Status: Thanks for reading. Don't forget to check out the sequel.


On The Road Again

Raven’s P.O.V.

Iz had passed out like four hours into the trip. ‘Thanks for the help staying up.’ I thought to myself and reached behind the passenger seat. My fingers blindly searching for a CD case. Finally I found it and unzipped the side. Keeping one eye on the road and the other on my CD collection. I picked out a CD with ~Teen Movies~ scribbled on the front of it and put it in the CD player. A smile spread across my face and I sang along to Pretend To Be Nice by Josie and The Pussycats.
We had three hours left of driving. My mind was fried and my eye lids were drooping. The road was empty so I pulled off and onto the shoulder.
“Just a couple minutes to rest my eyes.” I mumbled to myself and drifted off into sleep.

--2 hours later--
*Knock knock* I shot up and looked at the window. A bright light hit me and, the now wake, Izzy. She rubbed her eyes and I rolled my window down.
“You know it‘s illegal to sleep on the side of a high way.” An officer stated looking into the car through the window.
“I’m so sorry Officer. We’ve been driving for like six hours and I thought I pulled off far enough…” I rambled on apologetically. The officer chuckled softly.
“It‘s alright Miss. Your lucky it‘s not busy today. I‘m just gonna give you a warning.” He smiled and let us on our way. Once I got the car back on the road Izzy wouldn’t shut up about it and kept laughing.

--3 hours later--
“Where‘s our hotel at?” I asked Izzy as I pulled into a 7/11.
“I have no clue. But I was thinking why don’t we just go straight to Disneyland?” Izzy asked stifling a yawn and got out. I followed her example and got out also.
“Now? But we’re both tired.” I yawned. She nodded and walked with me into the small store. It was connected to a Dairy Queen which had an ad for Moo-latte’s. Izzy eyes went wide and before I could protest, she ran inside. I sighed and wandered around 7/11 for a few minutes before I saw my own forbidden fruit. Rows and rows of energy drinks were lined up in front of me.
Quickly I snagged a huge monster and walked up to the cashier. As I paid the cashier Izzy came bouncing over to me with a Moo-latte in her hands. We skipped out to my car and got in. My fingers popped the lid off the can and I downed half of it. Izzy and I sat in silence for a few minutes letting the caffeine take over our bodies. I turned the car on and Low by Flo Rida blasted through my shitty speakers.
“Hell yea!” I laughed and pulled out of 7/11. We sang along off key and loudly together. When the song was done she leaned out the window and yelled.
“Disneyland here we come!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok I know this is pretty much a filler. I had writers block along with a Thanksgiving break. Please forgive my terrible reason for not updating.

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Oh and thank you to xxblackvenusxx for your comments.