Status: Thanks for reading. Don't forget to check out the sequel.


Chapter 10

Izzy's P.O.V.

"So what do we do exactly?" I asked. "I've never been been here." The band members stared at me. I was going to say something back but Rae screamed.

"The Mad Hatter!" She squeaked and turned to us with childish glee on her face. "I need a picture!" She screamed and grabbed my arm then dragged us both to the tall green hatted character.

"I don't like being manhandled by a girl who wants to see a man in a very fashionable green hat!" I screamed, all the while sending glares to the to the band members who were unsuccessfully hiding laughs.

A chorus of 'oh my God's' came from Raven as she stared in awe at the Mad Hatter. "I should've brought my Cheshire Cat ears!" She groaned.

"I should've brought the backpack leash." I muttered not caring that Ashley had raised eyebrows.

"I love you!" She screamed to the Hatter and finally let go of my arm to glomp him. Surprisingly he wasn't creeped out,or he hid it well, and hugged her back. "Iz!" Raven yelled making me jump up. "Get in the picture, shrimpy!"

I frowned, "I prefer Senorita McShorty Short." I said and let Rae drag me into the picture.

"Someone take the picture!" She cried holding out her phone. CC took her precious iPhone and counted to three.

"Iz, smile, dammit! It's the Hatter! The freaking Hatter!" Rae yelled, I gave a full smile, and CC took the picture.

"You must get paid a lot, don't you?" I asked the character.

"Oh my God! Alice!" Rae screamed. "You're on my shirt!"

"I don't want to be manhandled!" I screamed, but all was in vain as Rae dragged me with her. "Oh come on," I grumbled to the band who were chasing after us. "Really? You can't help out the midget." I sighed.

"This is fun, though," Jinxx said.

"Fun for you while I'm getting manhandled by my best friend and all I have to rely on is my ADD since the sugar wore off." I grumbled. as Rae finally stopped trying to pull my arm off of me.

I thought it would never happen... I thought I would never get extreme childish joy in Disney Land...Then I saw... Buzz Lightyear.

"Oh my goodness gracious gosh! Alliteration!" I screamed. "Buzz Lightyear!" I screamed and raced over to the astronaut. "I love Toy Story! That''s the movie that defined my childhood!" I screamed and faintly heard Jake

"Do you think their parents will kill us if we lose them?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Finally, we picked up on this fun story again! Enjoy!