I watched

I Watched

I watched everytime.

Some called it sadistic because it was so painful to experience and watching it was out of the question.

I watched as the needle penetrated the skin, as the familiar burn subsided. I watched until I had to blink. I wouldn't look away, unless it was somewhere I couldn't see.

I watched when the needle was applied to the sensitive flesh of my wrist. I watched as it was dragged back and forth.

I watched as the needle went over the veins so blue in color. I felt the pain, but I couldn't look away. I watched as my skin swelled and turned a different color.

I watched as the needle was taken away and reapplied. I watched as the color of my flesh started to change.

I watched it turn red, blue, green, black, and purple.

Purple and red were the two colors that made me smile. Green was the color that made me giggle. Blue was the color that faded too soon. And black was the color that looked the best.
The needle connected the lines and made the colors into something more.

As I watched the picture came into focus.

As I watched the blood started to trickle.

When the needle was replaced with a cloth soaked in watered down alcohol. The blood and excess colors were wiped away. Leaving the permanant picture etched in my skin. The swollen flesh starting to sting where it was exposed to air. That sting soon to be quieted as salve was applied. As a bandage was applied, I finally looked away.
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Personal experience.