Status: Hiatus.



Kory stood in his crib, his small fingers grasping the wooden railing. In one of his arms is his favorite stuffed animal Leo, which I have stolen a time or two. He hasn’t been too pleased with me about that.

“Wha are you doing? Can you not sleep?” Kory asks in a hushed voice. This isn’t the first time he has seen me and it won’t be the last.

It isn’t unusual for children to see me or rather see us. Actually most can and do. Unlike adults their eyes and minds are capable of accepting our existence. They’re too young not to believe in “make believe things” but by the time the child reaches 7 or 8 they can no longer see and forget all about us. It’s strange and I’ve never fully understood it but I’ve never really tried to because I’ve never cared.

“Why do you take my Leo? I really like Leo…if you want to play with him I’ll share but he’s mine ok. He’s my favorite!” Kory drags out the a in favorite and holds out his Leo to me. I stare at the thing, scoff and glide out of the room, ignoring the boys calls.

The next day Kory is sitting at the table with his family. Harper and Lacey are getting ready for school, Donald is on his way to going to work while Nancy is making breakfast for the family. Kory is still staring right at me. I may be able to hide myself from that suspicious kid Harper but Kory is a different story. Children are capable of seeing us whether we want them to or not. It’s kind of annoying.

“Momma there aren’t enough plates,” Kory whines as he looks at the table. Donald is at the head, Harper at his left and Nancy his right. Kory is beside Harper and Lacey is beside her mother. Kory points to the spot beside him. “That boy has no plate.”

“Boy?” Nancy cocks a brow curiously and I chuckle. Harper’s ears perk and he turns to face me but he sees right through me. “What boy? Do you have a new friend?”

“He won’t talk to me. He don’t like me, I think.”

“I’m sure he likes you,” Harper says reassuringly with a smile. He pats his little brothers head. “He’s probably just shy.”

“He isn’t cuz he was the one who messed up the house and took my Leo. I don’t think he likes any of us.”

Everyone at the table, except Lacey and Kory, tense and look at one another with worried expression. Lacey giggles and looks to Harper. “Sounds like Kory can see the ghost! Come on Harper, why can’t you?”

Harper bites his lip. I bet he’s remembering the other night when I was nearly caught by him. I had been hiding myself under the bed and didn’t even think about it but he looked beneath it. I had enough time to disappear before he got a good look at me. I’m starting to think that maybe I should let him see me. Imagine how creeped out he’d be.


How dull. Without anyone around I’m unsure of what to do. Terrorize the house a little? Or perhaps I should leave a threatening message like in all those “movies” that I’ve seen these people watch? That girl, should I trash her room? It’s incredibly annoying knowing she has my room. It’s filled with such trivial things like pink fluffy animals, clothes everywhere, make up and shoes.

Yes, trashing would be rather enjoyable.

I’m not paying attention to the time as I angrily do as I wish to the girls room. I tear the sheets from the bed and throw the toys out the window to the earth below. I push the dresser over, all the things inside along with the drawers falling out. The perfumes crash and shatter against the floor along with other miscellaneous things.

There’s voices below and I realize that the children must have returned from school. I have enough time to look up and see the door open. Standing there are the three children, Lacey staring horrified at her now ruined room, tears coming to her eyes. Kory is pointing at me accusingly and shouting, “That’s the boy Harpa! That’s the boy!”

Harper stares right at me, eyes wide and mouth agape. He reaches out for Lacey and clutches onto her shoulder. I know for a fact he can see me, it’s in his eyes. Scared, he tugs Lacey out of her room and orders her to go downstairs with Kory and stay there.

Once they’re gone it’s just the two of us. I don’t leave for good reason. This boy can see me and I want to know why. I want to hear what he has to say. It’s been so long since I’ve been noticed by someone other than a small child I’ve forgotten what it’s like to be seen.

“Who are you?” Harper asks, taking a step towards me. He’s hesitant and when my finger so much as twitches he jumps back in fear. It makes me chuckle.

“I asked you a question!” Harper shouts but his voice is trembling. It only makes me start to laugh loudly. “Stop it. Answer me! Why do you keep bothering us? First Leo and my brother, then the kitchen and now you’re trashing my sisters room!”

It wasn’t until I died that I realized how amusing humans could be. They’re such…interesting creatures. Continuing to chuckle, I shake my head at the boy and walk towards him. He continues to step back until his back is pressed against the wall. I walk straight through him. I feel his body shiver.

Maybe this family will be more interesting than I originally thought. I could have a lot of fun like this.
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I'm so sorry I haven't updated!
My computer had a virus and I couldn't get on the internet DX
