Status: fin :)

If Love Is Sweet, What Is This, Draco Malfoy?


I got up the next morning, and heard an owl pecking at the window and smiled, realising it was Taylor’s owl. My mind drifted back to yesterday when I had met Taylor at the park and I spent the day with him instead…

Going closer towards the window, I realised it wasn’t Jake at all. It was a different owl. I opened the window and let him inside, and pulled the note off his leg, seeing the school emblem on the paper.

Dear Miss Mist,
This is an official letter from Hogwarts, your chosen magic school. We would like to inform you that the opening of the school will be postponed due to lack of teachers returning to school at the same time, and no Defence Against Dark Arts teacher. I apologise for the short notice, and am therefore giving you another week of holidays. Merry Christmas.
Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizadry.

I grinned; realising there was no school for an extra week. Even though that meant I wouldn’t see Maisie, Millie or Taylor, there was still Blaise to spend the next week talking to. I walked downstairs to hear Narcissa and Lucas talking privately with my parents.
“…Counsellor said Draco was upset because of heartbreak of some sort, and he hit hard. I really do think that this marriage will help him get over it. Deep down, they love each other. We both know it” Narcissa was saying
“She’s not going to accept it. She has some sort of boyfriend anyway” Lucas interjected
“I can assure you that that is not the case Lucas” my mother said.
“Then it is decided” Lucas said, and his word was final.

I decided to go downstairs then and interrupt them. I was confused about what they were talking about, but smiled sweetly and walked into the kitchen were Draco was reading his letter from school. I grabbed a bowl of noodles and a fork before tucking in. Draco nodded at me and I looked at my plate, ignoring him for a reason other than begin angry at me. His eyes didn’t leave me as I entered the kitchen, even when our parents entered. My mother was grinning, yes, that’s right, grinning. Even my father seemed pleased. Narcissa was smiling happily, and Lucas seemed moderately pleased.
“Draco, Maia, we have something to tell you” Narcissa said in a bubbly tone. For a grieving woman, she seemed way too happy. I set my fork down at looked at them. Draco’s eyes still didn’t leave me.
“Draco, look at your mother when she speaks to you” Lucas hissed, but Draco continued to look at me. Narcissa saw this and her smile grew. I came to the decision that whatever this big news was, I wasn’t going to like it. Narcissa was about to tell me, when my mother interrupted
“Narcissa, perhaps it is better if we tell her in private?” my mother asked, taking in my facial features. Narcissa nodded, and I was pulled into another room by my parents.