Status: On hold until further notice.

Vengeance University

London Day Two

After spending the entire morning visiting boring old places in London and a lunch at some café that was horrible, we were finally headed to do something I was excited for. The castle.

“After this we get to harass the guards at the palace right?” I asked Mr. Baker climbing into the van that would be taking us to Windsor.

“Yes Lyn.” He rolled his eyes. This was the only thing I really wanted to do in London.

“Hey, how much of your memory card has been used?” Lorri asked looking through her pictures.

“Like 2 gigs. Why?” I checked. We had both spent the entire morning taking pictures of us goofing off (most with Beth who was quickly becoming a good friend), a few of the places we were visiting, and a small handful of us with the guys or the rest of our group. We’d lied and said it was for the yearbook. I figured I’d sign up for it when we got back anyway.

“I’m at 3 and it’s only been a full day.” She laughed sinking further into her seat. We were currently stuck in the middle seat with Zack in the passenger seat, Beth and one of the boys in the seat in front of us, Matt and the other two boys behind us.

“We so could have walked here.” I rolled my eyes climbing out of the van. The castle was only a mile and a half from where we ate lunch.

“You’re about to walk 4 miles on the tour through it.” The tour guide said standing next to Mr. Baker. “Let’s begin.” She smiled and led us and another group from our trip into the castle being extra friendly with Zacky.

“Chill out.” Lorri said squeezing my shoulder.

“Let her hit on Matt and you be calm about it.” I growled ripping my arm from her. We caught up to our classmates and I was forced to ignore our tour guide flirting with my boyfriend. I’ll admit I was really ready to knock the bitch out after her walking us in the entry way.

“Are you ok?” Lorri asked as the tour was ending.

“Fine.” I said through gritted teeth. “Look at her. Shamelessly throwing herself at someone who clearly isn’t interested. I’m going to say something.” I huffed passed our group and the ones coming in, marching toward the pair with a fierce determination.

“Lyn. Don’t.” Lorri warned quietly.

“Mr. Baker can I talk to you for a minute?” I hissed not bothering to hide my displeasure. His eyes shot wide in panic.

“She was just going to ask how much longer this tour is going to take. We are both dying in these heels.” Lorri smiled sweetly before grabbing my arm and pulling me away.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing.” I glared at her, trying to fight her off.

“Saving your relationship.” She gripped tighter, dragging me faster.

“What the hell was that about?” Matt asked walking over to us.

“She’s jealous. Chick has been hitting on her man.” Lorri nodded toward Mr. Baker and the guide. Her hand was resting on his arm as she laughed at something he’d said.

“Are you trying to get busted? Chill out. She’s no threat. Watch.” Matt forced me to look at the couple only to see Mr. Baker step away from her, making her hand drop to her side. “See. Now chill out.” He gave me a pointed look before walking back over to the group.

“Come on. We’re going to see the guards.” Mr. Baker said walking over, a happy look on his face.

“Whatever.” I grumbled shoving past him. I got in the back of the van, putting my headphones in to drown everyone out. The drive to Buckingham Palace was about 45 minutes and I stared out the window the entire time.

“We’re here.” Lorri said ripping my left ear bud out.

“Cool.” I turned off my iPod and shoved it in my pocket.

“Cheer up.” She shoved me with her shoulder smiling. “We get to harass the royal queen’s lackies. You loved this last time we were here.” A small smile captured the right corner of my mouth as she reminded me of the last real family vacation we had 4 years ago. We’d come to London and we’d spent hours at the palace messing with the guards.

“I’m sure you’ll be able to take a few pictures with Zack.” Matt whispered in my ear as he walked by.

“Mr. Sanders!” Lorri called after him. “Can you take a few of me and Lyn?” She smiled handing him her camera. “You’re awesome. LYN! Come on!” She smiled pulling me toward the closest guard. She started making funny faces and coming within inches of touching him. After a few pictures were snapped I finally got into it, acting just a goofy as Lorri.

“Hey, we don’t the chaperones get in there? It’ll make an awesome yearbook picture.” Beth said offering to take the camera from Matt before shoving him and Zack, who was mid-sentence with our tour guide, toward us and the guard. After just a few frames, the entire group was in the picture and our guide was left to take pictures.

“Alright. We’ve got to get back to the hotel and get ready for dinner.” Mr. Baker said looking at his watch. The entire group groaned.

“Do we have to eat there? There food is so gross.” The guy I’d come to know at Scott asked.

“Seriously. And after the place we had lunch, I’m thinking I’d rather starve than eat at another place that the school picked.” Beth joined in on Scott’s protesting the school approved food.

“We know this place that’s actually really good. Not too far from the hotel actually. Maybe three miles?” Lorri smiled while she was leaning on me, arm linked with mine.

“Is everyone ok with not eating with the entire group?” Mr. Baker asked raising an eyebrow. It seemed as if everyone was hoping to get out of the group meal just a bad as they were to get away from the food.

“Let’s go freshen up.” Mr. Sanders said ushering us into the van. The drive to the hotel was short so I didn’t bother with music.

“Oh. The place is a little more upscale. So dress in something nice.” I warned jumping out of the van.

“One hour and we’re leaving!” Zack called after Lorri, Beth, and myself as we racing into the hotel.

“If you want, grab your stuff and you can get ready in here.” Lorri invited Beth as we stood at our door.

“Ok.” She smiled and disappeared into the room on the other side of Zack and Matt’s. Less than a minute after we’d entered our own room, there was a knock.

“Come on in.” I smiled opening the door for her.

“So what are you wearing?” Lorri asked digging through her own suitcase. She turned around to see Beth holding up a very plain white top and a pair of black jeans. “We were talking a little dressier than that.” Lorri smiled softly. “What size do you wear?”

“I’m a 4.” She said softly dropping her clothes on my bed.

“Me too. You can borrow some of my clothes.” I smiled and started digging through my suitcase.

“I’ll do you hair. Here sit.” Lorri patted the seat in front of the vanity as I kept trying to find something to wear for both Beth and myself.

“Ah here we are.” I smiled finding a white mini dress. The skirt was form fitting, but the top was slightly baggy and hung off of the left shoulder. The sleeves would touch Beth’s elbows. I tossed it across her lap and went back to looking for something for me.

“How sexy are you trying to go?” Lorri asked not taking her eyes off of Beth’s hair in the curling iron.

“I don’t know. What are you wearing?” I asked looking over my clothes.

“The purple dress on my bed.” It was a short form fitting violet colored halter dress. The front had a deep V neck lined with ruffles and the back consisted of the strings from the halter crossing twice before tying just above the ass that was covered by the skirt.

“Trying to attract attention?” I asked laughing going back to my suitcase. Knowing just how much skin Lorri was going to be showing made it easy for me to grab a black dress I hadn’t worn yet. It had a full see through lace back and bodice, material that created a cowl neckline and ended just under my breasts, and the two tier ruffled skirt that just covered my ass.

“And you’re done.” Lorri smiled letting Beth look at her hair in the mirror. It was pulled into a messy bun, a few curls falling from it.

“You can change in the bathroom.” I said waving toward the bathroom door as I dug out a backless strapless bra and a black lace thong. As soon as Beth was in the bathroom Lorri and I both started changing.

“Trying to get someone to notice you?” Beth said eyeing my dress.

“Maybe just a little bit.” I shrugged pulling my hair into a side ponytail, leaving the waves in my hair.

“You know those boys in our group are sexy.” Lorri laughed curling her hair.

“I don’t think you mean the boys from St. Lucia.” Beth said as both her and I started on our make up.

“What makes you say that?” I looked at her through the mirror.

“Oh please. You and Mr. Baker have been giving each other googley eyes since the beginning of the year. And you and Mr. Sanders have been eye fucking since we got off the plane.” She said pointing at Lorri with her eyeliner.

“We have no idea what you’re talking about.” We said in unison.

“Plus I saw you and Matt trading rooms in the hall this morning.” She laughed going back to her make up. “Don’t worry. You’re secret is safe.”

“Wait, what were you doing in the hall that early?” I asked turning to look at her.

“You guys aren’t the only ones sneaking around with the chaperones.” She winked.

“Who?!?!” Lorri and I were both in awe.

“Mr. Grover from St. Lucia. He booked a room to himself for the entire trip so I can sneak in. Only reason I went on this trip.” She smiled. Mr. Grover’s group was the one we went on all of our tours with. They were the next set of rooms in our hall.

“Well then.” I laughed finishing my make up. There was a knock on the door.

“Are you girls ready?” Mr. Baker said as Beth opened the door for him.

“Just need to put our shoes on and we are ready to go.” She said keeping the door semi-shut. “We’ll be right out.” She slid the door closed as I pulled my strappy heels on.

“What size shoe do you wear?” I asked standing up.

“7. Why?” Beth looked surprised.

“Wear these.” Lorri handed her a pair of silver pumps. I slipped in a pair of white gold earrings that dangled about an inch and had a blue diamond on the ends. They complimented my icy eyes. Lorri was wearing a similar pair that had a white diamond, off setting her dark blue eyes.

“Do you know where my necklace is?” I asked looking through my small jewelry box I’d brought.

“I packed it. Here.” She handed it to me from the matching box she had. It was a simple white gold necklace with a 2 carat blue diamond pendant that had 4 small diamonds around it to make it a square shape that hung by one corner. Lorri had the exact same except her diamond was white. The sets had been our Christmas gifts last year.

“Let’s go.” I smiled locking arms with Beth walking out of the room. The rest of our group was waiting in the lobby. I saw all of their jaws drop at the sigh of us.

“Come on! I’m starving!” Lorri whined basically dragging Matt and Zack out by their arms to the van. I ended up between Zack and Beth in the very back.

“A little inappropriate for a school trip isn’t it?” He whispered.

“Are you complaining? If you are, I’ll take it off.” I teased quietly, my hand on his thigh.

“There is another student right next to you Lyn. You’re going to get us caught.” He slid my hand down.

“She knows. She’s with Mr. Grover.” I slid my hand up higher than it was.

“Well giving me a boner is going to give us away to everyone in this van.” He forced my hand back down.

“You’re no fun.” I pouted leaning on Beth. It only took ten minutes to get to our destination. I walked in front of the group and to the hostess. “8 for Aaralyn Cinclaire.” I smiled sweetly as she looked at her list.

“Did you call ahead?” Matt asked slightly confused.

“No. Don’t have to.” I shrugged.

“Right this way Miss Cinclaire. How is your father doing?” She was making small talk.

“He’s good. He should be in the area next month to film. I’m sure he’ll be dropping in.”

“Here you are. You’re waiter will be here shortly.” She waved to the round booth before leaving us. Lorri and I sat in the center, Zack to my left, Beth to his left, and Scott to hers. Matt was next to Lorri, Eric next to him, and Alex. My hand instantly found his thigh and he just curled his hand around mine.

“No teasing.” He whispered. “So what’s good here?” He spoke loud enough for everyone to hear as he flipped through his menu.

“Depends on what you like.” I shrugged.

“When do you girls order for me and Zack. I trust you more than this menu.” Matt laughed.

“Me too?” Beth looked at the menu, her face riddles with confusion.

“Easy enough.” Lorri smiled looking at her menu.

“Hello, I’m Peter. What can I get you to drink?” The waiter said standing at the table. The St. Lucia boys ordered before I spoke up.

“We’ll have the Rioja Tinto for the men and the ladies will have the Chateau De Fonscolombe Rose.” I smiled handing him the wine menu.

“I’ll be right back with that.” His accent was dripping off his words.

“Didn’t I say no drinking?” Zack’s eyebrow was raised.

“Didn’t I say I was going to anyway?” I laughed.

“Plus it didn’t say in the list of rules we were given that we couldn’t drink.” Lorri smiled.

“Do you know what you’d like to eat?” The waiter asked upon returning with wines and pouring them.

“Yes. These two will have Mighty-Marbled Glenarm Sirloin Stake. I’ll have the Roast Colchester Lobster but instead of chips a side salad.” Lorri said looking at the menu.

“Both, her and I will have the Rosemary-Roasted Start Point Monkfish Tail. Also instead of chips on mine, I would like a side salad” I handed him the menu not even bother to look at it. I didn’t bother noticing what the boys ordered.

“You amaze me.” Zack whispered, his hand wondering up my thigh.

“Hey now.” I shot him a sideways glance. It was a wonder that no one had noticed our closeness. Dinner passed with the boys from St. Lucia pretty much ignoring us, unless they were trying to star down our dresses, Zacky teasing my thigh, and small talk between the five of us.

“Remember, we leave here at 11 am sharp to head to Paris.” Mr. Sanders called after us as everyone made their way into their hotel rooms. I didn’t even bother going in mine, I just snuck into Zacky’s.

“Hello there beautiful.” He smiled after doing the nightly routine. I was laying on his bed reading Mythology by Edith Hamilton for my AP Mythology class.

“All done for the night?” I set my book on the night stand.

“Sure am.” He smiled crawling in the bed with me, grabbing his laptop. “Since it’s our last night in London, I thought it only fitting we watch An American Werewolf in London.” He laughed turning the computer one and starting the movie. About half way through, I dozed off in his arms
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Sorry it took a few days. I'll try to have the next one up tomorrow! Feedback would be amazing ~<3 Syndi