The East Wing ***s

Heather's Honors English students become trapped at school during a sudden blizzard-- on a Saturday, no less, thanks to a mandatory writing workshop brought on by the students' lackadaisical attitude towards deadlines. Drew, the school pothead, is more than a little irritated; Reuben, an athletic senior with control issues, is unsure whether he'll be able to survive more than an hour trapped in the same room as boisterous friends Lenora and Cordelia; Will Haviland, a pimply math geek with a pompous attitude and penchant for sarcasm, is unlikely to leave with his dignity intact; and Fiona, the artsy girl with a shy smile, is content to sit back and calmly watch the ensuing chaos.

But then, everything changes when Cordelia is found murdered in the art room toilet.

Suddenly the Slumber Party from Hell has turned into a mad dash for their lives as the students find their numbers quickly diminishing, with rescue still hours away. Who will survive? Who will say stupid things in the process? Find out in The East Wing Murders.

This is written solely for our own amusement, and although this story is inspired by our crazy English class, any resemblance to persons living or dead is "purely coincidental." We hope you find this as entertaining as we do.