Status: On hold until further notice.

Vengeance University

School Trip

“Morning class.” Mr. Baker smiled walking into the classroom. It’d been almost a month since my first night working at the bar and our relationship was growing at a slow rate. Having to be locked in my house or his to spend quality time together was hard. I wanted to be able to go out to a movie, or bowling, or anything really, but we couldn’t chance someone seeing us. He’d lose his job and most likely be arrested.

“Mr. Baker, I need to speak with you for a moment.” Mr. Webber said standing in the door way.

“Class, review your notes. We will begin the test shortly.” He said before joining the headmaster in the hallway. They were in the hallway for only a short moment before Zack walked back into the room.

“Ladies, there has been a change in the senior trip. Mrs. Felix will be unable to chaperon due to her pregnancy. Mr. Baker has kindly accepted to take her place. We still need one more person to chaperon or we will have to post pone the trip so please ask your families.” Mr. Webber announced. I sat there, my mouth hanging open. The trip was something the senior class did every year with our brother school, St. Lucia. A full tour of Europe and took a total of 31 days. I’d get to spend a whole month abroad with the man I was falling in with.

“Mr. Webber, if you need another adult to go, I’m sure my brother wouldn’t mind. He is Alumni at St. Lucia.” Mr. Baker spoke looking at Mr. Webber.

“Really? That would be perfect.” He looked relieved to not have to find another person on a week notice.

“I’ll have him call you at lunch.” Mr. Baker shot a smile as Mr. Webber left. “Ok. Time to put away your notes. Here are your tests. You may begin.” He passed out the test before sitting at his desk and turning on his computer.


“Almost done packing?” Lorri asked dropping on my bed. It was the morning of our flight to London; the beginning of our trip.

“I’m forgetting something.”

“Everything?” She asked opening the black suitcase with white bats in different sizes decorating it.

“I’m making a list first.” I held up the pad of paper in my hand.

“Let me see it.” She grabbed the list from me looking it over. “Bathing suit.” She rolled her eyes handing it back. “Need some help?” She was already walking into my closet before I could answer.

“So we have like 5 hours to be at the airport. Now what?” I asked dropping the last of my bags by the front door with hers. Hers was black with multi colored cute skulls littering it’s surface.

“Did we pack any formal dresses?” She asked looking over the list the school had given us that we’d just found under my bed.

“I don’t think so.” Looking at my luggage with a glare.

“Why don’t we run over to Ellen’s and just buy new ones. All of mine are getting too tight in the chest.” She laughed.

“I need new bras too, so we have to hit the mall.” I smiled grabbing my keys from the hook.

“Where are you two going?” Matt asked walking into his house, bags in his hands.

“Shopping.” I jumped in the driver’s seat of my car.

“Shouldn’t you be packing?” Zack asked coming out to grab the last of the bags.

“Already done. We just need a few things before we leave.” Lorri got in and we sped off.

“Lorri! Lyn! What are you girls doing here. Shouldn’t you be on your way to Europe?” Ellen asked as we entered her little dress shop. She was a friend of Mom’s.

“We were packing and realized we need dresses.” I smiled showing her the list that called for 2 formal dresses.

“Well go ahead and look around. You know where everything is.” She waved us into the back room as a group of women came in; one with a huge rock on her left hand.

“Lorri!” I called her over to see the dress I’d found. It would be about mid thigh on her. It was a satin green one shoulder dress with a sparkling ban around the waist that was about 4 inches thick. The top was made of two pieces of material that tied on the left shoulder then made two strips of fabric across the back.

“Here. I found this one for you.” She handed me a sparkling red dress that was the same length and material as the one I gave her. The sweetheart top was made to look like vines growing up mesh from the full skirt up. The vines bunched over my breast to cover the see through mesh the rest of the bodice was made of. The bottom of the skirt showed the black tulle undersides by about an inch and a half. The back laces up with a black lace.

“This is perfect. Let’s try them on.” I shoved her into a dressing room and went into the one beside it. The dresses were perfect.

“Remember we have to get black or white too.” She said flipping through the racks in the dress I’d picked out for her.

“Found my other one.” I cheered pulling a white dress from the fluff of material. It was a straight across top with a flowing skirt. There was a black flower lace that made a single strap on the left side, spread on the front and back to touch on the right hip, and went back to the bottom left. A two inch belt sat on the waist.

“Got mine.” Lorri yelled into the dressing room as I changed. I walked out to see her wearing a corseted sweetheart topped dress. The top was black with white roses on the right breast, and left hip, leaving a diagonal area of the black untouched. The skirt was made of white roses made of organza.

“To the mall!” I laughed changing back into my jeans and tank top.

“I got this. You go get the car.” Lorri said as Ellen walked over to the counter so we could buy our dresses.

“4 hours to be at the airport.” I checked the time as we entered the mall.

“Two stops. Jewelry store and the lingerie store.” She smiled dragging me into the jewelry store. We were in there for about an hour before I found what I wanted. In the very back corner in a case that wasn’t lit as well as the rest I found a set of cufflinks. They were little skulls, with fangs and black diamonds for eyes.

“Do you want to see them?” A salesman asked almost scaring the crap out of me.

“Yes please.” I kept staring at them almost hypnotized. He opened the case and handed one of the to me.

“Not many people like those.” He had a warning tone to his voice.

“He’ll love them. I’ll take them.” I handed him my card after he boxed them.

“Hey. We should hurry.” Lorri tapped her watch.

“Shit. We have to be home in like an hour. Lets make this quick.” I said grabbing the bag off the counter and shoving my card in my pocket. We spend 30 minutes in the lingerie store and both got 2 outfits. I also got 2 bras.

“Cutting it close aren’t you girls?” Dad asked from the couch.

“Just a little.” We both laughed, tearing open our largest suitcases. Ellen had been nice enough to fold the dress after putting them in dress bags so they easily fit in the bags there were only three quarters full.

“Wow. You’re leaving for a month and still have room in those bags? I thought you would have packed your entire closets.” Mom smiled down at us. I stuffed the bag of lingerie in without bothering to pull the clothes out. The small box with the cufflinks I dropped into my carry on.

“Are you kidding? If we packed our entire closets, we wouldn’t have room for the clothes we’re buying on the trip.” Lorri’s comment made everyone in the room laugh.

“Well, you have an hour before you have to be at the airport, so what do you say, we do one last family meal before we lose you girls for a month?” Dad asked getting off of the sofa and grabbing the bags Lorri and I just closed. “Are you sure you girls aren’t taking your entire closet? These are heavy.”

“Dinner sounds great. We’re about to spend 11 hours stuck on a plane.” I rubbed my tummy hearing it growl.


“We are going to miss you girls!” My mother hugged us on the verge of tears.

“We will miss you too Mom.” We both said in unison.

“Here is $100 in euros for each of you, along with international phones.” He smiled kissing our foreheads and handing us both a phone and money.

“And one last thing. We want pictures. Lots of them.” Mom smiled handing us brand new Sony Cyber-shots. “Each one had a 32G card in it. I expect them to be full.” She hugged us again before allowing Dad to.

“Be safe! We love you.” They both called after us as we walked toward security.

“We will. Bye Mom. Bye Dad. We love you!” Once again we spoke in unison, putting our stuff in our bags.

“Empty your pockets into the bin along with your shoes, carry on, and belt.” The guard said sounding bored. I did as asked before walking through a metal detector. I slipped back into my flip flops and grabbed my bag, waiting for Lorri to do the same.

“Got my ticket?” Lorri asked as I pulled out the stuff we needed to bored the plane.

“Yep. We’re sitting next to each other.” I handed her the ticket as we neared the gate. Mr. Seward was standing there with a teacher from St. Lucia checking off students as they boarded the plane.

“Hey Mr. Seward.” Lorri smiled.

“Names.” The other teacher asked looking at us.

“Aaralyn Cinclaire.” I handed the ticket to the flight attendant standing next to the teachers behind a desk.

“Lauren Fields.” Lorri smiled handing her ticket to the lady as well.

“Alright girls. Have a fun flight.” Mr. Seward waved us onto the plane.

“Hey. You guys are the last of the chaperones.” The other teacher spoke catching my attention. I turned around to see Mr. Baker and Matt at the gate.

“No googley eyes. Get on the plane.” Lorri said pinching the inside of my arm forcing me onto the plane.

“I know.” I pouted finding our seats were the front row. “Are you kidding me? A window seat?” I hit my forehead.

“Afraid you might melt in the sun light?” Britney laughed from right behind my seat.

“Afraid of heights too?” Matt asked walking up behind us.

“Terrified. We both are.” Lorri shrugged.

“I’ll take the window if you want.” Mr. Baker smiled at me. “My seat is next to Lorri’s.”

“I’ll take the middle and you take the aisle? No reason to make you claustrophobic too.” I winked seeing Matt shove his carry on above the seat just across the aisle from what would have been Zack’s seat.

“You really are the best friend I could have asked for.” She smiled putting her bag in the over head compartment after grabbing her iPod.

“Here.” I said handing her my bag after pulling out a pill bottle, my iPod, and a bottle of water.

“I got it. I need to put my up there too.” Zack said taking my bag and putting it up with his. We all settled into our seats before I popped open the pill bottle and shook 4 of them into my hand.

“Need it?” I asked offering 2 to Lorri after I downed the first 2.

“Yeah.” She took them and downed them.

“Mr. Baker! They are doing drugs!” Britney squealed from behind me.

“Shut up. They are prescribed!” I shook the bottle at her.

“Yeah for you! Not for her! She should be kicked off the trip!” She stood getting angry.

“Girls, is this true?” Zack asked sounding like a teacher.

“No sir. My bottle is in my bag if you need to see it. They were just Xanax to help our nerves. We both have prescriptions.” Lorri said standing to get her bag.

“I believe you. Britney, stop.” He turned to give her that stern teacher look.

“But.” She started only to be cut off.

“No buts! Just enjoy your trip!” His voice matched his look. She huffed and fell into her seat.

“All students and chaperones are on board, so we are good to go.” Mr. Seward said walking onto the plane after the teacher from St. Lucia. Just as he settled into his seat the pilot came over the intercom letting us know that we were ready for departure. The flight attendants went over everything they needed to and the plane began to move.

“Fuck.” I hissed grabbing both Mr. Baker and Lorri. Lorri was gripping my hand just as bad as I was hers.

“Are you ok?” Mr. Baker asked having to pull his hand from mine.

“Terrified of flying.” I sighed closing my eyes, clinging to Lorri.

“It’ll be fine.” Zack said softly in a tone that was more of my boyfriend than my teacher.

“I know.” I was clutching Lorri for dear life until we were well into the air. The pills started to kick in and we both eased off of each other, putting our headphones in. I settled into my seat after being in the air for close to 45 minutes and started to drift into a calm sleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
So I scrapped a few chapters and started to rewrite this. Hopefully, you guys will still like this story. ~ Syndi V