Status: On hold until further notice.

Vengeance University

London Day One

“Lyn. Lorri. Wake up. We’ve landed.” I woke up to Zack shaking me lightly.

“Welcome to London. Enjoy your stay and thank you for flying with us.” The pilots voice came over the intercom and everyone was collecting their things.

“It’s over?” I asked looking up at Zack hopefully.

“Yep. You survived the flight.” He smiled softly before going to wake more students that had fallen asleep.

“Lorri. Wake up!” I punched her arm. “We’re safely on the ground.” I sighed relieved as I got up and grabbed my bag and Mr. Baker’s from the over head compartment. I pulled Lorri’s down and handed it to her.

“What time is it?” She asked groggily taking her bag from me. I dug through the bag and found the cell phone Dad had given me and turned it on.

“It’s 2pm here. 6 am at home.” I shrugged shoving the phone in my pocket and my pill bottle back into the bag along with my iPod.

“We lost 8 hours?” She was slowly coming to.

“Yeah.” I whipped my hair up into a ponytail.

“Ok, kids, we are heading to the hotel. You need to stay in your groups as they are assigned.” Mr. Seward started rattling off names of students and those of the chaperones in charge of them. Each group had a male and female chaperone until he came to the last one. Due to the last minute changes in chaperones, the last group had two males. “Mr. Sanders and Mr. Baker you will be in charge of only 6 students for this trip. From St. Lucia you will have Scott Hartley, Eric McCord, and Alex Ogden. From Vengeance you will have Aaralyn Cinclaire, Lauren Fields, and Bethany Shipman.”

“Sweet. We’re stuck together.” I did a small victory dance not only for being with Lorri but with Zacky and Matt as well.

“Ok, come on girls.” Matt rolled his eyes grabbing his bag while Zack rounded up the boys. I tossed my bag over of shoulder, leaving it hanging by one strap. I Passed Zack his bag as he walked back over to our seats.

“And now we get to find our shit.” I sighed. As we neared baggage claim. There was a huge crowd.

“Lucky for us, we have custom luggage.” Lorri smiled and pointed to our bags on the conveyer belt. They stuck out like sore thumbs in the pink and animal print bags all of our classmates had used.

“Got them.” I smiled grabbing both of mine off the belt before waiting a few second for Lorri’s to get close enough to grab off.

“Well, we’re ready.” She said as we walked back to Zack who had his. Matt quickly joined with Bethany and two of the boys.

“Where is Eric?” Zack looked slightly panicked.

“Right here.” The missing boy said from behind him.

“Does everyone have their stuff?” Matt asked looking over everyone to make sure.

“Alright. Let’s go. There is a van waiting outside for us.” Zack said leading the way, Matt
bringing up the rear.

“Alright here we are. Everyone in the van.” Matt helped load out luggage into the van with the driver while Zack stood by the door making sure everyone got in. Once again, Zack was sitting next to me. The boys from St. Lucia talked excitedly among themselves. It seemed the three of the were best friends.

“So Beth, what are you looking forward to the most in London?” I asked. If she was going to be stuck with us for the entire trip, I was going to make her feel included. I didn’t know her very well and she didn’t seem to have many friends so, this was the perfect opportunity to make a new friend.

“Probably the Windsor Castle. I’ve wanted to see it since I was a kid.” She smiled slightly confused. “Why are you talking to me though?”

“You’re going to be stuck with us for the entire trip. Might as well try to get to know each other, right?” Lorri piped up, turning in her seat to face us.

“Yeah, and those guys seem pretty tight, so why not make friends with us? I promise we don’t bite.” I laughed lightly as Zack nudged me.

“Do too.” He mumbled to himself receiving a glare from me.

“Thanks for trying to include me. My best friend didn‘t get to come.” She smiled softly.

“Any time. Feel free to chill with us at any time. I know how bad it sucks when your best friend can’t go with you on a school trip.” I smiled. We made small talk the entire way to the hotel.

“Your rooming assignments may differ slightly from your groups. I know all of you signed up for who you want to room with and we did our best to accommodate that. There will be 4 people in each room unless you paid for the twin supplement. I am going to start with those names first. Aaralyn Cinclaire and Lauren Fields, room 608.” Mr. Seward kept going down the list giving everyone their room numbers and a key card to that room and a copy of the rules we all already signed.

“We’re going to go ahead and put our things up.” I whispered to Matt while Mr. Seward was still talking.

“Ok. Zack and I are rooming in 606, so we are right next door.” He said before allowing Lorri and I to lug our bags into the elevator.

“We’re on the top floor.” Lorri noted as the cart began to ascend.

“Here it is.” I said dragging my bag to the door marked 608. I opened the door and we both rushed in fighting over who would get what bed. Of course I went to the one closest to the window while she wanted the one by the door, so there really was no fighting.

“I’m hanging my dresses up. Want me to get yours too?” She asked tossing he largest suitcase on the bed and opening it.

“I got it.” I smiled pulling out said dresses and hanging them in the closet. We unpacked our laptops, cameras, and toiletries before there was a knock on the door.

“Get ready. We have a tour of The Strand, Trafalgar Square, Leicester Square, and the Covent Garden.” Matt said as I answered the door. “You guys are lucky you opted for the twin rooms. Everyone who didn’t as bunk beds.” He smiled looking at our room.

“Can you imagine us in bunk beds? Someone who be going to the ER with a broken arm.” Lorri laughed looking at me only to receive a glare. My parents had gotten us bunk beds when she first moved in but the first night we had them, I fell off and broke my arm.

“Fuck you Lor. Give us a minute to change and we’ll be right out.” I turned away from Matt and grabbed my pair of black and white chucks from my bag along with a pair of hot pink and black stripped ankle socks. I found a black tank top, fresh underclothes, and a pair of jeans before going into the bathroom and changing allowing Lorri to change in the room.

“There is a chill out. Here.” She said tossing me my Misfits hoodie that had skeleton hands on the breast. I opened the door to come face to face with Zack who looked like he was about to knock.

“Hey, you girls ready?” He asked allowing us to see the rest of our group ready to go.

“Yep.” I walked out of the room shoving my cell phone and camera into my pockets.

“Thank god it’s over!” I sighed dropping onto my bed. The tours had dragged on forever. I would much rather be wondering around on my own.

“Seriously. I’m exhausted!” Lorri fell back on her bed.

“Knock knock girls.” Zack said poking his head in the room since we’d left the door cracked.

“What’s up Mr. Baker?” I asked sitting up and looking at him. He stepped inside the room and allowed the door to latch shut. By the time it made the ‘click’ noise, I was up and in his arms, lips pressed firmly to his.

“I’ve been wanting to do that all day.” He smiled down at me after I pulled away.

“This trip is going to be hard as fuck.” I sighed resting my head on his chest.

“Just think, you’ll be able to sneak in my room every night and in the morning, I’ll walk you back here and fix the tape we have to put on the doors to catch people sneaking out.” He smiled kissing my neck.

“Hey now.” Lorri pouted.

“Hey, if I’m in his room, Matt’ll be in here.” I rolled my eyes at her, seeing her instantly perk up.

“I have to get going. Be in the lobby and ready for dinner in 15 minutes.” Zack sighed before kissing me again and walking out of the door.

“This sucks.” I dropped back onto my bed. “I want to be able to take pictures of the two of us doing stuff together. I want to hold his hand or kiss him.”

“I know how you feel. I can’t touch Matt here either.” She sighed. “We better get ready.” She hauled herself off of her bed and stood in front of the mirror fixing her make up. I did the same.

“Let’s go.” I said linking arms with her, both of us half dragging the other. We joined our group in the hotel’s restaurant.

“Dinner is fish and chips.” Matt smiled as Lorri sat next to him. I took the only empty seat between her and one of the boys.

“Ew.” I crinkled my nose.

“You can get chicken instead of fish.” Mr. Baker said almost slipping up and calling me a pet name.

“Is that what you’d like to do?” The waitress asked appearing out of nowhere with everyone’s drink.


“I’d like the same. As for drinks we’ll both have a glass of white merlot.” Lorri smiled.

“Lorri, school trip. Plus drinking age here is 18.” Mr. Baker gave her an amused look.

“Fine. Lemonade.” She rolled her eyes.

“Hey, France it is 16 and we’re spending 3 days there.” I smiled. “Plus I promised Mom and Dad a bottle of wine.”

“Lyn. School trip. No drinking.” Mr. Baker shot me a pointed look.

“Mr. Baker. I at least have to take a bottle home to my parents.” I batted my eyelashes.

“So what are the plans after dinner?” Beth asked changing the topic.

“Free time. I figured you guys would just want to crash.” Matt said as the waitress set our food on the table.

“I want to go check out a few shops if that is ok.” I looked at Zack.

“Me too.” Lorri smiled.

“I guess we can do a shopping trip. Any one else interested?” He asked. The three boys all said they’d rather catch up on their sleep.

“I need to brush up on my French before we go to Paris.” Beth shrugged.

“So, I’ll stay here with these four, you take Lyn and Lorri shopping?” Matt asked.

“Yeah, but only for an hour or so we do have an early start tomorrow.” Zack smiled.

“Oh, get ready to do a lot of shopping on our free day in Paris.” Lorri smiled sweetly.

“Oh god.” Matt and Zack both groaned.

“There was this little goth looking store I saw on the way here. That’s really the only place I wanted to check out today.” I shrugged eating one of my fries.

“Chips my ass! These are French fries!” One of the boys complained. “I wanted like Doritos or something!” We all just laughed. Dinner passed quickly and soon enough Zack, Lorri and I were standing in a small store.

“Look at this!” I said holding up a faux leather coffin shaped purse.

“I love that! Lorri, go try these on!” She said shoving me in the dressing room with a pair of bondage pants. “Try this on too.” She shoved Zack through the curtain.

“Hello there.” He smiled seeing me in nothing but my tank top and thong.

“Hello.” I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss. “Wait.” I smiled pulling on the bondage pants and grabbing my camera out of my pocket. “Picture? I swear no one will see it. I’ll load it on my computer and delete it from the camera as soon as we get back to the hotel.” I gave him the puppy dog eyes.

“Fine.” He smiled taking the camera from me and snapping the picture. “One more.” He smiled pulling my face close to his. Right as his lips hit mine, the flash went off letting me know he’d taken a picture. “Straight to your computer then deleted.” He gave me a stern look.

“Yes sir.” I smiled before shoving him out of the dressing room. I changed back into my pants and bought the ones I’d tried on while Lorri bought the purse.

“I got you this.” She said grabbing a wallet out of her bag. It was black with a bunch of skeletons together that made a screaming skull if you opened it completely. The inside was black with red spider webs.

“This is fuck awesome. Thanks.” I smiled side hugging her as we walked back to the hotel.

“Alright girls. Get some sleep. We are leaving here at 8 am sharp.” Zack said as we exited the elevator. It was now 10 pm here in London and all of our classmates were passed out. Most of the chaperones too.

“See you in the morning.” We waved walking into our room.

“So you sneaking into his room?” Lorri asked opening her bag.

“You know it.” I smiled grabbing the bag of Lingerie I’d bought back in Cali. I pulled out a fake school girl outfit. The white top tied between my breasts, sleeves to just above my elbows, and the entire thing was trimmed in purple plaid. The skirt barely covered my ass and was purple plaid with a black vinyl 2 pleated hem. There were 2 buckles made of the same vinyl as the hem on the left hip. Between the vinyl and plaid there was a thin line of white lace. I pulled on thigh high fishnet stockings that had a purple bow on the top.

“Really Lyn?” Lorri laughed seeing my outfit.

“Yep.” I smiled redoing my hair into a high ponytail and reapplying my make up. I sat on the bed and pulled on my 4 inch black heels before digging my glasses out of my bag. I took my contacts out and put them in the case on the sink. “What do you think?” I asked spinning in a circle in front of her.

“You’re going to hell.” She laughed just as there was a knock on the door. I grabbed my floor length robe and slipped it on before answering the door.

“I’m kicking you out.” Matt smiled wickedly.

“Leaving.” I slipped into the hallway after checking that no one was around before fixing the tape to make it look like the door hadn’t been opened. I pushed the door to Zack’s room open and smiled to see him looking over tomorrow’s schedule. I dropped my robe to the floor and cleared my throat.

“Mr. Baker. I have a question about my homework.” I smiled innocently as he turned to look at me. A sly smile crept across his features and before I knew it, I was pressed against the wall, his lips on my neck.