Running Into You

Running Into You (part 4)

I just stood there for a good, two minutes. It was official I like Jaime. There, I said it. He was sweet, kind, funny, and honest. Everything I had never been able to find in a guy. The only downfall was that he was in a band. And I could totally over look that. Because he didn’t seem like the type to cheat on me, while one tour… right?

I finally snapped out of my thoughts when Landon came back in from outside.

“Dude, if your going tonight you better go get dressed,” he said, walking past me and down the hall into his room.

I walked down the hall past Noah in the kitchen who reeked of his Axe body spray. I coughed as I walked by. Which resulted in a dirty look. I spouse he is trying to get laid tonight. I walked into my room and went right to the closet.

“What the fuck am I going to wear?” I asked myself, moving from little black dress to little black dress to bright red dress.

“Preferably clothes,” Logan said, walking into my room half dressed.

“FUCK! You just gave me a heart attack. Slut!” I shouted “What the balls do you want?” I asked, going back to looking for a dress, or something.

“I want you to tell be what you think of these jeans,” she said, spinning around entirely to fast for me to tell.

“Slow the fuck down. And spin slower,” I said, Logan being Logan and a smartass moved so slow, I wanted to smack her, which I did.

“They look good, they make your ass look amazing,” I said, turning back to my closet.

“Thanks yous,” she said as she twirled one more time before leaving.

I decide on a pink and black dress, that zippers in the back. The top part was pink and kind of looked like a tank top with a black skirt. But it was a dress, plus it was comfortable. It came to about four inches above my knee. I matched it with two inch black pumps. I didn’t necessarily care for heels considering I am 5’5. But it completed the outfit.

I went into Harley’s room and curled the top of my hair. Then brushed it out so I had nice waves, and straightened the bottom, it still looked kind of messy though, I couldn’t fix it. My hair kind of reminds be of a scene kids hair. Except it wasn’t poofy like, and I didn’t have bangs like that.

By the time I was done thrity minutes had gone by. And Landon and Noah were gone. I spray on my perfume and walked out into the living room.

“Damn girl,” Harley said, while Logan wolf whistled. I blushed and feigned bashfulness.

“Aw, you guys stop it,” I said, wave my hand downward. We laughed.

“You guys look great too. Now lego,” I said, grabbing my phone and stuffing it in my bra.

Logan was wearing skin tight black jeans with floral pumps, and a matching floral tank top. And she did nothing to her hair. While, Harley wore a striped tank top tucked into a pink skirt with flats. Her hair curled nicely. She had the best hair out of all of us.

As we drove I thought about Jaime. I decided I would let things fall as the may. If he asked me out great. If he didn’t that’s okay too. But if my feelings keep building up like they have been all day. I will probably end up asking him out, if he doesn’t ask me first.

By the time we got to the Fuentes residents it was 10:15pm. Jaime was not lying. It was still kind of early into the night and already there were red and blue plastic cups scattered across the front lawn. There were people on the front porch making out, talking, and smoking. The front door was open, and music was pumping out and onto the from lawn as well. We walked in and immediately Harley said she’d be back. She went off to find Dan.

I continued to walk threw the mess of people to the keg set up in the middle of the kitchen. Logan lifted two cups from the kitchens island and tried to fill the cups from the tap. Because Logan is Logan and has always had boys offer to get her drinks, she has never used a tap before. I laughed, and let her fumble for a second more. Until I took the tap from her and fill the first cup and hand it to her.

“No fair,” she said, taking a sip as I filled my own cup. I leaned back against the island looking out at the huge living room to the mass of people.

“Imma go find me a man tonight. Okay?” she asked, I just shook my head and laughed. I was looking a girl that look familiar to me. She had blonde hair and I couldn’t remember how I knew her. I started thinking, when I realized she is the girl Matt slept with two months ago. I laugh to myself, when Mason walks up to me.

“Hey, you!” I say throw my arm that is not contain my drink, around his shoulder and half hug him tightly.

“Hey, I missed you,” he says loudly, so he can be heard over the music.

“I missed you too. Its weird not seeing your face everyday,” I said, giggling a little. He smiled.

“You missed your daily dose of gorgeousness,” he said, as he vogues for a moment. I laughed,

“You know it.”

“So, where’s Logan at?” he asked, I look around the kitchen then into the living room, I notice Jaime talking to that blonde whore Lizzie. I get jealous inside. Until I realize as he is talking to her, really her rambling to him, that he is looking at me. He catches my eye and smiles. I smile back.

I turn my attention back to Mason.

“I know she said something about fining herself a man…” I said trailing off.

He laughs “Figures,” he said, patting my shoulder and walking away I finish off my beer and look back over to where Jaime was but he was gone. My heart sank a bit.

I put the empty cup on the island and pushed off the counter and turned to walk outside, when I trip on my heel and fall face first into someone chest. (Guess who?)

I don’t even need look up to see who it is because I have basically become accustomed to his chest and hands. I smiled up at Jaime, and laugh.

“We NEED to stop meeting like this,” I said, as Jaime pulled me up so I was standing straight. He laughed and pulled me into his arms for a hug. I hugged him back. We pulled apart and he walked around me to the keg, and filled up his cup, and handed me another beer.
I took the cup.

“You’re right. I secretly think you have jelly legs or something,” he said, taking a sip of his beer.

“I don’t trip all the time. I walk into you, I think you might need glasses my friend,”

“No, I can. I have 20/20 vision. I can see the beautiful girl in front of me. Can’t I?” he asked I turned around, looked to the right then to the left. Fake looking for someone.

“Who are you talking about? Because you can’t be talking about me,” I said, shaking my head.

“Yes I can. And I am… That rhymed!” he said, excitedly.

“Dude, you’re a poet and didn’t even know it,” I said, taking another sip of my beer, I want to get drunk tonight. I haven’t been in awhile and I needed to loosen up.

“I can make a rhyme, anytime.” he said

“I’ll pay you a dime if you give me the time.” I said, just then Mike walked past.

You, have a fine behind.” he said, laughing and kept walking.

“Thank you!” I called after him laughing. I looked at Jaime who was smiling at me.

“So when is said beer pong gonna start? Son las once y media,” I said, looking at my imaginary watch.

He laughed, “Soon, Tony needs to bring over the table. Lets go outside for a little,” he said, taking my hand and guiding me through the sea of people, to the front door. How could two guys, know this many people?
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Hey guys! Thank you to all who have read and subed. I LOVE YOU GUYS. If I get at least 2 coments i'll update the 5th chapter tonight it is already written. I know this is kinda short... but the next chapter is a little longer. THANKS for reading please give me feedback.