Status: On hold until further notice.

Vengeance University

Paris Day One

“Laugh.” Scott demanded, his arm over my shoulders as we walked into the hotel. I complied, faking a laugh. I glanced up to see Zacky trying his best to hide his hurt and jealousy. I just closed my eyes and swallowed, wanting this to end. I forced the feelings down and just smiled.

“You got her attention.” Lorri nodded toward Britney, who was staring at Scott and I. I just turned toward him and leaned close to his ear.

“I hate you. I hope you know that.” I whispered with a smile before walking away from him, like I didn’t want to.

“What the fuck? I thought you were with Mr. Baker.” Beth looked confused as fuck as we walked over to get our bags.

“I’ll explain later.” I mumbled grabbing my bags.

“Let me help you with that.” Scott smiled taking my largest bag. Instead of rolling my eyes and punching him like I wanted, I smiled sweetly and handed it to him. “God what is in here? Bricks?” He hissed still smiling.

“Shoes and clothes? If it’s too heavy, I can take it.” All of this fake smiling was starting to hurt my face.

“I’ve got it sweetie.” His smile was getting annoying. I almost gagged at his calling me a pet name. We got to the hotel with us pretending to be happy. I caught Britney glaring at me every time I glanced her way. She actually bumped into a wall because she was too busy watching me. Creepy!

“I hate this. I want you to myself. I should be the one with my arm around you. :/ I read the text from Zack, a small smile on my lips.

“Here is a key to your room. It’s number 814.” Mr. Sanders handed me a key. “You’re rooming with Lorri again. Mr. Hartley, you will be rooming with Mr. Ogden, Mr. McCord, and Mr. Thurman. You’re in 815.” He handed him the key. “You guys look cute together.” He said walking off. If I didn’t know he was being sarcastic, I’d have beat his ass.

“I’ll help you get these into your room.” Scott said grabbing my bags.

“Thanks.” I mumbled before getting in the elevator.

“You have until we leave Paris to make Britney think you’re so into me, that she wants me or that picture goes out. Got it?” Scott said as soon as the door slid closed.

“Most romantic city in the world and I’m stuck pretending I’m with you. Great.” I rolled my eyes and marched out of the elevator as soon as the doors opened.

“My room is next to yours? Great.” Britney’s snobby voice filled my ears as I opened the door to my room.

“Come on baby.” I smiled pulling Scott into the room by his shirt before kicking the door closed. I tossed my backpack on the bed closest to the window before falling on it myself. It only took a few minutes before the door burst open.

“Mr. Hartley. Miss Cinclaire! You know the rules. No boys in the girls rooms and vice versa. Out.” Mr. Baker glared at Scott. I saw Britney over his shoulder with a wicked smirk.

“I’ll see you later baby.” Scott blew me a kiss before leaving the room.

“We’re going to get lunch twenty minutes. Be ready.” Mr. Baker glared at me before turning on his heel and walking away.

“Having a boy in your room. You should know better Lyn.” Britney smiled standing in my doorway. “So your boyfriend is pretty hot. How in the hell did you get him?” She asked looking me over.

“She’s hotter than you. Move bitch.” Lorri said knocking her from the doorway. She walked in and dropped her stuff on her bed.

“We’ll see.” She skipped off to her room as Lorri slammed the door. My shoe hit it just after it shut.

“Hey. Those are mine!” Lorri said picking up the shoe I’d try to hit Britney with. “I don’t want skank on them.” She yanked the other shoe off my foot.

“Stupid Hannah Montana wannabe. I should just kick her ass and be done with it.” I dropped back staring at the ceiling.

“And get sent home? No. No leaving me here.” She started digging through her bag. “Get ready. We’re going shopping after lunch. I already talked to Mrs. Prescott and Matt.” I just laid on there until she got pissed and threw a pair of my heels at me.

“Ow.” My voice was monotone and hallow.

“Suck it up bitch. Let’s go!” She stood at my legs looking at me. “Don’t make me put those on you.” I just rolled my eyes and slipped my shoes on before she pulled me to my feet.

“I just want to go home.” I sighed.

“You got yourself into this by fucking your teacher. Someone one was going to bust you eventually. Hell, he doesn’t even treat you like a student. You just got lucky it wasn’t someone else, like Mr. Seward.” She wrapped her arm around my shoulders, leading me back to the lobby.

“Hey.” Scott smiled breaking his conversation with Eric and Alex. He knocked Lorri’s arm off of me and replaced it with him. I put the fake smile back on my face and followed the group out to the waiting van.

Lunch was painfully slow, Scott making everything worse. The shopping was even worse. He insisted on carrying all of my bags, being extremely close, and calling me stupid pet names. I think the hardest thing of it all was the look in Zack’s perfect emerald eyes. The pain shone through like a lighthouse’s light in the dead of a starless night. Britney was slowly working her way closer and closer to us the entire day. We had been back at the hotel for almost two hours now and still had another half hour before dinner.

“Lyn? Come on. Get ready.” Beth basically begged.

“I’m not going. I’m not hungry.” I said pulling my blanket up to my chin, turning my back to my two pleading friends.

“And if you don’t Scott will leak those pictures.” Lorri said yanking my blanket off.

“No. This will give Britney the time she needs to try to cozy up to him. Just leave me alone.” I pulled my blankets back.

“Whatever. I give up. You better be in a better mood tomorrow.” Lorri warned storming out of he room.

“Cheer up. It’ll work out.” Beth said rubbing my arm before letting herself out of the room. I was left alone with my thoughts and the soft music coming from my headphones for about fifteen minutes before Mrs. Prescott let herself in.

“Ms. Cinclaire?” She sounded unsure if she should approach me or not. I rolled to face her, pulling out my one ear bud and letting the blanket slide off.

“Yes?” I asked.

“I heard you’re not feeling well. I was coming to check on you. Are you sure you don’t want to go to dinner?” She sat the edge of my bed.

“I’m sure. I guess the jet lag is finally catching up to me. I’m going to catch up on some sleep.” I gave her a small reassuring smile. “You guys go eat. I’ll be ready to go first thing in the morning.”

“Ok. Just call the front desk if you need anything.” She smiled softly before standing and exiting the room. I just put my ear bud back in. I ended up staring at the wall for two hours before the door open and two people walked in.

“Hey. You ok?” Zack asked sitting in the same spot Mrs. Prescott had; Lorri was laying on her bed. I just shrugged, my back still to him. “Lyn. Look at me.” He reached over and guided my face so he could look at me. “Baby…” The sympathy in his voice didn’t compare to that in his eyes. He just pulled me close.

“You need to go.” I pushed him away after a minute. “People are going to start noticing. We need to a lot more careful. Just go.” I shoved him harder, rolling back over and pulling the blankets over me. I heard his sigh before the absence of his weight moved the bed.

“I love you Lyn.” He spoke before kissing my cheek and walking out. Once the door shut, I started sobbing. That was the first time he’d told me he loved me and we were being blackmailed for that same reason.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another short chapter. Sorry. I did have the next four typed up, but like a dumbass I didn't save them and my dog ended up unplugging my laptop thus killing it. I'll try to have another one up tomorrow. Let me know what you guys think? I love to hear from y'all! ~<3 Syndi