Status: Hiatus.



Harper’s P.O.V

“I thought you couldn’t leave the house?” I ask, watching Oz hover above me. The sunlight shines through him, making it almost impossible to see him. If not for his bright blue eyes, I wouldn’t have even noticed him.

“I cannot leave on my own,” Oz replies. He leans back, allowing his feet to scrape across the ground. “But if I attach myself to a single person, or even an animal, I may leave for an extended period of time.”

“Really?” I heard of ghosts sometimes following people, but that was usually when they had a personal connection with whomever they were following. “How long can you stay away? What happens if you are gone for too long?”

Oz hums to himself, like he’s debating on whether or not he should tell me, but we both know he will. Slowly, Oz moves himself to my side. His body rests in the grass. I watch as he flexes his fingers against the green blades, disappointment flashes through his eyes for a mere moment.

I can’t imagine what it’s like to be a ghost. He can’t feel the warmth of the sun or the softness of grass. It must be maddening.

“I do believe the longest I have been away is a day,” Oz says, finally. “It is exhausting keeping myself attached to another soul for so long.”

I tilt my head in curiosity. “I thought you said ghosts don’t get tired?” It isn’t everyday someone finds themselves talking with a ghost about this sort of thing…actually, I wonder if anyone has?

Should I feel special?

“We do not, this exhaustion is…different. You know how I can move objects without touching them?”

I nod, of course I know. He’s destroyed my room dozens of times.

Oz grins, as if he could read my mind. “Well, that is also tiring. I can only do so much before I cannot do it at all. When I attach myself to someone I can only last for so long. I am not sure why, but as soon as I grow too weary and detach myself from a person, I return here in an instant.”

“So…you’ve never stalked me around all day have you?” The idea of Oz following me all day without my knowledge makes me shiver. Honestly, who would want a floating specter stalking them, or anyone for that matter?

Oz rolls his eyes. “Do not flatter yourself. I wish not to waste my entire day with you.”

“Ouch, I was just curious,” I laugh and go to nudge his side, but my elbow goes right through him. I nearly topple over but manage to catch myself and push back up.

Oz’s eyes narrow and I throw him an apologetic smile. Come on, it’s not like I meant to hurt his feelings, if he even has any. It’s hard to remember sometimes that I can’t touch him, especially when we’re talking like this. It’s hard to remember he’s dead.

“Makes me feel kinda bad, knowing that I talk to a ghost more than anyone else,” I sigh. “I lead a sad life.”

Oz scoffs, and seems to forget his moment of anger from a moment ago, “You should feel honored to have someone such as myself to keep you company.”

I throw Oz a smirk, which he returns. The two of us fall silent afterwards, but it’s not an awkward silence. It’s more of a…warm kind of silence. Oz is watching the sky above, while I read over my homework.

Throughout the rest of the afternoon, Oz and I stay outside in silence. I felt good knowing that, because of me, Oz can enjoy the outside for the day. It must drive him mad, being cooped up in that house all day. I don’t know how he’s lasted this long…

Oh wait, he’s been tormenting everyone whose come to live here. Sicko gets off on it.

I chuckle at my own thought. Oz cocks a curious brow that I wave off.

“I wouldn’t mind though,” I say as the sun begins to hide behind the hills. Oz faces me with a questioning expression. “If you followed me around all day. It must be hard to stay inside all the time…I know you can’t enjoy things like food, but you can get into a movie for free!”

“Movie’s are not normally free? I watch your TV all the time, does that cost?” Oz asks, which makes me laugh. Oh, the perks of being a ghost.

“It does,” I nod. “But seriously, I wouldn’t mind.”

“I may take you up on that offer, Harper, but you may regret it.” Oz grins in a way that makes me wish I hadn’t offered. He’s going to make my day hell, isn’t he?
♠ ♠ ♠
So a month ago i posted this chapter but I accidentally skipped a chapter, so please go back and read it
Again, sorry, my head's all messed up lol

P.S. You should all go read my new story Nothing Will Change
