Status: Every once in a while

To Mend a Heart

Ch. 6: The Mirror

My stomach gave a lurch.Oh no... My eyes flew open. Inside my room, it was dark. Heavy black curtains hid the sun from me. I checked my alarm clock. It was 2:00 a.m.. My stomach gave another lurch. Bile was rising in my throat.

In my haste to get to the bathroom inside my room, I stumbled and fell across my floor. Blind and disorientated, I knew that I wouldn't make it to the bathroom. Yet somehow. I managed to get to the toilet. I had barely managed to raise the seat lid before I retched into it. Nothing was in my stomach and all I could manage to retch up was stomach acid.

A few minutes passed before my body stopped shaking. Another minute passed before I felt like standing up. Turning the lights on, I crossed my bed room floor to my bed. All I wanted to do was lay down. On my way to go lay down, a flicker of movement caught my eye. It was the mirror I always kept on my closet door. I couldn't help but stop, and stare in shock. The image in the mirror was a sad one.

My long black hair was a mess. It always was. It swept down past my shoulders and down to my elbows. It was tangled to the point where I could do nothing to fix it. And it only helped to highlight my red and puffy eyes. I could only see despair in their depths. The skin around my eyes was pale and clammy with sweat. My body wasn't any better. Bruises could be seen across my arms. The bruises didn't end there though. Under my clothes, they traveled across my chest, and down my legs. My ribs could be seen through my black tank top.

I sighed, turning away. Staring wouldn't make me feel better. it never did. I walked to my bed, and sprawled across its covers. Hate and loneliness bubbled inside me. Thoughts of suicide ran rampant through my mind. That's when I heard my door open. I didn't turn my head to look, I knew who it would be.
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Hope you like it. Made this up on the spot so I would be able to connect all of my other chapters I have written in my notebook. I'll update next chapter tomorrow. And comments please? :)