Come Down With Love

chapter 14

“Liza” Zach said and grabbed both of my hands, turning me towards him. We had been walking down the beach for awhile now just talking. He looked into my eyes “I love you, Liza” I couldn’t believe it “Zach” I finally spoke “I love you too.” He kissed me passionately, I kissed him back, he pulled away but we held our foreheads together “I love you” he whispered again. We pulled apart and began walking back to Zach’s car. “Should we go get some lunch?” Zach asked after we got in the car. “Sure that sounds great, let’s go to O’Harley’s Diner, I love that place” I added. “Sounds good to me” he replied starting the car and pulling out of the beach parking lot.
“Booth or table?” The waitress asked. “Booth” Zach and I said at the same time. The waitress led us to our booth and Zach and I took a seat on opposite sides. “I’m Leah, I will be your waitress, and what would you two like to drink?” “Two waters” Zach replied. “Ok I will be right back with those to take your orders.” Leah said as she walked away. “I’m going to go run to the bathroom quick before she gets back to take our orders” I said getting out of the booth. “Ok babe” Zach replied smiling. I went into the bathroom and once I was done I washed my hands, I stopped and looked in the mirror to fix my hair. I looked at myself and smiled, I couldn’t believe it Zach and I were in love. I opened the door and began walking back toward the booth. I looked over at where Zach and I were sitting and tears immediately began falling from my eyes. I couldn’t believe my eyes, I felt like my heart had suddenly been broken. Zach was sitting at our booth making out with Leah, the waitress.

My eyes flew open and I jumped up in bed so fast I almost fell off. I took a second to calm down because I was breathing so hard. I looked around the room a couple times “I’m in my room?” I whispered to myself. I was so relieved, “It was all just a dream” I told myself over and over again trying to get it through my head.

Once I calmed down I slowly got out of bed and walked downstairs. “Morning Sweetie” My mom mumbled while looking down at her People magazine. “O you look like crap” she said looking up at me. “Wow, Thanks mother that’s what all teenage girls love to hear” I said sarcastically. “I meant you look like you didn’t get much sleep” she replied trying to defend herself. I know what I meant I said pouring myself some orange juice and drinking it as I walked back upstairs. I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower. Once I was done I went back to my room and decided to call Mickey. I know it was only a dream but it just left me so confused and I just really need someone to talk to. I would normally go to Brooke for these things but Mike just knows Zach so much better.
“Sup girl” He spoke into the phone once he picked it up. “What’s up Mickey” I replied. “Oh nothing much, just watching some T.V, what’s up with you, something wrong?” “Why does something have to be wrong for me to call you?” I asked. “Well for one, its 7 in the morning on a Saturday and you’re normally not up until like noon on Saturdays, and two I just know you all too well Liz” He explained. “Fine, your right.” I admitted. “Ok so what’s bothering you, Liz, you know you can always talk to me” I smiled to myself Oh how I love Mickey, It always felt good to know that he always had my back no matter what. “I know Mickey, Well you know how Zach and I are supposed to go out tonight?” I asked. “Yea, All Zach could talk about last night was how excited he was to hang out with you again” “Well last night I had a dream, that we went out on a date and he told me he loved me, then we went out to eat and when I came back from the bathroom he was making out with the waitress” I explained. “Liza, It was only a dream, you don’t have to worry about it” “I know it was just a dream, the dream ended with me crying and I woke up and I thought I was going to have a panic attack. It all just reminded me of how hurt and crushed I was when Matt cheated on me……” I added feeling the tears start to well up in my eyes. “Liz, what Matt did to you was beyond horrible and I will never forgive him for what he did to my best friend. Which is why if I thought Zach would ever do that to you I wouldn’t let you near him, Zach is a good guy and he really likes you, and I’m not just saying that cause he’s my friend. And I’ve seen you and Zach together, I think you guys are perfect for each other, and you’re so much happier lately since when you and Matt first ended” He reassured. “I love you Mickey, Thanks so much” I said smiling and wiping the tears from my eyes. “Now stop crying and enjoy your Saturday, and tonight have fun with Zach. Ok Best friend?” “Ok Best friend” I said and hung up the phone.
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What did you think????? did the beginning surprise you!! Well comment please!!! I am so thankful for the feed back im getting. Ok well this is the last chapter that i had writtien out already and im of course going to continue writing but it may take longer for me to update now but if i continue to get lots of comments and feed back i will continue to do my best to update as often as i can! Thank you all so much (: