Status: Thanks for reading. Don't forget to check out the sequel.


Is this guy a porn star?

Raven's P.O.V.

"Woah, did you just wake up or something?" A familiar males voice asked.

"Yes, Iz just shoved the phone in my face because she said her eye hurts or something." I grumbled, rubbing my face then I looked at my hands. "Aw, shit. I just got black paint all over my hands." I cussed still holding the phone to my ear.

"Why are you both wearing face paint?"

"Because we were watching Jackass 2. It's a tradition. Wait, who the hell are you?" I asked wiping more makeup from my face.

"Christian, from last night. The one you failed horribly at prank calling." Your kidding me. This guy seriously called back.

"It's Izzy's fault!" I yelled. "She insisted on the British accent and the Midol!"

"No, no, it's okay. I'm done making fun of you guys."

"Well, you better be, buddy." I threatened.

My threat really wasn't perceived how I wanted because Christian laughed. "Okay, okay. You're Raven, I'm guessing."

"Yeah," Man, this was so not what I expected. "Why are you calling back? That's not really how prank calling goes."

"Well I had to tell you how horrible you were." He said making me frown. "And you didn't make your number restricted."

"Izzy's fault again!" I yelled hoping she heard me.

"I said I was sorry!" I looked behind me to see Iz, her face was streaked with faded black paint.

"Okay, Iz, I forgive you." I sighed.

"And he has a cool British accent." She said after plopping on the couch and started to eat stale popcorn. I made a face, that was gross, well popcorn is gross period.

"You do?" I asked into the phone.

"I what?" He asked confused.

"Have a cool British accent!" I said forgetting that having conversations with the person you tried to prank call had to be some sort of forbidden rule.

"Well, it's better than Iz's." He said and laughed. I couldn't help it, she was my best friend but it was funny.

"You don't have to try that hard." I mumbled and felt popcorn land in my hair. I turned around and flipped Iz off. She frowned then continued to pelt popcorn at me.

"Iz! Stop!" I laughed. "I only flipped you off!" I yelled raising my arm to ward off the kernels.

"You said my accent was bad." She pouted.

"It is!" I yelled and noticed another voice echoing mine.

"See, even Christian agrees." I pointed out.

"Sorry, Iz, but if you have to watch three different sets of movies to do a British accent, it's bad," Christian said and I laughed.

Iz gasped. "You guys just have a grudge against short kids." She muttered then started picking up the popcorn that was scattered around the floor.

"Only ones with bad accents." Christian said making me laugh again.

"Aw, don't worry, Iz, at least I love you." I said to her and hugged her. She squirmed out of my grasp and gave me one of her ‘Don’t hug me.’ looks.

"If you mean it that means we're going to have to have ice cream for breakfast." She said smiling.

"Well, if you insist." I joked.

"You guys are having breakfast now?" Christian asked with surprise in his voice.

"Uh, yeah," I said hoping it sounded like ‘Duh.’

"It's one thirty." He stated.

"Shit! No way!" I yelled glancing at the clock, he was right.

He laughed. "And ice cream for breakfast. That's so unhealthy."

"Oh, piss off, it's good."

"Yeah!" Isabelle yelled from the kitchen. "It only has forty grams of sugar per serving!"
She yelled. "And I only have three scoops!"

"Oh God, she's going to be on a sugar high all day." I muttered.

"Good luck with that." Christian said and I wished that I could flip him off.

"If I could see you I would flip you off right now." I muttered to him.

"How rude!" He said then laughed.

"Ha if you knew me. That would be an understatement." I giggled.

"Hey, I have to go, I have a show." He said quickly and then hung up without another word.

Isabelle came into the room with two large bowls of ice cream. "A show?" She asked handing me a bowl.

I looked at the phone with a confused expression. "Dude, did we just talk to a porn star?"
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Haha just noticed that we have two different types of chapter headings. I guess now you can tell who is writing what. So I hope y'all are liking this as much as Ty and me. Please comment/subscribe to this. Tell us what you like. We'd appreciate this.