Frank on a Leash

Chapter 15: Can't keep my eyes off of you

Frank slowly put Mikey's glasses back on his face. He was starting to feel drowsy again, even though Mikey's words had hurt him…again. Why can't he make Mikey happy? He sighed, knowing it would be impossible for him to be happy while Mikey was depressed. *insert sarcastic laugh* Oh the joys of one-sided love!

…was love too strong of a term for what he felt? It's not like he's ever been in a relationship where he'd actually been in love. He was one to throw the term around loosely. It was just words. What right do they have to hurt people? And that 's all they did, really. It hurt when Bob said it. It hurt that Frank couldn't say it to Mikey. But he would NEVER say it to Mikey, not even if by some chance of fate Mikey likes him, because he's used the term so loosely, so many un-loved people had heard it from him, that it would be meaningless to say it to Mikey. He was too good to hear Frank spew shit about his feelings, even if he did love Mikey. And he did love Mikey. He decided, right there, that he loved Mikey.

Mikey looked down at Frank. He was starting to get worried. Frank had been staring off into space blankly for nearly two minutes, and Mikey couldn't look away. What is he so melancholy about? Mikey didn't like this. Frank is the only reason Mikey is ever happy, and he's supposed to always be happy.

Isn't he?

Because if the happiness of this friendship rests on his skinny little shoulders…well, they were going to be two morbid bitches. But he'll try anyway, for Frank's sake. He put a hand on Frank's arm.

"What's wrong, Frankie?"

"Frankie?" Frank giggled. "Aw, I like that."

It was what Bob called him.

Hm, was this the second test? The first being the leash, of course, but now a nickname? Ah, Frank loves it. No, strike that. He adored it, since love didn't mean anything. He stood up and threw his arms around Mikey.

"I'm just tired, that's all Mikey. I might just fall asleep in the tub. Unless you would like to give me a piggy-back ride to your room so I can sleep in a bed…hint hint…" He added a playful poke to Mikey's ribs as he said this. Mikey smiled and turned around so Frank could hop on his back. He wound his arms around Mikey and rested his chin on his shoulder as he was carried back to the room. When they reached the bed, Frank suddenly found himself upside down. He let out a high-pitched girlish squeak and then grunted as he hit the bed. Mikey smirked down at his dazed friend.

"That," he stated, "was for tackling me at Sonic."

"Ah, but that was your fault, Mikey! You laughed at me and my poor delicate psyche couldn't handle that, so I had to retaliate!" Frank couldn't keep from grinning. He liked the playful Mikey.

"And did losing help your fragile little psyche?" Mikey asked. He reached down to run a hand affectionately through Frank's bangs without realizing what he was doing. Frank closed his eyes and leaned into the comfortable caress.

"Ah, shuddup. You cheated. Pft, cheater," Frank grumbled. He crawled further up the bed so his head was reclining against the soft black pillows. Mikey followed him to the top of the bed, sinking under the covers beside Frank. But he wasn't done talking, which was highly unusual for him. He never wanted to talk. He was just thrust into the position of having to talk. But right now, while he and Frank were in the sanctity of his room and playing around, acting like the teenage boys that they are, he wanted to strike up a conversation.

"You're the cheater, Frank. You jumped me without any warning. See, I'm the victim."

Frank giggled and scooted a little closer to Mikey. He really wanted to cuddle, but would that be pushing his limits? Mikey was being a little touchy, so maybe he could get away with it. Mm, he'll just ease into it.

"Pft, you're a foot taller than me! You have a natural advantage! And I'm cute, so no one will think I'm capable of jumping you. You look SCARY with all that makeup," Frank said sarcastically. He poked Mikey on the tip of his nose, evoking a little snarl from Mikey and getting his hand batted away.

"If I'm scary, why do you hang out with me?" Mikey asked smartly. He was actually hoping to annoy Frank for once. He just wanted a little playful banter like any normal person would enjoy. It was nice spending time with Frank like this.

"Because I like scary things. They're very intriguing, y'know? I like to see scary things, because there's a conflict in them," Frank said. "See, I think that if you look close enough, you can find beauty in anything. Not simply the things that everyone thinks are beautiful, or are classified as having great beauty. Even scary things have beauty. Often, it's a conflict of tastes and senses, having horror and beauty all rolled into one." Not like Mikey, though. He was simply gorgeous, he didn't have that horrible undertone about him. He held a different fascination for Frank, something not readily known yet. All Frank knew--all he wanted and needed to know--was that Mikey is simply perfect. He was completely content to just live in the now, comfortable and in love and close to his adored one, joking around and near-cuddling.

A light film of dullness to the world covered him, lulling him into a warm and fuzzy state of being. He yawned, and was entirely ready to drift off, but Mikey stopped him.

"Frank, you're still wearing the corset…" Mikey mumbled. He was really only worried that it would cause discomfort for Frank while he tried to sleep. The corset was pretty tight, and Frank had complained about it earlier, exclaiming that it was going to cut off his circulation and cause him to lose his legs.

Mikey liked the corset on Frank, though. It was so…attractive on him. It cinched right around his narrow little waist, then flared out a bit, creating wondrous curves on a normally boy-ish frame. He wanted to reach out and trace the dipped line that Frank's body made laid out like that, but when has Mikey ever done anything like that when he wanted to?

Frank groaned and lifted himself up off the bed. Without warning, he peeled both the corset and tanktop off, offering Mikey an overwhelming view of the lovely hips he so admired, as well as the rest of his pretty olive-coloured body. Mikey blushed and looked down quickly, trying to ignore the urge to twist his head around and gawk all he wanted to at the beautiful boy. Geez, he wanted to look so bad, but his brain would surely explode if he did. The image was already burned in his mind, making him want to bang his head up against the wall until it just floats away.

"Do you sleep fully dressed?" Frank asked. He was about to pull his pants off so he would be left in only his boxers, but he didn't want to be half-naked while Mikey is fully clothed. That would be a little awkward, even for him.

"No. Usually I sleep in boxers and a tanktop, but…" Mikey trailed off, shrugging. There was a lot behind that shrug. It said, 'but my body is no where near as perfect as you and I can't bare for you to see my ugliness'.

"Well, change so I don't feel like such an exhibitionist," Frank said, unbuttoning his jeans.

Mikey wanted to protest, but he found himself going through the act of changing. He slipped his tight black T-shirt off (DANZIG, with a horned skull) off and replaced it with the gray tanktop he always wore to bed. Frank stared, he outright gawked when Mikey wasn't looking. How could he pass up this opportunity?

That's right, he couldn't.

Of course, he only saw Mikey's back since he was turned around out of modesty, but it was still nice. Frank hurried into bed and crawled under the covers a split second before Mikey turned around and would have caught him staring. Mikey got into bed beside Frank, sinking deep into the cozy little dip in the bed. As he began sorting out the covers around himself, he heard Frank gasp.

"Shit! Mikey!" His hand flew to Mikey's shoulder, over the sore bruise Bob had left.

Fuck, how did Mikey forget about them? Why didn't he just look down, realize Frank would worry, and find a T-shirt to wear?

...because he wanted Frank to worry. He wanted Frank to make a fuss over him again, to get madder at Bob so he wouldn't leave. He wanted to feel someone care. What a selfish asshole.

"Does it still hurt?" Frank asked softly. He let his fingers trail over the blue and yellow patch lightly. Mikey put his hand over Frank's and moved it away.

"No, don't worry, Frank. It's fine. It just looks bad," he answered, ignoring the throbbing pain. No, he didn't want to worry Frank. Forget what he said before. He felt cared about. Frank slipped his arm around Mikey's waist and they both fell asleep like that. Skin touching skin, completely comfortable in each other's arms.


Bob was breaking down without Frank. Everyone around him could see it. He was still in love, it still hurt just as bad after two weeks. He regretted beating up Mikey, he really did. And not just because it made Frank hate him. Mikey didn't deserve it. It wasn't his fault that Frank liked him, as much as Bob wanted to blame him. It was so hard to blame yourself for losing someone you love, it was almost as bad as the initial heartbreak. Because this was a continuous ache deep inside his head, inside his chest that wouldn't let him be. It called out to him, blamed him, reminded him everyday that he was not loved. He wanted to mutilate and destroy that voice in the most vicious way possible.

He saw them--Frank and Mikey--walking in the halls side-by-side. Not even talking. Neither of them looked happy. Frank seemed to have lost his effervescent infectious joy that Bob loved. Now THAT, he can blame on Mikey. Being around a goth all the time had to suck the light out of life.

They parted, Mikey going down the senior hallway and Frank down the junior. Mikey went to his locker, fully aware that Bob was staring sat him. Bob went to stand behind Mikey. Mikey braced himself to be shoved/pushed/assaulted like he'd come to expect from Bob.

"Hey, Mikey," Bob started. "I'm sorry."

Mikey spun around quickly, eyebrows raised in belief. "What?"

Bob sighed and ran a hand fretfully through his hair. Geez, wasn't this already excruciating enough?

"I. Am. Sorry. I shouldn't have started those fights," he said. He really wasn't expecting to be forgiven. He really was merciless in the fight. But, to his shock and surprise, Mikey smiled.

"Okay, I forgive you, Bob."

"Really? Just like that?" When Mikey nodded, he went on. "Good. Now…you broke Frank!! Why isn't he happy?" he demanded, putting his hand on his hip in an overly feminine gesture. But then again, fighting for the boy he's in love with could be deemed feminine as well.

Mikey floundered for an answer. He noticed Frank's lack of…Frank-ness, but how could he know why? "I…um…I don't know…" Mikey said timidly. He scratched nervously at his arm. What was he supposed to say? Hell, he wishes he knew what was wrong with Frank.

Bob frowned. "Well, find out. I don't want him to be sad, alright? I would ask, but he hates me. So it's up to you," Bob poked Mikey in the chest, "to fix him. And I am assuming that you can do that." He leaned against the lockers and stared Mikey down for a moment, placing silent threats between them.

Mikey nodded, sighing. He hated it when Bob is right. But they both want what's best for Frank, so…they have to end their fight.

Bob played at the bottom of his shirt nervously. "What are you to Frank, anyway?" he blurted out. "Are you, like, going out?" Please say no, he thought. It's very possible that he'll savagely rip Mikey limb from limb if he says yes.

Mikey was taken back by the question. HELL NO, they weren't dating. He would never date Frank! Not from lack of desire to--he was starting to believe that he liked Frank in that way--but e just wouldn't. He was happier than he's ever been just being friends with Frank, and dating would just get in the way of things, like it always did. So no. Never. Not in a million years. Not when hell freezes over (because he believed that would happen soon after Bob's apology).

"No, I'm not gay."

Bob sighed out of relief. Frank didn't have a boyfriend. Thank god. Mikey wasn't gay. He wasn’t going to steal Frank. He had nothing to worry about in the first fucking place! Dammit, he made Frank hate him for no reason!
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Wow...when I asked for comments, you guys stepped up. I got thirteen comments! Coolio!
So, I want to thank all of my readers and commenters, especially if you like the story. Or if you're just reading out of boredom, whatever.