‹ Prequel: Mona Lisa Bird
Sequel: Ghosts Don't Die.
Status: the magician's charm.

Beautiful Asphyxiation.

Original manuscript dated 9/15/11.

Nothing rude, angry, hurtful, accusatory, overly sexual, violent, wistful, ignorant, or cruel is meant by this. It was written a long time ago, exactly in the middle of a time during which I though my life was perfect, and, as always, my writing predicted my future.

This is not an 'I miss everything so freaking much pleasecomebacktomeboohoohoowaaaah.'

This is an 'all I could ever possibly want right now would be to have my best friend, snuggle buddy, and happy happy happy friend back.'

Because, honestly, that's the only thing I miss. Even with a sickly lustful fetish for your cheeks, which I am going to stop mentioning now because it's nasty and odd and will probably result in rape if I don't stop thinking about it. Comforting thought, eh?

Please. Don't take this the wrong way or too hard. Because it's really weird and REALLY FRIGGIN SEXUAL O.o but I love you and I know by now that there's no such thing as all the pain going away, but we can still comfort each other.

I just realized that there are no spiders in this.

you are not an evil monster. you are a beautiful creature who got sucked into something that was never, ever, ever meant to be. go watch Doctor Who.
  1. Just Know That I Will Remember You.
    forgive me? and brace yourself.