Status: fin :)

If Love Is Sweet, What Is This, Draco Malfoy?


Draco hugged me for what seemed like an eternity, before pulling away and looking at my bleeding hand. Without another word, he picked me up wedding style, and carried me to the nurse’s wing.

When we got there, she smiled at me, then checked Draco up and down
“I’m not hurt you stupid bitch, she is. Now hurry up and help her before I kill you as well!” Draco spat viciously, shaking. Madame Pomfrey looked shocked, but turned towards me anyway. I tried to get up, but Draco pushed me back down “Just relax ok?” he whispered. I shook my head and got back up, then pulled out a make up wipe from my bag. “Your mascara isn’t bothering anyone Maia” he said firmly. I gave him a look, before wiping away all of my make up. I went through about five wipes, and when I had finally done, the nurse gasped.
“Oh my god! What happened?” she gasped, seeing the bruises and dents in my face. I didn’t want to look at Draco and shut my eyes, the tears leaking, before I felt Draco’s fingers stroke my face lightly
“I’m so afraid to touch you right now” he whispered “Like you’ll crumble if I do” Draco said, his voice cracking as he shut his eyes and frowned. I held onto his hand as the nurse looked at me crazily
“You’re right not to touch her! If you ever do again I’ll-” The nurse started
“I DIDN’T DO THIS TO HER!” he screamed, before stopping abruptly, and then turning to face me. “Yes I did” he said light headedly. I gaped at him
“N-no. Drake-” but Draco cut me off
“Drake did this to you because of me. He wanted to get back at me. This is my fault” he whispered, his eyes filling with tears. “I’m so sorry Maia” he whispered, and I glared at him
“I’m going through enough as it is right now Draco Malfoy. And if you ever, ever blame yourself for this, I swear I will kill myself” I spat angrily, and he looked taken aback “Now gimme the damn medicine!” I spat at the nurse. She looked stunned, but turned my face in her hands anyway, tutting.
“Oh dear. What has that boy done to you? We have to do a full scan” she told me, and then looked at Draco in a ‘am I gonna have to tell you to leave’ way. He turned to leave but I whispered no. Draco halted and looked back at me, surprised
“Stay… But I want you to promise you won’t get angry” I whispered. Draco seemed numb, but nodded anyway. I nodded at the nurse in an ‘it’s ok’ look, and I tried to take my clothes off but my hands wouldn’t work properly because of the beatings. Draco looked at me, pained, and then unbuttoned my top quickly and efficiently, before peeling it away and then halting, his eyes scanning over my bruises, seeming horrified. Draco crumpled my shirt in his hands, looking like he was about to go and kill Drake again, before stopping.
“I promised I wouldn’t get angry” he whispered, and lifted me up gently as the nurse took off my skirt. She looked at me, horrified.
“Oh dear. We need to get you checked out for any signs of cancer from beating, and see if he’s gotten to any vital organs” she told me, and I nodded.

That day I went through more tests than Blaise did, and eventually, the nurse called it a day. I told her I didn’t want anyone coming in to see me, and no one was allowed inside the nurse’s room that whole day. She tried to convince Draco to go back to his room, but he just glared at her, and she gave up then let him sit down on a chair next to me. He had tears in his eyes as he saw me strapped up to so much stuff, and then watched me go to sleep, my hands in his.
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love that song :D
watch it (it's only 18 seconds long) >>

TROLOLOLOLOLL,HAHAHA,HAHAHA i just wasted 18 seconds of your life ^_^
I’m subbing in the names for
Cute guy
Guy A
Guy B

OH MY GAWD! So in French the other day (believe it or not, we’re in year TEN) and the guys in my class decide to have a harry potter epileptic fit spazz mode. And it’s not the normal people or the nerdy people or the people who always read books or the harry potter fans… it’s all the jocks from the foot ball team -_- so this really cute guy and his friends a and b were doing harry potter spells. Like A stands up and goes WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA pointing his finger at the wall behind me and he starts moving his finger around as if his hand is holding some imaginary wand that’s moving an object -_- and then b gets up and he’s like EXPELLIARMUS!! At A and A was like OH MAN! And then the cute guy gets up he’s like (does some weird complicated arm movement shizz like his arm is having a spazz attack) and goes LUMOS! At A I was like *EL OH EL* and then our French teacher (who’s a pervert) goes cute guy! Get out right now! And cute guy gets up all of a sudden, points his hand at the French teacher and goes ABRA CADABRA! I was like LOOOOOOOOOOOOL PISSING MYSELF! FAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIL. Avada kedavra you fool! :’) oh god I like almost died :D