I'd Sacrifice This World to Hold You

Chapter 19 - Keep 'Em Separated

Chapter 19

I noticed people heading back into school. It didn't bother me and it didn't seem to bother Hayley either. I don't think she cared whether we'd be late for next lesson or not. I lit up another cigarette and handed her one. She didn't hesitate in taking it. She lit it and took a strong pull on it. Damn she made smoking look good. If they wanted to promote it, they should use her for the advertisement. They'd double their sales.

The sun was beating down onto us. It was nice, but at the same time, not so much. It's hard to see the good side of things when you miss someone this much.

He was a best friend. A huge part of my life. Always there for me. Although towards the end, he spiralled into a downward path. Sometimes he seemed depressed. Something I never really realised until it was too late. Maybe if I had tried to help him, he wouldn't of felt the need to take drugs to feel happy.

Maybe somehow some of this is down to me.

Perhaps he would've been fine with the drugs that day. It could of been the jealous rage he flew into that sent him over the top that day.

I wish I could bring him back.

I wish I had told him how much he meant to me before it was too late. It might have saved him.

It tears me apart to think that I could somehow be responsible for the death of Zacky.

A teacher walked out of the front of a school and waved for us to come inside.

I slowly got up and threw the butt of my cigarette on the ground. I hardly smoked much of it. Too deep in thought. It burnt down on its own anyway.

As we walked over to where Miss Hamlin was standing, frowning, with her hands on her hips in that contradicting way.

"Do you want to go pick up that cigarette butt and put it somewhere that isn't littering the school grounds?" She asked in a rhetorical manner.

"No, not really," I said, not caring about how pissed off she got with that comment.

I just walked right past her with Hayley by my side. I don't think she took any of it in.

We walked through the double doors that were the front of the school. Hayley was in all of my classes so it wouldn't be too tough dealing with everything if we had eachother every step of the way.

She slipped her hand into mine as we walked through the near empty corridors. We headed towards the English corridor. We approached out class. Room 39. I opened the door and we both went to take our seats. Obviously next to each other.

"What time do you call this?" The teacher said sarcastically.

"Well there's a clock up there, miss," I piped up.

A few of our friends laughed at that but one plastic bitch, Josie, decided to interfere.

"Ooohh the lesbian emo has an attitude problem," The stupid whore smirked.

"You what? Come over here and say that so I can knock that smirk right off your face!" I yelled.

She actually got up and came over to us. We were still standing. She walked right up to me and got in my face.

"I said, I think the dyke has a problem," She spoke, so smug.

I let go of Hayleys hand and clenched my fist, swung it at Josie's perfect, pretty little face. She flew backwards and smacked off of the desk next to mine. A few people gasped. Hayley laughed. So did I.

She got up holding her nose. Blood splashed onto her hands.

"I-I-It's broken!" She cried. She looked around for sympathy. Finding it only in her small clique of friends. All 2 of them, from this class that is.

"They always said you got your looks from your father, he is a plastic surgeon and all... Go ask him to fix it," I retorted. Most people laughed. Except from the teacher.

You see, Josie was only pretty because of her father's occupation.

The teacher came towards me and grabbed my arm and dragged me out of the room. Walking me all the way to the head teachers office.

Oh well. Stupid bitch deserved it.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry for the lack of updates.

Have been working on this to make it how I wanted it for a few days.

Comments, Subs and Readers are all loved <3

Vikki x