Status: Every once in a while

To Mend a Heart

Ch. 7: Pain

My body was sore and weak. It wasn't ready for this. Not again.

"What do you want?" I asked him without turning around.

"You know what I want, slut," Tristan replied with a voice full of venom.

Of course I knew what he wanted. I heard him walking across my floor. Getting nearer and nearer to me. Finally, he stopped walking and I turned to look at him. His clothes and hair were a mess. A bottle of beer was in one hand, and a belt was in the other. I knew I could do nothing to stop him from doing what he wanted.

His fist slammed into my jaw. Pain lanced through my head. I fell back against my covers. With my body immobile, he took my wrists and tied them together with his belt. He latched the belt across the brass backboard on my bed. Now the real fun would begin...

His fists felt like hot lead as they landed across my chest and body. He was relentless. Pain flooded through out my entire body. Pain was all I knew. Pain was my existence. Pain was my entire world. One of his fists connected hard with one of my ribs. I could feel it crack, and I let out a cry of pain. Shit...

Tristan stopped punching me and leaned down into my face, "What was that bitch? Are you crying for more?"

His breath was rancid. I could feel bile rising in my throat again.

"N-no, sir," I stuttered.

"Oh really? 'Cuz it sounded like you were just begging for more!"

He reached toward my breasts and ripped off my shirt. Without restraint, he moved his mouth across my nipple. I kicked at him helplessly, but he moved his other hand down my pants. I stiffened as he stuck his fingers inside me.

"No...," I whispered, "N-no, I don't want this."

He removed his hand from my pants, and struck me across the face. "You feeling to good for me? What are you?" he whispered violently into my ear.

Tears flooded my eyes. "I-I'm a w-whore," I mumbled.

Anger flickered across his eyes. He said with more force, "What are you?"

Tears of shame and humiliation rushed down my face. "I'm a whore," I said with more conviction.

"Good," he said with satisfaction, "make sure you never forget it." And with that, he yanked off my pants and started playing with me...

* * *

When he was gone, I turned over and lay on my stomach. My wrists chafed as I tried to rub some blood back into them. I was still naked. Blood was splattered across my legs. Curling up into a ball, I sobbed myself to sleep.
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So I'd like some feedback about this chapter. Likes and dislikes? Comments are always appreciated ^_^