Status: On hold until further notice.

Vengeance University

First Night Working

It’d been 2 weeks since school had started, and I’d managed to land enough detentions to spend every afternoon with Zack until Thanksgiving break. I was currently serving one of said detentions, on a rainy Friday afternoon.

“Have a wonderful afternoon, Ken!” I yelled after the headmaster. He’d made it a habit to stop by every afternoon on his way put, to see that I was showing up and not causing any problems for Mr. Baker.

“Trying to get another detention?” Zack asked working out his lesson plan for next week.

“I’ll get it one way or another. I just figure since I’ll be spending every afternoon with you anyway, I’d have some fun.” I took my jacket and heels off, as is my daily routine. Lorri had taken off to the house, leaving Zack to take me home.

“Is he even allowed to give you detention daily?” He handed me Monday’s notes for Tuesday’s lab.

“Fuck if I know.” I began writing on the board, my shirt ridding up more than usual. I had to borrow one of Lorri’s due to my lack of doing laundry skill, and she was shorter than me by a few inches. I could feel Zack’s eyes on me, but I was becoming accustomed to it.

“So what are your plans for tonight?” Mr. Baker was making small talk.

“Working. I still don’t know how Matt convinced me to work in Shadow.” I laughed switching the marker in my hand for one that worked.

“Because you’re an awesome Bar Tender and he needed your skills? Here.” He tossed me a new pack of markers.

“Well, at least it’s something to do. I would just be at home alone since Lorri took the waitress job he had open.” My hand writing quickly covered the board.

“I think I’ll tag along to the bar. I need a good drink.” His voice was thoughtful as I finished the notes.

“Sounds like a plan. Hey, I won’t be in class Monday.” I handed the paper back to him.

“And why not?” He arched an eyebrow.

“I’ll be sick.” I did a fake cough receiving a laugh.

“I’ll make sure you get your work. What do you say we bail on this detention thing? I’m starving and I’m pretty sure Matt could use you getting there early.” He grabbed his jacket and suitcase.

“Fuck yeah.” I smiled and grabbed my bag.

“Come on.” He waved for me to follow him before locking his classroom. The outside doors locked themselves behind us as we walked to the car.

“No fucking way.” I laughed walking into the house. Lorri’s moans could be heard as soon as I entered the house. I had a feeling there was something going on with her and Matt. “I’m home!” I yelled climbing the stairs. Lorri came rushing out of her room wearing a red silk robe.

“What are you doing home so early?” She was breathless and surprised.

“Zack and I bounced early. Tell Matt I said hi.” I gave her a knowing smile walking into my room and shutting the door. I walked into my closet and opened the cabinet of my partying clothes. I dug through until I found my white tube top. It had 3 diamond shaped openings from the material being scrunched into a silver buckle; one between my breast, one just below them, another just above my navel, and the last would sit two inches above me pant line. I keep digging, looking for a something to pair it with and finally settled on a black, ruffled mini skirt. I got dressed tossing my uniform in the laundry pile and redid my make up to silver and black, my lips a dark blood red.

“Damn!” Lorri whistled walking into the living room 30 minutes after I’d gotten there. Matt was right behind her. Both were ready to head to the bar.

“Let’s go.” I pulled myself off of the couch. Zack was walking toward the house when we exited to go to the car.

“Want a ride?” Matt offered opening the door for Lorri.

“Sure.” Zack and I climbed in the backseat. He drove to the bar, keeping the music on low.

“You drive really low.” Lorri said once we entered the semi-busy bar. It was about 5 pm and there was already a good amount of people starting their night off with some of the best bar food and some drinks.

“Alright. Get something to eat and get to work.” Matt smacked her ass, winking at her. I walked behind the bar, while Zack took a seat at it. Lorri wondered off to the kitchen area.

“Can I get an order of wings and a beer?” Zack asked me like my shift had begun.

“Yo Jimmy! I need an order of wings, a chicken burger, extra mayo and pickle, and fries.” I yelled back to our cook, pouring Zack a glass of Guiness. I poured a coke in a glass for myself after setting his beer in front of him, managing to stay out of Brian’s- the other bar tender- way.

“Can I get a Jack on the rocks and a dry martini?” A guy asked. I quickly made his drinks and took his money.

“Here you go Lyn.” Lorri said carrying out the food I’d ordered plus a burger and fries. She set the wings in front of Zack and the burger at the seat next to him. I walked around taking as seat, her sitting on my other side and dug into my food. It was slow enough that no one ordered while we ate but as soon as Lorri and I finished, the dinner crowd came in. I grabbed a white dish cloth, Lorri cleaning up our mess, and slung it over my shoulder starting to take orders.

After an hour or so, once everything was caught up, Zack beckoned me over it.

“How about another beer and 2 shots of Jack?” He slid his empty glass to me.

“Alright.” I put the glass in the dirty dish tray before pouring his beer then shots.

“One of the pretty lady.” He smiled sliding one of the shots back to me. I rolled my eyes before tossing it back at the same time he did. Matt didn’t mind me drinking, plus Lorri and I both had fake Ids that said we were 24, same age at the guys. We were far enough away from our school, that we didn’t have to worry too much about being caught. The bar had a constant flow of people, but not too many. I still had time to lean on the counter and talk to Zacky. He’d buy me a shot every so often.

“Lyn, are you alright?” Matt asked, dimples showing, as he clapped a hand on my back.

“Yeah. I’ve got a little buzz, not too much.” I wiped down the counter top.

“Why don’t you take a break. Looks like we are slowing down. If it doesn’t pick up in an hour or so, you can go home. Feel free to have another drink or two.” He grabbed a the bottle of Crown Royal from behind me, pouring 8 shots onto a tray and passing it to Lorri.

“Thanks.” I nodded at him before turning my attention to Zack. “Want another beer before I sit down?” I asked pulling out a glass and making a rum and coke for myself.

“Yeah. 2 shots of jack too.” He smiled I poured everything, not bothering to pass him the second shot anymore and just drinking it before placing the glasses with the rest of the dirty dishes.

1 am rolled around and we’d still not picked up, so Matt officially let me off work. Zack and I sat talking for a bit, taking shot after shot. Right now, I was feeling really good, and I could tell Zack was too.

“I’m going to call a cab.” I grabbed my cell phone from under the bar, and calling the cab company. It only took 15 minutes and 3 shots before the cab was outside. Zack threw his arm over my shoulder as we drunkenly stumbled out.

“Where to?” The driver asked.

“1523 Princeton Ave.” I answered. The drive was short and filled with our talk of music. We seemed to have similar taste.

“Home sweet home.” Zack laughed as the cab pulled away, dropping us off.

“I’m glad I took that job.” I smiled, Zack’s arm back over my shoulders.

“If you want, you can come back to the pool house and have another drink with me. I promised to show you those concert pictures anyway.” He looked down at me. I simply nodded before he led me to what used to be Lorri’s and my hide away.

“You guys did a good job in here.” I looked at everything. It no longer looked like it used to. They had painted the walls a blue, and the furniture was all beige.

“Why thank you.” Zack found his way to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Jack out of the freezer. He poured 2 shots and handed me one before turning on some music. He walked me through the pictures of him, Matt, Jimmy, and Brian with random bands.

“You met Axle Rose?” I looked at the picture is disbelief.

“Yeah. And this one is when we were in a band together in high school.” He pointed to a picture of the four, looking like rock stars. I don’t know why I did it, be it alcohol or hormones, but I then turned to him and planted my lips on his. Much to my pleasure he returned the kiss.

We ended up in a heated make out session until I heard a car pull into the driveway. It was too early to be Matt and Lorri so I peaked through the window to see it was my mother.

“Shit! Mom is home.” I said realizing we’d both be dead if she caught me here.

“If she comes here asked where you are, I’ll let her know you’re still at work. Just go hide in my room.” Not even 10 minutes after going to hide in his room, I heard him talking with my mom. She believed the lie, and went back to the house.

“That was close.” I sighed relieved.

“Yeah. You better get going. Matt and Lorri just pulled in.” Zack pulled me in for a quick kiss before I took off out of the door and linked arms with Lorri, walking into the house to greet my mother.
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Sorry there is a time lapse, but I didn't want to have to do chapters what were pure fluff. Thanks to the two who commented on this so far. I love getting feedback guys. Let me know if you like it or not! ~<3 Syndi