Status: On hold until further notice.

Vengeance University

First Detention

The day seemed to fly by, which I was thankful for. Hopefully the entire year would be like this.

“I am so glad we don’t have to get covered in sweat for the next 2 weeks.” Lorri smiled after we’d been dismissed from our PE class, freeing us from school. Well, freeing Lauren. I, on the other hand, had detention waiting for me.

“I know right. Leave it to Donahue to forget to order uniforms.” I laughed, leaning on Lorri as we walked to Mr. Baker’s class. Upon entering, we found the room void of people.

“Think he forgot?” She asked me hopefully as I plopped down into what I’d claimed as my seat.

“I didn’t. I just had to talk to Mr. Webber.” Zack said joining our duo.

“Mind if I chill here? I’m her ride home.”

“Go ahead and head home. I’ll take her. It’s no trouble. No sense in you wasting any more time here than you have to.” Zack shrugged and started to clear off the white board.

“Thanks Zack. I’ll see guys when you get home.” She started out of the room but stopped and turned to face us.

“Lyn, what are we doing for dinner?” She was leaning in the doorway.

“I was going to stop by the store after school and cook something.”

“I’ll run by the store. Zack, will you and Matt be joining us?” She sounded hopeful and I had to stifle a laugh.

“If you girls don’t mind.” He looked to me for approval.

“Cool with me.” I pulled a $50 from my wallet that was stuffed into my messenger bag before walking over and handing it to her. “See you later.” I hugged her before she skipped down the hall.

“What am I supposed to make you do?” Zack asked after about five minutes of silence.

“I have no idea. I normally grade papers or clean stuff, but you have nothing to grade and everything is clean from the summer cleaning.” I shrugged. “Any notes you want me to write on the board or anything?”

“Actually yes. I have the notes for the lab that need to be written.” He dug through his suitcase in attempt to find them. “Here they are.” He smiled holding up a piece of paper with chicken scratch on it.

“Good thing I have detention a lot.” I laughed taking the paper from him. “No one would be able to read your hand writing.”

“Probably. I was thinking of just e-mailing them to everyone to make sure they’d be able to read them.” He smiled taking a seat.

“They would never get read. Do you mind if I take my jacket off? It’s warm in here.”

“Not at all. I still can’t figure out how to lower the temperature in here. I‘ve been burning up almost all day.” He shot me a quick smile before powering up his laptop. I set down the piece of paper before peeling off the blazer and draping it over the back of the chair. I pushed my sleeves up my arms and took off my heels so I‘d be able to stand on my toes. I pinned the notes to the board with a magnet before grabbing a black marker and beginning to write what was on the paper. Since my five foot four inch frame didn’t for me to reach the top of the board, I ended up standing on my tip toes, writing as high as I could, making sure the letters were big enough to be seen in the back of the class. Doing this made my shirt unstuck itself and ride up over my hips exposing some flesh.

“Miss Cinclaire!” I heard Headmaster Webber yell at me. I turned to look at him, dropping my arm, allowing the shirt to go down.

“Yes Sir?” I asked with an innocent look on my face.

“You are in violation of dress code again! Why aren’t you wearing your blazer?”

“Ken, I told her it was ok. It’s hot in here and there’s no reason to make her wear it.” Zack came to my defense.

“Zack, she needs to be in dress code as long as she is on school grounds. Her shirt is also untucked and she was showing skin between her skirt and shirt.” The headmaster gave him a warning look.

“I’m sorry sir, it’s my fault. My shirt must have come up as I was writing on the board.” I gave him a slight puppy dog look hoping he’d have mercy on me.

“You’ll be in here for the rest of the week after school.” He glared at me before handing me yet another blue slip. He walked out of the room without another word.

“Ok, so why doesn’t he like you?” Zack asked once the door shut behind the older man.

“My mom was his high school sweetheart. She left him for my dad.” I shrugged going back to writing the notes not caring if my shirt came up. The old bastard was gone for the day.

“And he hates you for that?”

“Yep. That and I refuse to follow his dress code. There is no reason for me to be uncomfortable when it is an all girl school. If there were guys, I’d understand.” I had to go on to my tip toes a little more to erase a word I’d misspelled because I was distracted. I felt my skirt ride up a little bit.

“Well, that a good reason to not like you.” I could hear his smile in his words.

“Well he’s an asshole.” I turned dropping from my toes so my heels touched the floor as I turned to face my teacher. His eyes quickly diverted, face turning red. I just smiled.
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Hey, sorry it's short but I hope you enjoyed it anyway. I'll post another chapter soon. Until then, please check out my other stories or Madi's. Feedback is much loved! ~<3 Syndi