Status: On hold until further notice.

Vengeance University

Trip to Paris

“Hey. Lyn. Why don’t you and I go for a walk? I need to talk to you.” Scott said taking me by my arm leading me toward an empty hallway.

“Can I help you?” I eyed him leaning against the wall. This was the first time he’d spoken directly to me.

“It’s more of how I can help you.” His lips turned into a wicked smirk. He didn’t bother waiting for me to ask what he was talking about. He just put his hands on either side of my head and leaned in close. “See, I know about you and Mr. Baker over there.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I shoved him away and started back toward the group.

“Really? Because this photo of you two kissing says differently.” I could hear the smile in his words as I came to a dead stop.

“I still have no idea what you’re talking about.” I said turning to face him.

“Are you sure?” He asked holding his phone out to me. On the screen was a picture from this morning when Zack had walked me back to my room. I was leaning against my door, pulling his shirtless body toward me by his tie. “Oh and I’ve already sent it to my e-mail. So don’t try to break my phone.” I swallowed hard.

“What do you want?” I glared at him.

“Nothing much. Just a date.” His smile widened.

“I’m not your type.” I looked over his preppy attire.

“Not with you. Ew. With Britney Downing.” He smiled looking over my shoulder at her.

“We don’t talk. Let along get along. How in the hell am I supposed to pull that?” I looked at him like he was stupid.

“Easy. Get her into our group then pretend you’re interested in me. If you guys don’t get along as much as you say, she’ll see us and want me.”

“You’re on crack.” I rolled my eyes and started walking away.

“I wonder who would have it worse. You or him? I mean he would lose his job and go to jail but you. You’d be known as the girl who fucks her teacher for grades.” I could almost hear him laughing. I turned on my heel, marched over to him.

“How in the hell do I know you’ll keep your end of the bargain? What’ll stop you from turning us in after I get her to date you?” I balled my fist.

“You don’t. You’ll just have to trust me.”

“And exactly how am I supposed to get her in our group?” I stood with my hands on my hips.

“That’s on you.” He shrugged walking off. “Oh and you have until tonight to have her in our group or I call your headmaster.” He waved over his shoulder. I turned and slammed my fist into the brick wall as hard as I could, tears stringing my eyes before they fell silently. I slammed my back into the wall sliding down it, bringing my knees to my chest.

“Lyn. Lyn. What’s wrong?!?” Lorri asked kneeling next to me.

“Nothing.” I sniffed, dragging the back of my hand across my left cheek.

“Lair.” She lifted my chin so I was looking at her.

“Don’t worry about it.” I jerked my face from her, burying it in my knees. I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I pulled it only to see it was the picture with “tick tock” under it. I just dropped it by my side, crying into my knees.

“What is this?” Lorri asked looking at my phone. “Who is this from?” She asked rubbing my back.

“Scott. I have until tonight to get Britney in our group or he call Mr. Webber.” I mumbled into my knees.

“I’ll beat his ass!” She got up only for me to yank her back down.

“You’ll get yourself sent home and he’ll send that picture to everyone. Just think of the damage it’ll do to Zacky’s career.” I dropped my head back, staring at the ceiling.

“Lyn. We’ll figure this out.” She just hugged me.

“Hey girls. Time to go.” Zack walked over. “Whoa.” He leaned down. “Baby, what’s wrong?” He whispered.

“Nothing.” I said shoving myself off of the ground and walking over to the group, wiping the running makeup from my face with my middle finger tip.

“Lyn. You ok?” Matt asked looking me over.

“Fine. Let’s get going.” I grabbed my bags from where I’d left them and throwing them into the back of the van before getting in myself.

“Lyn. We’ll figure something out.” Zack said sitting next to me before any one else had gotten in the vehicle.

“Like what Zack? How in the hell am I supposed to hook him up with a girl that hates my guts?” I looked at him with my bloodshot eyes.

“I have no idea.” He sighed, dropping his head as people started to fill the empty seats. We sat in silence as we drove to the train station. The entire trip went as a group onto the train filling in seats randomly.

“Oh my god! Mr. Swan! Are you ok?” I heard Lorri asking our calculus teacher, helping him off of the ground.

“I’m fine Lorri.” He smiled but it quickly disappeared as he put pressure on his left leg.

“Here. Have a seat. We’ll get a doctor.” Mr. Seward helped him into the closest seat. Lorri wondered over and fell into the seat next to me, across from Beth.

“What happened?” I raised an eyebrow at her.

“I tripped him.” Her smile was creeping me out.


“Britney is in his group. If he has a sprained ankle, he’ll have to rest for a few days, and since there are only two groups with six people, and his being one of them, they will just combine the groups.” Her smile never faltered.

“You seriously just injured a teacher to help me out?” I looked at her disbelievingly.

“Yep. You better know I love you.” She popped her head phones in and got comfortable in her seat. After a few minutes, Mr. Seward came back with a what I guessed to be a doctor.

“I’ll have to take some x-rays to be certain, but I’m sure it’s broken. I advise you cut the trip short and go home to rest. When we get to Paris, we’ll get the x-rays and probably into a cast.” The woman Mr. Seward had brought over said frowning.

“Lorri!” I slugged her leg. She popped her head phones out and looked at me. “You broke his leg!” I hissed.

“Oops.” She shrugged, going back to her music.

“So what was all of that about?” Beth asked looking at me.

“No idea.” I lied grabbing my iPod out of my pocket only to have Mr. Seward start speaking. I pulled Lorri’s ear bud out.

“It seems that Mr. Swan will be leaving out trip early. Since this is such short notice and we don’t have a replacement chaperone, Mrs. Prescott and her six students will be joining Mr. Baker and Mr. Sanders’ group. At least until we get another chaperone.” He took his seat. I just looked at Lorri.

“Damn. That worked. I was just hoping like hell.” She laughed putting her ear bud back in. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket to see I had two new text the first was from Scott.

“Nice job Cinclaire. Looks like I’ll be keeping this picture to myself after all. At least for now. As soon as the train stops, be all over me.” I cringed reading it. I didn’t bother to reply, just check the other message.

“That was on purpose wasn’t it?’ This one was from Zack.

“No idea what you’re talking about.” / I replied before putting my phone up. I popped in my head phones and settled into my seat. It was only two hours until we got to Paris and I figured it was a good time to catch up on sleep. Beth and Lorri had already beaten me to the punch on that one.
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Sorry it's kinda short. I could have added to it and posted it tomorrow or so, but I thought I'd be nice and share it. Feedback in much appreciated. ~<3 Syndi