey. After several long minutes filled with nothing but the sounds of their shoes scuffing on the floor and the occasional gasp from passers by, he popped off with this.

"Mmmm...Mikey? Do you play any instruments?"

"Nah. But I've always wanted to be in a band. I think being up on stage would be the best feeling in the world, to have people actually see you and care that you exist."

"Mikey," Frank said softly, moving his hand down to Mikey's free hand. "Do you still feel like no one cares? Because if you do, then obviously I'm not doing a good enough job of being your friend." He wanted to cuddle into Mikey's side like he would with Bob. He wanted to be able to stand on tip toe and kiss Mikey's cheek to make his point, that he was a huge part of Frank's life and he adored him. It hurt when he said shit like that, about how he doesn't exist to the world, when Frank tries so hard to make him feel important. All of is efforts seem to be going to waste, and it was so fucking frustrating. It made him want to punch a wall or kick a person's ass or something.

Mikey noticed Frank's slight agitation at his words. So, against his better judgment (which was telling him to keep his fucking hands to himself), he slid his free hand out of Frank's and put it instead around his waist. Frank responded by slowly sliding his arms around Mikey's waist and leaning his head on his shoulder so they were walking and hugging all at once.

"Frank, you're a really good friend. You're my only friend, so I can't draw from experience, but you..." Mikey couldn't finish. What did he want to say? He was lost for words.

"I care, Mikey. That's all. And," Frank removed his face from where it had been pressed against Mikey's arm to stare at his face. "I don't like it when you are sad. Don't be sad."

"But I can't help it! I always feel so alone, even at school. I mean, I get to see you during 5th and lunch, but that's all, and no one else will talk to me because they're afraid I'll...mutilate them with the shards from my glasses! Ugh! Even at me last school people wouldn't talk to me! ...Did you know that you're the only friend I've ever had in my life? That's how pathetic I am, Frank." The emotion slowly ebbed out of his voice, leaving it flat and heartbroken by his years of tragedy that he was all of a sudden forced to revisit in his mind. *Ah, the angst brought on by a bad high school experience!*

"You're not pathetic," Frank insisted. "You're misunderstood. And I know that if people would just pull their heads out of their asses and had an actual conversation with you, they'll love you." But they'll have to go through me first, he thought. Oh great, he's becoming a jealous boyfriend with someone who definitely doesn't want him as a boyfriend.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the type of pear I was talking about.