Status: Thanks for reading. Don't forget to check out the sequel.


You have other friends?

CC’s P.O.V.

I was stretched out on my couch watching Ashley and Jake talking about some TV show they saw last night. My phone started to ring and Andy picked it up, being the only one close to it.

“Hello?” Andy asked the people. “Who‘s a porn star?” He looked over at me with a raised eyebrow. “Uh…”

“Who are you talking to?” I asked sitting up.

“Some girl wants to talk to a porn star.” He stated.

“Oh I know them!” I said getting up and taking the phone from him. “Hey Rae and Izzy.” I said smiling. A couple days ago some rather bad prank callers dialed my number and tried to sell me Midol. I had called them back to criticize their performance and ended up getting to know both of them. They were some pretty cool chicks…at least I think their both chicks.

“HI CHRISTIAN!” They screamed into the phone. I quickly moved the phone away from my ear. Andy, Jake, and Andy stared at me with weird glances.

I pointed at the phone and mouthed. “My friends.” Ashley and Andy nodded.

“You have other friends?” Jake chuckled and dodged a pillow I had chucked at him. They all giggled and I rolled my eyes. I put the phone on speaker and placed it on the coffee table.

“What was that about Hello Kitty and Marilyn Manson?” I sitting back on the couch. Andy and Ashley sat on the floor, scooting closer to the coffee table.

“Marilyn Manson is waaaay cuddlier then a talking cat.” Izzy repeated

“Hello Kitty is amazing.” Raven stated proudly.

“The kitty would burn if it touched me.” Iz replied. I could imagine her and Rae glaring at each other. Ashley shook his head, most likely agreeing with Raven, and Jake and Andy were staring at the phone looking entertained.

“Grr, she’s adorable and has awesome products.” Rae growled and we could hear Izzy scoff. “Marilyn Manson is a crazy guy!”

“No he‘s not. He is a cool guy. Who would you rather talk to, a scary cat or a cool guy.” Iz asked.

“Hello Kitty!” Raven and Ashley answered. We all chuckled at them.

“No, no, no. Have you heard Marilyn Manson‘s music? Don‘t watch the videos they‘ll scare you for life but the music is amazing.” Izzy said, her words full of pride. But they were cut short when the phone got fuzzy and sounded like it was being tossed around.

“Ow! My hair!” One voice yelped.

“No! Not the pillow! Ow!” Another voice hollered and then a voice, clearly Ravens, said in horror.

“Drop the plushie!” She screamed. Andy, Ash, Jake, and I looked at the phone with mixed expressions.

“Guys?” I asked worriedly.

“I will return the Hello Kitty plushie if you watch House of A Thousand Corpses with me.” Izzy asked with a sinister voice. Raven gasped.

“No, please Izzy.” She pleaded. Ashley and Andy busted up laughing.

“Wait. Are there other people with you Christian? Oh my god! Are they your porn star groupies?!” Izzy yelled at the phone. We all laughed harder.

“Why are you calling again?” I managed to ask between laughs.

“Oh we just wanted to say hi.” Raven said.

“Oh then hello.”

“Hi!” Izzy yelled once more. Raven laughed and then abruptly stopped.

“Can I have my Hello Kitty back?” She asked with a serious tone. After that we all chatted for about an hour or so. The guys seemed to be enjoying the talk with them and I thought it was fun.

“I found the video!” Raven suddenly stated.

“What video?” Andy asked and was met with Raven’s evil laughter.

“No please Rae. I‘ll never say a bad thing about Hello Kitty around you ever again.” Izzy pleaded. Whatever it was it had to be torture to the poor short one.

Some techno-ish music was heard and then the song and Ravens voice was heard singing. “I wanna fuck you hard, I wanna feel you deep, I wanna rock your body, I wanna taste your sweet!” Izzy screamed and then louder music could be heard. The song sounded like Perfect Weapon, a song from BVB’s previous CD. We spent a couple minutes listening to both of them singing back and forth in somewhat of a battle and then they broke out in a fit of giggles. The music stopped and they most likely sat back by the phone.

“Sorry about that.” Izzy giggled.

“Aw it‘s alright. So you guys like Black Veil Brides?” Andy asked interested. He was sitting right up against the coffee table that his legs were sticking out from under it and visible on the other side.

“Hell yeah!” Raven said.

“I got her into them. She’s such a Purdy girl. Ow!” Izzy said laughing.

“I am NOT a Purdy girl!” Rae said defending herself. “I just admire his bass skills.”

“And his body!” Izzy quickly said. “All started back in senior year.”

“What happened senior year?” Ashley asked just as interested as Andy.

“I wanted to have a BVB day at school. So I posted an invite on face book for everyone to join in, sadly only three of us actually did it. Anyways…Since Rae loves me so much she decided to do it. Even though she never really was into their music. I asked which members makeup she wanted and she replied with Ash‘s. Cause it was supposedly easier to replicate.” Izzy told us. Raven chuckled in the background. “And ever since she‘s been as hooked as I am.”

“Ah I see.” Ash and Andy said at the same time. I smiled. It was cool to hear different stories about how people became fans, even cooler at the fact that they didn’t even know it was us they were talking to. After talking about music and random shit for about an hour Raven said she had homework to do and Izzy had to go do something so we said our farewells and I hung up the phone.

“Those are some friends you got there. How‘d you meet them?” Jake asked and I went into the tail of the terrible prank phone call.
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I feel like such a bad writer. I had the main idea of this chapter written down last week and didn't write it untill an hour ago. So please forgive my laziness and subscribe/comment/criticize.
We would greatly apreciate it.