I'd Sacrifice This World to Hold You

Chapter 20 - What's My Age Again?

Chapter 20

"How many times have we had this same conversation about fighting with other students?..." The headteacher Mr. Kitson droned on for what seemed like forever. I was getting pretty sick of this. Hell, I had been sick of this conversation since he first said my name when I walked in half hour ago.

All I could think about was how Hayley was doing in class without me there. Well, at least Josie weren't there to start on her, seeing as she had ran out of class, clutching her broken face. I was so proud of myself that I couldn't help smiling in the headteachers office as I wasn't hearing what Mr. Kitson was telling me. I didn't want to either. I just played the moments back in my head. The ones where I'd given Josie what was coming to her. Well let's face it. Someone was going to do it sooner or later.

"Now, Valery, I'm going to let you off of punishment, seeing as you've had it tough lately, and I'll try to persuade Josie Munro not to press charges. Okay?"

Woah. That was something. He was being... Nice? If I hadn't been grinding my teeth about Josie, my jaw would've hit the floor.

Five minutes later he had let me out and I was heading back to class. Normally I wouldn't be so eager to get back to class but Hayley was there and for some reason I felt like it was my duty to take care of her. Probably because I felt so guilty about Zacky.

I opened the classroom door slowly. Poked my head in and looked around. I looked over at Hayley who was working. I looked at the teacher and he noticed me.

"Aww. You're back. Collecting your stuff? Has the headteacher finally expelled you?" He said sarcastically.

I looked over at Hayley again and this time she was looking straight at me.

"No actually, he let me off," I said with a smirk directed at the teacher. He just sighed and pointed to my seat. I went to go and sit down. Hayley looked at me and smiled. I smiled back at her.

"By the way, Nice fight," She grinned. I laughed quiet enough so the teacher wouldn't hear me.

Soon 4th period was over and we were on our way to last lesson. Art. My favourite.

We walked in and saw Miss Jones my favourite teacher ever sitting at her desk. We approached her and I smiled at her.

"Hi girls!" She cried seeing as she hasn't seen us for several weeks. "How are things?" She asked.

"We're coping I guess," I said as I looked towards Hayley, who was standing next to me. Miss Jones smiled sympathetically. "It's hard though."

"It's going to be, but you both know I'm here if you need anything," She said.

"Thanks Miss," Me and Hayley both said in unison. We all smiled.

"Oh, I heard you gave Josie a right hook earlier. Broke her nose. Last I heard she was being taken to hospital," Miss Jones said looking bluntly at me. I thought she was going to lecture me. "Nice work. You should of photographed it, I would give it an A* for that sort of Artwork," She winked at me. I should've known she wouldn't lecture me.

She hated her nearly as much as I did.

We took out usual seats on our usual table, with our usual friends. Nice eight-seater table. Only one empty seat. Zacky's.

"Hey dudette's!" My friend Shawn cheerfully cried. He was always so happy. I'm not sure why, he was just one of those naturally happy people.

"Hey man," I replied to him. I smiled a bit too. Shawn always has that sort of effect.
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Vikki xx