Status: Active.

Hold on Tight and Don't Look Back

You Ain't Gonna Take My Life

Dawn came too fast for Cyanide Revenge’s liking.

Exterminator and Cyanide had slept in the bedroom so they could have some comfort before hitting the road. She was awake at 4 in the morning and crept through the living room over the sleeping boys to lean on the car and watch the horizon. Exterminator couldn’t sleep either but she chose to stay in the bedroom, staring at the ceiling.

Both girls had gotten mildly used to the stability of staying in one place and the comfort of being in a larger group.

They had, however, wasted too much time after Exterminator had healed. In the last week they all discussed possible locations that Dr. D could be hiding in but there was no real direction for their search.

It was just a hit or miss based mission.

When the sun crept over the horizon, Cyanide returned to the house and lay down quietly next to her friend. She didn’t want anyone to be nervous about her random disappearance. When she felt Exterminator shift, she faked her awakening and woke up Exterminator.

Kobra and Party were waking up too as she went to double check their packs. Fun jumped up to go see what Exterminator was doing and Kobra went through to the kitchen to pack up some food and supplies for the girls to take.

Cyanide dug through her bag, ignoring the red-haired man across the room. As much as they bickered, she’d gotten used to him and she really didn’t want to leave him behind. The feelings were quickly stamped down as Fun and Exterminator came down the hallway together.

It was quiet again, a light chatter coming from the kitchen. Cyanide didn’t feel like talking. She was tired and a little bit sad. After all, the small abandoned house had become her home for the past month.

“So you have everything right?” Party said, ruffling his hair. Cyanide stood up and nodded, reaching out to ruffle his hair too. He smiled weakly and they went to the kitchen.

“Oh yum, cold breakfast, that’s my favorite y’know,” Cyanide said sarcastically. Without sitting, she ate the gummy oatmeal as fast as possible. Exterminator and Fun were deep in conversation, whatever they were saying was obviously private.

“I’m assuming you don’t have a real plan regardless of the ideas we threw around,” Kobra said, leaning against the counter. Cyanide smirked. It was true. They had all discussed where to start but it hadn’t really worked out.

“I’m thinking we’ll make a left first, see where that takes us,” she said, mischief glinting in her eye. Kobra and Party laughed. Cyanide threw the bowl in the sink and leaned over the table to get her face close to Exterminator. “It’s time to go sweet cheeks.”

“Alright, let’s hit the road then,” she said, kissing Cyanide’s cheek and bouncing out of her seat. The group went outside, the heat rising as rapidly as the sun. It was still the quiet calm that morning brought.

Cyanide tossed the bags in the back of the car and watched as Exterminator clung to Fun. She heard him tell Exterminator to be safe and she averted her eyes. Whenever anyone was around them they felt like they were intruding upon an intense moment.

When she moved on to Kobra, Cyanide hugged Fun and made a quick joke about his height. He glared at her and then smiled, punching her playfully. She hugged him again for good measure.

“Kobra Kid!” she sang as she hugged the slender man. He laughed and wrapped his arms tightly around her. It was nice to watch his emotions open up over time. She rested her head on his shoulder and bit her lip.

“I’m gonna miss you around here babe,” he said, tilting his head and holding her by the shoulders at arm’s length. She smiled up at him and bounced on the balls of her feet. She turned to Party, who smiled tightly.

She nearly attacked him and his hug was the tightest. They didn’t speak. They didn’t say goodbye. They just held each other for a moment too long before Party kissed her forehead.

As she pulled away, he grabbed her wrist and pulled her back into him. As he leaned down he whispered, “Come back to me Cyanide.”

She nodded once and then got in the driver’s seat. Exterminator had agreed to let her drive for the first half of the journey. She started up the engine and opened the windows. Exterminator waved as Cyanide backed out.

“We’re gonna find Dr. D, don’t worry about it, okay?” she yelled, squinting as the rays of sun hit her eyes. Exterminator leaned into her lap.

“The future is bulletproof,” she yelled.

“The aftermath is secondary!” they all replied. Fun Ghoul saluted mockingly and Cyanide punched the gas, leaving dirt flying behind the tires. She sped down the dirt road until she found gravel, the small house barely visible in the rearview mirror.

Cyanide made a left and Exterminator played with the radio, trying to find any type of transmission. When Dr. D was still airing broadcasts, the girls would always listen as they drove through the zones. It was hard to believe they were looking for the legend himself.

“I was thinking, do you remember that guy me and Party got supplies from a while ago?” Cyanide said, glancing at Exterminator. Her long-haired friend watched her cautiously while flipping stations full of static noise.

“Yeah, the weird guy with the electric plugs?” Cyanide nodded and fishtailed around a corner. Her heart picked up as she indulged in the speed, the wind rushing through her hair. “Easy with the car Cy.”

“Yeah, yeah well I was thinking, as weird as he is naturally, what if Dr. D is with him? I mean, Party said they knew each other and if he can build a fucking camouflaged hill in the middle of a desert practically overnight, what else—or who else—could he hide?”

“That’s a pretty good point. The problem is that he would never let us know right? You said he was really secretive,” Exterminator pointed out. Cyanide sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

“I know, I know. Maybe we could stake it out? I dunno, I have a feeling they would know. Shit.”

“Well actually,” Exterminator said, switching off the radio and sitting back, “I was thinking that maybe Dr. D never even left the radio station.”

Cyanide snapped her head to look at Exterminator. At first thought, it seemed crazy. At second thought it seemed crazy too but if you really thought about it, there was some logic.

“I was thinking that you’re brilliant Baby.”

Everything was better hidden in plain sight.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you pretend like I wasn't supposed to update last Saturday, this is a day early.

Comment because the adventure is finally starting!