Status: Well, I'll do my best. :))

Forget- Me- Not

Chapter 2: Forget- Me- Not

The classroom suddenly fell silent.

The noisy group ceased bickering and making jokes. Even Ethan and Erin- or should I say, “E- squared”-stopped fighting over the single chocolate Pocky stick left in the box to stare at the intruders of the room. How about me? I looked up and turned to observe the new guy. He certainly did not look like a full- blooded American to me. Well, I noticed this since

1) his deep set eyes makes him one-third Japanese, and
2) the color of his eyes are light brown- I think it’s chestnut- with some color in it that tells me he is kind of Spanish.

But what makes him American is that his nose is kind of pointed and that his jaw is angular, which makes it very manly. I noted this because Ally told me how her past, er, foreign boyfriends looked like.

Actually, he looked familiar to me. That’s weird, because my senses tell me I know him. I moved in my seat uncomfortably to shrug the thought away. It’s impossible, I have just met him.

Mr. Atkinson cleared his throat, and began, “Morning, class…” We greeted his monotonous tone with only a slight nod. Our teacher glanced--actually; he kind of glared more-- at the new student, and continued, “Meet Tadashi Kawano here.”

"Buenos días, señora. Watashi wa Tadashi desu. It's nice to meet you," he fluently spoke in three languages. He smiled, and girls around me were drooling on their desks already. But he didn't seem to enjoy their attention that much. I guess he didn’t either, because the guys were shooting spears and swords at him. Ooh… creepy.

But I thought.

Tadashi? What kind of name is that? When I first saw him, I thought his name would be something like those cool names from the Japanese cartoons. You know something like, Sasuke… or Ichigo? Ryuuzaki? But Tadashi is his name, just plain Tadashi. Well, never mind, since he is so… attractive.

“His family just came back from Spain yesterday to pursue his studies here about metallurgy…” Tadashi nodded politely. Some girls chirped in amazement. My jaw went ajar, and so did E- squared. “…which is a thing here Ranford Academy has a specialty at.” He concluded.

He took another fleeting look at Tadashi, and told him, “You may take a seat now, Mr. Kawano.” He obeyed, and went to stride his way to the last unoccupied seat beside me. He eyed me for a second, and I wasn’t sure if I saw a glint of smile or a grimace. He looked at me weirdly, like he suddenly remembered something (which is odd).

A group of bubbly cheerleaders couldn’t take their eyes off him. Then they saw me and pouted. I stared at them defiantly to shrug their rancid look at me. Luckily, they did. Good thing Tadashi didn’t notice because he was busy getting something in his bag as he sat down. I pretended to find something down my boots.

When he finally got what he needed--his notebook, he glanced at me, and called, “Hello, there!” I stopped looking for something-that’s-not-really-there, and smiled.

“Oh, hi,” I greeted ruefully, not sure where this conversation would lead to.

He grinned back and offered his hand. I looked at it and took it. I shook his big hand, and then suddenly, he giggled. I took my hand away from his grip, and glared at him. Somehow, something tells me that I’m definitely not going to like this person.

“Why are you laughing, Tadashi?” I inquired innocently. (AND furiously.)

He shot me a look, and joked, “Well, Miss Green Eyed Monster knows my name, but I don’t know hers.” Then he leaned in closer and added sarcastically, “Isn’t giving me your name a part of exchanging greetings?”

He said it so bluntly as if it was the most ordinary thing in the world- which it was, but I couldn't help tearing my gaze away from his wonderful face- that had never occurred to me. I sighed. I am not going to screw my first day and ruin my outfit. I gripped my fist into a ball, and snapped at him, “Fine, Mister Smarty Pants slash Mister Sarcastic. Two words for you: I’m Carrie.” I looked at him fiercely, and hissed, “Satisfied?”

I thought I’ve won already when his mouth went ajar, like he remembered something again, but he was game. He played along and fought back, saying, “Oh so is that how RA students treat their newest classmate?” I didn’t mind and focused my attention to Mr. Atkinson’s lesson-no matter how boring it may be-instead.

Thankfully, Tadashi stopped his driveling, and stared blankly at the blackboard filled with numerous equations. Suddenly, all my wonderful expectations about Tadashi’s handsome physical features were wrecked in havoc by his horrid behavior.

But then again, I remembered that men aren’t to be measured in inches.

Twenty-five minutes have gone past since our bicker. I observed that Tadashi was quiet during those moments. But I also noticed that he answered every problem thrown at him by Mr. Atkinson accurately. Even the most difficult questions given were invariably solved by him! But me! I could only answer two or three Math theorems when Tadashi would seem to not know the answer!

Well, it’s not that I’m jealous, but I could feel that Mr. A has already favored Tadashi.

I’ve been an honor here since my first year, and gave it my all, so that I could get our teacher’s trust-which I did get sporadically. But Tadashi, who’s only been here for a day, got his mark! He only exerted a little effort, and now, he’s already got an instant star on Mr. A’s A-list! ARRGH! But maybe that’s to be expected since I heard he’s studying metallurgy.

And let’s just accept that I’m not as good as he is at Math. That’s it. Period. Not.

I was silently solving the problem Mr. A gave us; when I noticed a crumpled paper lying down on the floor next to my right boot. I stopped for awhile and looked around. I saw Erin take a peek behind her, and caught my eye. Then she winked, and turned back to her work.

I grabbed the wrinkled yellow pad stealthily, and glanced up to look if anyone saw me. I took a fleeting look at Tadashi, and found him inspecting the room and humming quietly. He was done already. He’s too fast! I scowled. But I’ll let my temper pass, he didn’t notice me.

I breathed out a sigh in relief. Calmly, I went back to my work and finished it before reading the letter. Here was what Erin wrote:

Hey, Carrie! I saw you and the new guy talking? How’s he? =)

xoxo Erin

I grumbled and nearly tore the piece of paper. For here she goes again, minding other people’s lives. I swallowed my fury since she’s my friend and all, and then scribbled:

Oh, so you’re talking about me and Mr. Smarty Pants/Mr. Sarcastic talking? Oh well, he’s
adroit and blessed with good looks all right, but his attitude is SOO damn cursed with AUSTERENESS! So, there you have it.

P.S: Stop minding my life, dear friend.

I tossed the memo back to Erin, and waited for her to reply. She caught the paper and read it-I heard her chuckle. Then she started writing on it what seemed to be like a novel to me. I sighed. Listlessly, I turned to Tadashi and found him busy making paper cranes. Without thinking that it was already obvious, I asked, “Origami?”

He gazed at me, and I readied myself for another canny dispute. But instead of being criticized by him again, he gently answered, “Yes,” and offered me one. I took it guiltily, and said, “Thanks.”

Maybe he’s not that cruel as I think he really is.

I saw Erin looking at me, and then pointed with her azure eyes the memo down on the floor. I followed her glance and caught sight of the paper. I obtained the folded note and scanned what it said:

HAHA! LOL! Seriously, Carrie, YOU make me LAUGH! Maybe you LIKE him! After all, you two would look AWESOME together!! Hehe… don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone! Awhile ago, both of you looked like you were having an LQ! Aw, isn’t that just CUTE?!!! Tell me if you've changed your mind, and I’ll help you. Sometimes, Carrie, all you need is a phone and an amazing boyfriend like Ethan.

xoxo Erin =))
P.S: I wouldn’t mind minding YOUR business, Carrie. :P

One MORE and I’ll feel like throwing something at someone particularly with the name of Erin Walters. LQ? Lover’s quarrel? Oh please, the day has just started. If she tries to spread some unruly rumors, I’ll definitely get back at her. So hastily, I wrote:

Oh please, Erin. Stop that “matchmaking” poppycock of yours! I DO NOT LIKE HIM! If you still want to talk more nonsense, just call me later.


I tossed the last note I’ll ever give to Erin today furtively before anyone would think we’re passing notes and cheating. Luckily, she caught it on time just as Mr. Atkinson looked up from his desk, and announced that we were dismissed. I was grateful that Math was over, so I grabbed my things and hurried out to the door. I just want to break away from Tadashi’s annoying attitude and Erin’s pointless spars.

I hesitated, and stopped to hide behind on one of the lockers. I peeked back, and found the rest of the class already gone. Only Tadashi was left behind, talking to somebody I can’t see because of his very tall figure. I tried straining my boots up a bit to see who it is, but Tadashi’s broad shoulders prevented me from doing so. I was about give up when Tadashi turned aside, giving me a glance of who he was talking to: Mrs. Schmidt, our beloved vice- principal.

What was his business with her? Hmm… papers?

She was saying something as she handed some papers to Tadashi, but he shook his head and refused to take it. Mrs. Schmidt’s full red glossed lips pouted, and she looked at him from her black rimmed glasses intently. I moved a little closer to them from my hiding spot while hiding over my English book, pretending to be reading.

“Very well then,” I heard Mrs. S say, “Mr. Kawano.” She crossed her arms over her chest, and took the papers she was handing him away. “But you shall need assistance,” she affirmed. Tadashi nodded politely, and got ready to leave. I was about to turn back, and go to my next class when a red French-manicured hand reached over my shoulder, and stopped me from moving.

“Miss Smith?” the commanding voice of Mrs. S boomed. I heaved up a sigh, and put on my all too cheery-smiley face as I turned to her. She removed her hand, and grinned. “May I have your assistance?” “Yes, ma’am, what may I be of help?” I replied. She thanked me, and I readied myself for her order. Sometimes, an honor student’s reputation and constancy is determined by Mrs. Schmidt herself.

So, here I am waiting, and taking a chance.

Tadashi went beside her, and smiled slyly. His hands were in his pockets, and he stared at me, amused. I felt blood rush to my cheeks from embarrassment. Our vice principal didn’t seem to notice this, so she carried on, “I want you to guide Mister Kawano, and show him the way around here at Ranford Academy, okay?” Mrs. Schmidt doesn’t take no for an answer, so I answered “Yes” humbly.

She beamed at me, and started to turn her flamboyant tippy-toppy heels away from us. I felt a knot in my stomach tighten. I don’t understand Mrs. S. One minute she’s treacherous. The next minute she’s all these hippy-smiley vice-principal. She’s very unpredictable. My knees were trembling already when Mrs. Schmidt stopped abruptly and turned around to say something she’s forgotten.

What she has forgotten to say made my blood boil, and me mentally screaming and pleading, “Oh no, Mrs. Schmidt. You have got to be kidding me. I cannot be with all of the same classes as him! There has got to be some mistake!"

But of course, that didn’t happen, because what she says is what she says, and that is the law around here (aside from the principal, Mr. Ranford, who is the founder and owner of the academy). See? What a switch of modes.

So instead of bursting, I just said “okay” weakly. With that, her stiletto heels pattered away ruinously, leaving me and Tadashi alone. A million thoughts came to my head.

My very life is ruined. Today, numerous unexpected unfortunate events have happened. First, I fell from my bed for the umpteenth time. I still don’t know why I’m having those dreams! AND I still can’t freaking identify who the guy in my dream was!

Why is this happening to me?

Then, disaster struck Japan, and my parents are there. Good thing they survived and are still breathing. Next, I have to be Tadashi’s guide. But the biggest problem is that I have all of the same classes as him! Can’t he just leave me alone? Oh, and later, I’m sure E-squared, especially Erin, would rat on and on to me about him! Ugh!

Can’t I have a normal life? Without them bugging me, I mean.

I was still thinking a billion other things, when Tadashi tapped me on the shoulder, and interrupted my thoughts. “Huh?” I said, dazed. I looked at him, and met his eyes, his gorgeous chestnut brown eyes. The warmth of fallen leaves seemed to reflect in his eyes, and I could almost see a cozy bench on top of a hazy hill of green. Suddenly, something in me flashed back.

Like a distant memory.

The sun was high, and the temperature was not going lower. It was too hot outside these days. I wiped the beads of sweat on my forehead away. It was already three in the afternoon. School has just started again, but classes in our school were dismissed early today. Our Science teacher said it had something to do with the weather. I agreed. It was cold in the morning, and by midday, it was hot. It’s humid, I guess.

I frowned. It was too bad I didn’t get to see my favorite fifth grade art teacher, Ms. Grace. AND I also missed that one class I shared with my best friend.

I felt saddened by the thought. My day was not complete without him making me smile, or me getting mad at him for his silly jokes. A soda can stopped me on the way, and I tossed it with my favorite mauve suede boots. The can rolled on and on straight ahead until it stopped by the bottom of a tree.

I went to it to observe it.

Jealousy came over to me. I envied the tree, which was a Maple; because it seemed to me that it had lived and grew on that spot forever. I touched its trunk, and felt the old lines of the bark rough against my skin. It was also warm, and I felt its memories rush through me.
The clock ticked and reversed, showing me the story of the beautiful Maple. I leaned my face closer to the tree to grasp more, and it showed me the sentiments of its memory like a cassette rolling its film.

People passed by this lonely creation, and for a moment, sadness sank in my heart. I closed my eyes, and a little stream from my eyes flowed and poured out. I opened my eyes to wash my tears away. This time, I saw its branches drooping low and heavy with pain.

It’s as if the Maple tree was weeping.

I was about to cry again when someone called my name. I gazed back, and found my best friend grinning at me. “Carrie!” he cried again, waving as he ran to me. I waved back, but stayed. My feet were rooted to the spot I’ve been standing on as I waited for him.
When he finally reached me, I heard him grasp for breath as he stopped and bended on his knees. I patted him on the head, and told him, “You didn’t need to run. I was just here observing the tree.”

He looked up at me from his thick glasses as he recovered himself. He drew in a breath, and stared at me. His warm brown eyes mirrored spring season and the color of the dancing leaves of the tree. For minutes, I was locked in his gaze. A gentle breeze came by, and swept the scattered leaves off our way.

I couldn’t look away from his intent look at me, so we just stayed there motionless under the desolate Maple tree. His eyes were telling me something, but I can’t tell for sure what it is. Though honestly, I can see warmth and respect in his eyes.

“Carrie…” he started saying. I interrupted him, and said, “Yes?”

“I want to give you something.”

“What is it?”

He took something from his pocket, a tissue, and opened it. A small blue flower revealed itself. I stared at it dumbly, and then realized it was my favorite flower.

“Wow! A Forget-Me-Not! That’s my favorite!”

He nodded, and gave it to me. I took it shamefully, and said thanks. He said welcome with a shrug, and hid his face underneath his bangs. Maybe he’s blushing, and doesn’t want me to see it.

Now, that’s cute.

Then he recovered from his embarrassment, and gained the strength to look back at me again.

“Hey,” he said, “Don’t forget about me, okay?”

“Huh?” I said, confused. “What? Why?”

He heaved up a sigh, and just stared at me. Then he took one of my hands and squeezed it.

“Just don’t.”

I nodded.

“Let’s go.”

Then we went home together.

And the memory faded away.

I returned to reality, and still found Tadashi’s eyes on me. I blushed, and my heart skipped a beat. My pulse staggered, so I shook my head, and steadied myself. “Carrie,” he said, “Come on, let’s go.”

I nodded, and led him the way to our class.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, blast it! What do you think of Tadashi and his demeanor? Guys! Anybody there? Well, I guess not. :) Just comment please, and I'll answer you back! :)