Status: On hold until further notice.

Vengeance University


“So what are we cooking?” I asked throwing my bag on the dining room table where Lorri was sitting doing her homework. Ok, so maybe she was avoiding it by writing a book she’d been working on for a year.

“Chicken Cacciatore.” She shut off her laptop.

“I’ll be right back. Need to change.” I smiled running up the stairs and changing into black tank top and fitted jeans. “Do we still have the open bottle of Merlot? I think Mom drank it last night when she got home.” I said going into the wine cooler looking over the bottles.

“She did but there is a bottle of the one from Blackbird Vineyard.” She started pulling everything that we’d need out.

“Yeah, but that’s $80 wine. I’m not going to cook with that. We’ll drink it though.” I kept looking over the bottle for my cooking wines. “Looks like we have to get Dad to pick us up some more cooking wines. Last bottle.” I walked out holding the last bottle of Sangiovese.

“I’ll make a note.” She set down the tomatoes, celery, carrots, onion, and potatoes. She wrote on the virtual notepad on the fridge while I filled a pot with water for the rice after washing my hands.

“Are Mom and Dad going to be home?” I asked heating the pan for the chicken and veggies. As it warmed, I chopped up the chicken into bite size pieces.

“No. Mom will be in the office all night and Dad won’t be home until Wednesday.” She sighed washing her hands and starting on chopping the veggies. We cooked in silence until there was a knock on the back door.

“Can you go get that? I think it’s the guys.” I tossed in the bowl of peas Lorri had just shelled.

“Got it.” She wiped her hands on he jeans walking toward the large glass doors. “Come on it. It’s almost done. Make yourselves at home.” Lorri led them in.

“It seems amazing in here.” Matt practically drooled.

“What are you cooking?” Zack asked leaning over the counter to see.

“Chicken Cacciatore.” Lorri answered for me grabbing the dishes to set the table. “I got it.” She smiled when Matt tried to help her.

“You guys relax. You’re our guest.” I shot them a quick smile before disappearing into the wine cooler again. I put back the half bottle of wine I’d use to cook with and grabbing the one Lorri had suggested I use.

“Are you two allowed to drink?” Zack smirked seeing the bottle in my hand.

“I’ve had a glass with dinner every night since turned 12. Lorri too.” I set the wine on the counter stirring the food.

“I got it.” Zacky grabbed the bottle and opener before I could say no. “You can’t do everything.” He smiled filling the four glasses that were sitting on the bar.

“Thanks.” I smiled scooping the rice onto a large round sterling silver serving tray. It has a intricate design that matched the china Lorri had set on the table. I poured the
Chicken Cacciatore over the rice and placed in on the table next to the salad Lorri had just placed.

“You girls didn’t have to go through this trouble.” Matt said taking a seat at the table, Lorri across from him.

“You act like this is a big deal. We do this for ourselves about 3 times a week. It‘s nice the have someone else join us.” I rolled my eyes, taking my wine from Zack and sitting next to Lorri, Zack across from me.

“Dig in.” My non-biological sister motioned to the table.

“Oh my god…” Matt basically moan taking a bit. “This is so good.”

“I haven’t had a home cooked meal since I started college. This is amazing!” Zack smiled. “Remind me to accept anytime you offer to cook.”

“Just let me know what you guys like and we’ll cook it one night.” I sipped my wine. Our dinner passed with pleasant conversation and Matt trying to convince us we should come work for him.

“Let us get the dishes.” Matt demanded stopping us from cleaning up.

“I’ve got it.” I carried the left over food back into the kitchen, getting out tuber ware.

“So what do you want tomorrow night?” Lorri asked laughing lightly as I made a plate for Mom and tossed it in the microwave.

“You don’ have to cook for us again.” Zack carried in the salad. Lorri and Matt were starting on washing the dishes.

“We want to. Like I said, it’s nice it not just being us.” I scrapped the remaining food into a container and placed a lid on it.

“Why don’t you surprise us?” Matt’s dimples showed as he looked at Lorri.

“Do you guys like sushi?” I placed the containers of food in the fridge.

“Never had it.” The both said at the same moment.

“Well, we’ll make that then.” Lorri dried the last dish.
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Sorry it's filler. And it's short, so double sorry. Thank Madi for the update. She's been up my ass about it. Go check out our collaboration . It's updated almost daily, if not twice. I'll write a more meaningful chapter for this later. I have to be to the shop in 2 and half hours and I haven't slept. Plus, today is my nephew's first birthday. So goodnight to all. Well morning to most. Lol. ~<3 Syndi