Status: On hold until further notice.

Vengeance University

Welcome To VU Mr. Baker

“Wake up bitch!” Lauren said walking in my room just to shove me off the bed before walking back to her room which was to right of mine.

“Oww…” I rubbed my hip dragging my feet to the shower. I got showered, did my hair and make up in about 30 minutes, which was fast for me. I pulled on a black and red leopard print bra and matching thong before my school uniform which consisted of a red plaid, pleated skirt that hit my mind thigh, a white button down shirt, a tie that matched the skirt, and a black blazer with the school crest on the left side of the chest. We were allowed to substitute the white shirt with a black one if we wanted, which I always did.

“Ready?” Lauren asked walking in my room as I pulled on my black heels.

“Yeah.” I ran a hair through my tousled hair, fixing the small section. “Who’s car?” I grabbed my messenger bag and followed her out to the cars.

“I’ll drive.” She shrugged and got into her Nissan 350Z. The only difference between mind and hers was the color. Hers was a silver white mine was a black. “You’re going to get in trouble again for not buttoning your shirt all of the way. And your tie.” She laughed as we pulled into the school.

“My shirt doesn’t have buttons that high and my tie wouldn’t look right if it was on correctly.” I smiled straightening out said tie, making sure it tucked into the blazer that was buttoned to the correct spot.

“It doesn’t have buttons because you cut them off.” We started toward the school.

“Like yours is any better. You did the same thing.” I laughed seeing the only difference between our uniforms was her white shirt. I pulled my phone from my pocket as we enter the main entrance. I found my schedule, while Lauren did the same on her phone.

“Let me see.” She took my phone comparing our days. “Looks like we only have one class apart. Chemistry. You have Baker while I have Seward.”

“Bitch! Seward doesn’t make his class do shit! And who is Baker? I’ve never heard of him.” I took my phone back looking over the list. “At least I’ll right across the hall from you and the morning class. I‘ll sleep through it.”

“Well let’s go find out who this Barker is shall we?” She offered her arm which I gladly took. Once shoving our way through the large crowd of girls, we found our classrooms.

“Oh god. Tell me you aren’t in my class!” Mr. Seward groaned, hitting his head on his desk, upon seeing me.

“Sorry sir, but that’s a negative. You have Lorri. I’ll be across the hall.” I smiled sweetly at him as he sighed in relief.

“Poor new guy doesn’t know what he’s getting into with her.” Lorri smiled and dropped into her seat in the front row.

“And he’s just out of college. I guess it’s better to learn now that later.” Mr. Seward laughed.

“You guys make it sound like I’m such a horrible kid! Oh shit! Lor.” I looked at her slightly panicked.

“Here.” She smiled and pulled my spare glasses from her bag.

“I think my parents pay you for keeping up after me.” I laughed just as the bell rang.

“Lyn, class. Now.” Mr. Seward shooed me from his classroom and shut the door
behind me. I walked into the room I was supposed to be in.

“You’re late.” The man writing on the board said, his back to me. I knew that voice.

“Sorry Mr. Baker. I was talking with Mr. Seward across the hall.” I eyed his back dropping into the desk closest to his; the only open one.

“Lyn?” He asked turning to look at me. He looked really good in the white button down, black sweater, and dark jeans.

“You’re my teacher?” I laughed. “This I can deal with. Welcome to Vengeance University, Mr. Baker.”

“Thank you Lyn. Now everyone, as I’m sure you know, I’m Mr. Baker and I will be your chemistry teacher this year. Now if everyone would take out your laptops, I’d like to get to know you a little better. I want you to write your answers to these questions in a word document titled ‘Questions Chemistry First‘. You have 15 minutes.”

I looked up at the board after putting my glasses on, looking over the questions as my computer warmed up.

1. What is your greatest fear/ worry? Zombie apocalypse
2. If you could only save one thing from your house, what would it be? My grandfather’s guitar
3. What facial movement or expression do you make when you lie? My ears turn red
4. What is the first thing you do in the morning when you wake up? Open my eyes.
5. Do you prefer a lot of friends, or just a few close ones? Few close ones.
6. If you could study anything in school, what would it be? Chemistry. That not a suck up. I actually like it.
7. What is your favorite holiday? How do you celebrate? Halloween. Scary 4 day movie marathon with Lorri.
8. Do you play an instrument? If so, what? Piano, violin, guitar, and flute
9. What is one thing that will always make you laugh? The word “pudding”.
10. Have you ever fallen in love? What did it feel like? I haven’t found the right guy yet.

I went into my school e-mail, attached the document, and sent it to the address on the board: . I added him to my contact list. I was that Lorri was online as well and sent her a quick message. “Mr. Baker is Zack! The guy living in the pool house that you’re not planning on raping. Lol.”

“You’re kidding! Awesome!” She replied almost as soon as I hit ‘send’.

“Ok class. Time is up. Computers closed.” Zack called.

“Have to go. He’s talking. See you after class.” I sent the message quick before closing my laptop as instructed.

“I know it’s not fair when teachers ask you to answer questions but they don’t have to so, I’m going to answer these. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.” He smiled sitting on the corner of his desk. “My greatest fear is probably public speaking.”

“Why’d you become a teacher then?” A blond from the back of the class asked.

“Because I know that no matter how bad I screw up, you still have to like me.” He flashed that smiled again. “If I could only save one thing from my house it would probably be my dog, Icky. I love that little fluff ball. I don’t make a facial expression when I lie but my right palm twitches. First thing I do in the morning is check my phone. I prefer the few close friends. I’m no longer in school but if I could have studied anything, it would have been music production. My favorite holiday is Halloween. I celebrate by partying with my friends. Yes I’m a teacher and I party. Deal with it. I play piano and guitar. One thing that will always make me laugh is a picture I have of my best friend and I when we were 5. We both have sand buckets on our heads. And yes, I’ve fallen in love. It was like a rollercoaster that wouldn’t stop, then the tracks broke and it almost killed me.”

“Who was she?” A high pitched voice that belonged to none other than Britney Downing asked. I hated that girl more than anything.

“That doesn’t matter. She’s in the past. Now everyone partner up. These will be your partners for the remainder of the year unless I have to move you.” He turned his back to the group of girls now moving around to sit with someone they wanted to work with. I took a glance around the room and realize that there was no one in here I could tolerate long enough to be my lab partner, so I sat silently watching Zack writing on the opposite side of the board from the questions.

“How’s it going in here?” Headmaster Webber asked entering the room.

“Good.” Mr. Baker turned his attention to his boss.

“No trouble out of any one?” He asked his eyes finally landing on me. “Miss Cinclaire! How many times do I have to tell you to button your top completely and tighten your tie!” He walked over.

“Sir, my shirt is buttoned as high as it can be.” I showed him the sides of my shirt. No buttons.

“I expect you to have it fixed by tomorrow. Please stand. Mr. Baker, from now on, please keep an eye on her dress. She tends to break the rules.” He turned his attention to Zack then back to me. “You’re skirt is too short as well, please pull it down.” I rolled my eyes and tugged on the skirt making it come down an inch tops.

“Better Webs?” I asked turning in a circle. “Anything else I need to fix?”

“No. It looks fine but you will be joining Mr. Baker after school today for 2 hours of detention due to inappropriate dress.” He gave me a stern look and I dropped back into my seat. Not even 30 minutes into the new school year and I have detention.

“Don’t you think he has better things to do than sit here and watch me being bored out of my mind?” I asked tilting my head as he handed me the blue piece of paper.

“Should have thought of that before you decided to break rules. Mr. Baker, I’ll be checking in periodically.” He turned and walked out of the door. I glared at him.

“Does everyone have their partner?” Zack looked around the room stopping on me. “No partner?”

“Odd number in the class.” I pointed out disinterested.

“You can join a pair.” He offered.

“No thanks. If you don’t mind, I’ll work by myself.”

“If you want.” He shrugged and continued on with giving the information we needed to do the lab and going over his rules. We had to bring back permission forms in order to do them so, it’d be Wednesday before anything was done. The rest of the class flew by.

“Thank god!” Lorri said linking arms with me in the hallway after the bell had dismissed us.

“Why must we be in separate classes?” I groaned leaning on her.

“Because the universe hates us.” She did a dramatic back of the hand to the forehead.

“What cha doing after school?” I looked at her.

“Waiting on you to get out of detention?” She arched an eyebrow. I nodded. “Already?”

“What can I say? I have talent!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Due to my sleep writing, here's chapter 2 ~ Syndi