Frank on a Leash

Chapter 8: Bad memories

Mikey still had that sense of unease each time he reached his locker, not only because of Bob but also because of his experiences at his old school. His nose had been broken on the edge of one of those metal safeguards. He could still remember the shame he felt as he dropped to the floor, hand held up to his nose to stifle the blood flowing freely down his lips, his chin, pooling on the blue shirt he'd been forced to throw away because the stains, those fucking maroon splotches that he couldn't remove no matter how many times he washed the shirt. He'd sunk down, crying, screaming for them to stop, but the outburst only excited them, the group of boys who hated him just because they needed someone to beat up, someone too weak to fight back so they could look tough in front of their girlfriends.

Really, Mikey didn't see how that could make anyone look tough. Oooh, you can beat up the ninety-pound nerd with glasses, you're so goddamn st-rawng! Especially when it's three on one! It was just fucking mindless violence, just doing it because they can. That's why Bob didn't bother him. Bob hated him for an actual reason, unknown to Mikey, but there was a purpose! Finally, there was some purpose to this otherwise chaotic life he was forced to exist in! Even if it had to come in the form of hate that he did nothing to provoke.

Bob was glaring at Mikey right now, actually, from his own locker a few feet away. It was his new favorite past time. Ray was trying desperately to draw his attention away, dreading another fight between the two. Honestly, Ray kind of liked Mikey. They had made light conversation last period in math, and Ray decided the goth kid was very pleasant once you get him started on comic books or video games, or any normal dorky route similar to those. Plus, he was damn bright and finished the work quickly, and also had no qualms about letting Ray copy. He was okay.

"Oh, Bob, come on! Forget about him, alright? You made up with Frank, everyone's friends again, so drop it. He's not a bad guy." Ray said, thinking it would help matters. But the fact that Ray didn't hate Mikey too just pissed Bob off further. First he takes Frankie, now Ray? Nuh-uh, motherfucker. He slammed his locker closed with enough force to jar the lockers on either side of his. Mikey looked up, slightly startled by the loud noise, and saw Bob. Of course it would be him. This time, he wanted to know what his problem was.

Mikey closed his own locker and walked over to the seething Bob, ignoring Ray's sweeping hand gestures telling him silently to go away. He stood in front of Bob defiantly, one hand placed on his hip and the other raised to push his glasses up. "Bob, why do you hate me? What did I do to you?" he demanded. He probably looked like a little punk doing it, demanding answers like this. Good.

Bob gave the kid points for being brave. Most guys his size--anorexic--would usually try to avoid people who can kick their ass. "I hate you because you stole Frank." he growled. Before Mikey could comprehend what was happening, a fist collided with his chest, sending him reeling backwards into the nearest locker. the lock dug into his back but only for a moment, because he soon slid down and landed in a heap on the floor, wheezing and out of breath.

Bob's fist was a fucking sledgehammer, and Mikey worried for a moment that one of his ribs were cracked. It wouldn't be the first time. He exhaled slowly and groaned when pain shot through his abdomen. Shit, all of his precautions were meaningless now. He was getting beaten up again, and there was nothing he could do to stop it. He was going to have to go home and tell his parents that it happened again. Oh well.

"Asshole!" he yelled, struggling to get back on his feet. He wasn't resigning to laying in the floor, waiting for it to stop anymore. He leaned his back against the lockers and tried to push himself to his feet with his legs, but his strength left him after another hard punch from Bob, this one landing on his left shoulder and causing him alot more pain than the first.

It was all he could think of to kick out at Bob's legs and send the boy crashing down to lie flat on his back. Bob didn't stay down for long. He was back on his feet in seconds, and started kicking Mikey in the side, hating him more and more by the second. Why won't he give up already? He felt a spark of satisfaction when he made Mikey cry out in pain as his shoe connected with a bone and made a sick crunching noise.

Frank heard a shout from the senior hallway, and even though he wanted to get to lunch badly, his curiosity was too great and he went running off to investigate. Most of the students were already either in the lunchroom or outside, so he didn't have to deal with the usual stampede of people much taller than him. There, at the end of the hall was the cause of all the noise. Bob was kicking Mikey. Frank felt a rush of hate for Bob and went charging down the hall. He tackled Bob to the ground with all the force he had, and thankfully it was enough.

Bob landed on the ground with Frank glaring down at him. "Bob, what the hell?" he demanded, venom dripping from every syllable as he glared down at the boy who hurt Mikey. Bob pushed Frank off of him and got up. He knew there was no way to remedy this. He'd really went too far this time. He didn't even realise how badly Mikey was hurt until he really looked at the kid, laying on his side in a sprawled out mess on the floor, wheezing and shaking.

Frank hurried over to Mikey. He dropped so he could assess the damage. Frank reached out to put a hand on Mikey's cheek lightly. "Mikey..." he whispered.

The boy's eyes fluttered open--he'd closed them previously out of pain--and he slowly sat up. The first thing he noticed was that Frank was hovering over him, looking really worried. The next thing was that he was being pulled into a forceful hug. Frank's arms touched some of his bruises, but he didn't flinch in fear that he would pull away. "Are you okay?" Frank asked, smoothing Mikey's hair down out of sheer need to do something. What he really wanted to do was hold Mikey, to kiss him, to protect him. But he couldn't, not without Mikey pushing him away.

Mikey nodded and laid his head on Frank's shoulder. He felt a sudden wave of nausea and needed something sturdy to cling to. He clutched even tighter to Frank, clutching the fabric of his jacket with both of his hands. "You sure?" came Frank's soft voice in his ear.

His own voice was shaky. "Y-yeah. Don't worry, Frank." He tried to reassure his friend even as a wave of pain settled over him. He trued to stifle his groan against Frank's neck, but it was loud. Frank winced as he heard Mikey in pain.

Bob looked at the two boys cuddled in the floor, saw how concerned Frank was, and for once didn't feel jealous. He felt sick. Bile rose up in his throat as he realised he had hurt Frank just as much as he did Mikey. This is probably the worst thing he could have done. Frank will never forgive him for this. Fuck! If he didn't have such a bad fucking temper...He'd only managed to make up with Frank for one period, and of course he messes up! Oh, and that look Frank was giving him!

"Bob, go away." Frank growled, quickly turning back to Mikey and doing meaningless little things. He smoothed down the boy's hair, straightened his shirt, wiped off a bit of eyeliner that had smudged, then wiped off a spot of blood from his lip where Mikey'd bitten down too hard. Just desperate little touches to try and cover up how upset he really was.

Bob took his cue to leave, wondering on the way whether Ray would follow him. Ray, who'd been present for the whole ordeal, still stood in stunned silence as Bob walked past him, offering him a questioning glance. He didn't know whether to stay or go. He always feels so indecisive choosing between Frank and Bob. He actually wanted to leave, but couldn't tear his eyes away from Frank. Ray had never seen him so worried about someone, so blatantly loving. Frank was normally the one being comforted.

This was probably one of the worst beatings Mikey'd ever been through. Definitely not the worst, but sure as hell one of them. He knew he'd be bruised for years, he might even have to go to the doctor again. But he wasn't all that mad. He tired to fight back, at least, and now he had Frank to take care of him instead of that awful nurse at his old school who'd pretty much given up on him after he showed up four times in one week. And Frank's simple concern was better than all the fucking ice packs and Advil the nurse could give him.

"Are you sure you're okay, Mikey?" Frank asked, worry projecting from his voice. Mikey smiled against his neck and nodded again.

"Yes, Frank, I'm fine. Geez, you're as bad as my mom."

"Well, sorry, but I'm worried." Frank's arms slid away from Mikey's back, and Mikey felt a little jolt of shock. Maybe he said something wrong? Frank was just worried, and he should be flattered. He was flattered, in fact. He loved that Frank, anyone really, but especially him, cared about him. He wanted Frank to keep hugging him and making a fuss over his well being.

Frank's hands slipped up to Mikey's face. Oh, how needy he looked. Finally, Frank had someone to love and take care of, even if the feeling wasn't reciprocated. Much like Bob...never mind. He smiled at Mikey and got one in return. He wanted so badly to lean down and plant small little kisses all over Mikey's face, but knew they weren't that close. This wasn't like Ray or Bob, who he could be cuddly with any time, this is an emotionally starved goth kid in pain. So Frank settled for asking Mikey again if he was okay.

Mikey rolled his eyes and nodded once again. Yes, he was fine and such, now he needed to be held or something. But Frank remained immobile, his eyes flickering over Mikey's face the only movement between the two.

How could Frank put into words this insatiable need to protect Mikey that he felt? Ha, and a good fucking job he's done so far. "I'm sorry Mikey. It's my fault Bob did this." Frank said, running his thumb over Mikey's cheek. He saw the other boy's eyebrows furrow.

"Don't be sorry about it. Having a friend like you makes it all worth it. Besides--" Mikey looked away from Frank's caring gaze. "I've been hurt a lot worse than this. And no one cared back then. No one gave a fuck about me until you came along. So I'm fine with it." He hugged Frank tightly around the waist, and was finally rewarded with Frank's arms slipping down to pull him closer to his chest Frank buried his face in the top of Mikey;s head, feeling his soft black hair and smiling despite the way the boy'd just struck something in his heart by those words.

It shouldn't be like this. Nobody had the right to hurt Mikey, not when Frank knew he'd done nothing to deserve it. He planted a little kiss on the top of Mikey's head, so small he probably didn't even feel it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Once again, I hate making Bob the bad guy. Grrr.
Comments, please??