Status: On hold until further notice.

Vengeance University

New Guys

“Hey mom.” I waved to my mother as Lauren and I ascended the abnormally large stair case that led from our foyer to the second story of the house.

“God, I so don’t want to go back to school. I’m enjoying summer way too much!” She flopped back on my bed.

“I know! At least it’s our last year. I’m going swimming. Are you going to join or do you have better things to do?” I asked knowing the answer. I dug through my bikini drawer until I found the black and pink zebra print one I was looking for. It had a cross on the right breast and the front of the bottoms. On the left breast and ass it had a heart with “Sinful” written in it. Studs lined the halter ties. I tossed Lauren hers which was a green and black zebra with a cross on the right breast and ass. “Sinful” was written on the left breast and across the cross on the ass.

“When do you think your aunt will have the new designs ready?” She asked walking into the bathroom as I pulled my shirt over my head.

“Hopefully buy next month. I’m dying for some new clothes!” I yelled after her, still changing. In case that confused any of you, my aunt is a designer for Affliction. Specifically, she designs the Sinful line. Which explains why most of my clothing is from them.

“This is getting small in the boobs.” She laughed rejoining me in my room, pulling on her top to cover what needed to be covered.

“Shut up.” I laughed. “Maybe you should buy tops more like this one. The string tops don’t work well as the material ties.” I rolled my eyes and grabbed a towel for both of us.

“Remind me of that when we go shopping.” She laughed. We headed down the stairs to see my mother on the phone.

“Aaralyn!” She caught my attention.

“What’s up?” I asked sitting on the corner of her desk.

“Someone has rented the pool house. They said they’ll be moving in today. They have a small dog. Thought I’d let you know so you’re not freaking out. Also, I‘ll be on my way to the office in about 15 minutes.” She smiled warmly before turning back to her phone call. I slid off her desk and headed to the pool.

“Ok, so your mom is a architect and your dad is an actor. They have money to burn, so why’d they rent the pool house? We lost our hide out!” Lauren pouted once we were safely outside.

“They are never home. They figured they didn’t need the extra space. We still have the basement, anyway. Plus whatever rent they make, is going into our trust funds.” I shrugged dropping my towel on one of the chairs.

“Still don’t see why they gave me one. I’m not biologically their kid.”

“Same reason they gave you your own room in the house. They wanted another kid but couldn’t. So they spoil you just as much. Besides, when is the last time you saw your parents? Exactly. You’re their kid. Like it or not.” I smiled before diving into the water. We started racing each other doing laps. She beat me but not by much.

“Hey, look.” She nodded toward the pool house where 2 very buff men were moving stuff in. “Think that’s them? Or movers?”

“Them. Has to be.” I smiled. “Lets go say hi.” I lifted myself from the cool water and ran the towel through my hair before securing it around my waist. Lauren did the same.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” She questioned as we walked toward the moving truck they were unloading.

“Hi.” I caught the guys’ attention as they walked back to the truck which we were now next to.

“Hello. You must be the owners’ daughters.” The shorter one with bright green eyes said looking us over.

“And you must be the new renters. I’m Lyn and this is Lorri.” I shook their hands.

“I’m Zack and this is my friend Matt.” He motioned to the larger man to his left.

“So how much are they paying you to keep an eye on us?” Lauren asked with a small laugh.

“They aren’t. It was in the rental contract.” Matt laughed.

“So are you guys new to the area or what?” She questioned.

“We’re both from Huntington Beach, about an hour from here.” Matt’s dimples were showing.

“What bring you here?” I was now leaning on the truck.

“I just graduated college and got a job offer last minute.” Zack was leaning on the truck in front of me.

“I just opened a bar in town. If you girls are interested, I could always use some waitresses.” Matt’s dimples got deeper.

“Let us see how crazy this school year is going to be then we might hit you up on those jobs.” Lauren’s smile just a big as Matt’s, only no dimples.

“And that would be my dog, Icky.” Zack leaned down and picked up the little black fluff ball that was running toward us. I scratched behind the dogs ear.

“Hi there. Well we don’t want to keep you guys from moving in, so we’re going to get going. Feel free to drop by any time.” I pushed off of the truck and head back toward the house, Lauren next to me.

“They are hot.” She giggled dropping onto a pool chair.

“That they are. Hey. I have an idea. I’m going to get a shower. Meet me in my room in 45 minutes.” I made my way upstairs and showered. By the time I was finishing my hair and make-up, Lauren joined me, showered, fully clothed, and makeup done.

“So what is this plan of yours?” She asked sitting on my bed as I finished my lip gloss.

“What do big strong men who’ve been moving stuff all day want?” I checked my appearance.

“Food.” She caught on. “So are we cooking or ordering?”

“Want to poison them? Didn’t think so. Let’s call Mona.” I pulled out my phone and called a near by restaurant. “Hey, it’s Lyn. I need the usual plus 2 burgers and fries. Oh and wings. Lots of them.” I placed the order. “Just charge it to the card.” With that I hung up.

“I got it.” Lauren said getting off of the couch and answering the door almost 45 minutes after I placed the order. “Gave him a $25 tip.” She informed me holding the bags up. We went out onto the patio and she set the food down on the table and we headed toward the pool house.

“Wow you guys are quick.” I smiled leaning in the door way. They were already starting to unpack.

“Hey girls. What’s up?” Matt asked setting the glasses he was holding on the counter.

“Well, we ordered food and Lyn here ordered way more than we could ever eat. Care to help take some of it off of our hands?” Lauren smiled.
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New story. I'll do a layout and banner later. I'll post the next chapter tomorrow or so. <3 ~ Syndi