My Hayley


Okay so this is it. She’s going to “talk to me”, and we all know what that means….

She’s going to break up with me.

When I got to her house, my hands were shaking uncontrollably and I felt as if I would burst into tears at any second. It took me a full ten minutes just to ring her doorbell, and she opened the door so quickly, I almost fainted.

“Come inside?” she asked shyly.

I nodded and tried to smile, but my stomach turned sour and it came out twisted.

We walked out her backdoor and I followed her into a park not too far from her house. The entire trip there was silent, pardoning the soft sounds of our footsteps and my heavy breathing.

“I need to tell you something….” We sat down on the swings and stared at our feet.

“What?” My voice was shaky. I knew what she was going to say and I couldn’t properly prepare for it.

“Well, I was thinking about you and about… Zack and well… I really like you both, but….”

“Save it… I know what you’re going to say and I really don’t want to hear it….”

“No, I have to say this, you don’t understand--”

I didn’t let her finish her sentence, I just ran. It was how I dealt with things when I was afraid or angry, and at that moment I was both. I knew that she would pick him, it was no contest. I had no chance…. And that was all I really wanted. Just a chance to show her…. That I loved her.

After an hour or so of wandering I stopped and sat near a tree. I didn’t even know where I was or how to get home. There were footsteps coming from behind me and I panicked, feeling every muscle in my achy body go tense, and I let out a scream.

Two arms wrapped around me, dragging me up off the ground, and it scared me so much I didn’t even know what to do. My body went limp and I saw nothing. The cold grass poked me through my clothes but I couldn’t feel it. Everything stopped, and the world spun around me in darkening color as I let my eyes close and surrendered.
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Sorry it's so short!
More soon, I promise, if you leave comments of course =]