Listen to the Rain

Listen to each drop of rain, Whispering secrets in vain

Darkness, it’s all I’ve been able to see since I was born so it’s not anything new but honestly I’m getting tired of being in the dark. Not being able to see the world around me is affecting me, in a bad way of course. Don’t get me wrong there are pros and cons about being blind but today was a con, it was storming outside and the fact that I live alone doesn’t help either.

I have people that help me but who would want to come out in this mess so I’m alone in this giant apartment I live in sitting near the widow wishing I could see the rain fall down, wishing I could see the lightning but I can definitely hear the thunder which makes me jump every time.

“Robyn” I heard someone say behind me and my heart jumped and sped up from the shock of someone being in here and me not hearing them, the only people who had keys to the apartment were the people that helped me, and my neighbor, Carlos and judging by the cologne I smelt, it was him.

“Hey I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you, I-I just thought you might want some company because I know you don’t really like storms” he said nervously.

“No it’s okay Carlos I’m glad you came over, you just startled me that’s all I didn’t hear you come in.” I said

Now I guess some people are wondering how I know The Carlos Pena jr. Well we live in the same apartment building obviously but I also know him because of my occupation, I’m a model, yea weird right who has ever heard of a blind model. I don’t walk runways or anything like that of course, I would seriously damage myself. No just a clothes/underwear model modeling for different designers for magazines and that’s how I first met Carlos and the rest of BTR, at a photo shoot.

“I got you something, hold out your hands” he said and I did so excitedly holding my hands out together palms up and then he gently put something in my hands, it felt odd, it was really, really small, it was furry and I’m pretty sure I felt ears.

“What is it?” I asked but before I could answer a little meow came from it and I smiled “a kitty!!” I exclaimed.

“Yea I figured that you would need something to preoccupy you if you’re in here alone” he said

“Thank you I really love…him?” I asked

“Yea it’s a boy…I think” Carlos laughed

“Ok little one your name will be Alex” I said to the little kitten who was curling up in my hand.

“Why Alex” Carlos asked and I shrugged

“I like the name” I said simply and got up carefully and walked cautiously to the kitchen so I wouldn’t bump into anything.

“You want some milk Alex?” I asked him and he answered me with a small mew and I let him down on the counter and felt for a small bowl as I heard Carlos go into the refrigerator and get the milk. I felt Carlos’s body heat and knew that he was close so I slid the bowl over to him so he could pour it. I knew I was blushing, being this close to Carlos made me kind of nervous. He was just so nice, funny and gentle with me ever since we met and I kind of…no I have developed a crush on him.

I snapped out of my thoughts as the fridge door closed and Carlos walked over to me grabbed my hand and took me over to the table to sit down at.

“So what were you planning on doing today if there wasn’t a storm?” he asked me

“I don’t know” I told him shrugging

“You seemed a little sad when I walked in, what was on your mind?” he said

“The fact that I’m blind and usually it doesn’t bother me as much, but today not being able to see the rain made me wish that I wasn’t.” I said and it was silent for a second before I started talking again.

“I don’t even know why I’m a model, people say that I’m beautiful but how can I agree with them when I can’t even see myself.” I told him and as I said this the tears I had been holding in for so long finally came.

I tried wiping them away quickly but it didn’t help as more came, I heard Carlos stand up as he helped me get up and he wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m sorry” I said and hugged him back

“You have nothing to be sorry about” he told me and hugged me tighter.

My tears slowed and I finally stopped crying but I still held on tight to him until he pulled back a little.

“Come on” he simply said as I let go of him and his hand tangled with mine and started pulling me.

I heard a door open and then close behind me.

“Carlos where are we going?” I asked and then I heard the ding of the elevator as it reached our floor.

“Outside” he simply said as he pulled me into the elevator and pressed the button.

“But Carlos, it’s raining” I said

“That makes it even better” he said and I knew he was smiling.

The elevator stopped and the doors opened and Carlos broke out into a run which made me run too since he still had my hand. The wind hit me and I knew the door hand been opened. Carlos let me go and I tried reaching out to him to grab him but I was met with nothing.

“Carlos” I said

“It’s ok Robyn just step forward” he told me and I hesitated at first but took a step out and felt the rain hit me and I smiled, I’ve never done anything like this before.

I closed my eyes and started spinning around and dancing around not caring what it looked like to anyone else.

“Are you having fun?” Carlos asked as he grabbed my hand and started dancing with me.

“Yes” I laughed and hugged him

“thank you for making me feel better” I told him

“It’s what I’m here for…and Robyn you are beautiful inside and out, don’t let anyone tell you anything different” he said and kissed me

I was startled at first but kissed back and knew I was blushing, my first real kiss and it was in the rain.

“Come on let’s go dry off” he said and we made our way back to the building.

“So I-I’ve been meaning to ask you this but um will you uh” Carlos stuttered but I spoke before he could finish.

“Yes I will be your girlfriend Carlos” I said smiling and he kissed me again before pushing the elevator button which came quickly and we stepped inside.

“So how are you feeling” he asked me

“Wet” I responded and he burst out laughing

I hit him and heard a small “Ouch”

“Pervert” I said and we both laughed
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My first Carlos one shot yay and my first contest, i'm so excited and nervous!
Hope you like it:)
Comments anyone??