Status: Cupcake's!

Pretty Little Problem

The first problem

Aaron is our average high school kid,who wants to get through school without any drama.
He's quiet,smart and athletic at the same time.But he has no dad.So it's only him and his mother.But she's sick,so he has to do everything alone and by himself.He is very lonley,but is used to it.

Then there's Emmet,who is the most populare kid in school.He's also the cutest too.
He looks so little and fragile,even guy's feels horny in his presens.Emmet is really bored
though,since he doesn't really have any ''real friends''.It's all stalkers,fangirls,fanboys,
copycats,status freaks,and so on.Emmet like's to walk alone in the middle of the night,
and Aaron always sits in the library until midnight.

One day Aaron was walking home from the library.
-''Shit..Im a bit late today.''
As Aaron was walking on his way home,he heard someone shout for help.
He looked for the voice,and saw someone being robbed.Aaron is tall and well built.
He ran over and punched the robber in his face
The robber ran away,and Aaron ran after him.Emmet was left alone.
But the good part was that Emmet got a good look at Aaron's face.

The day after at school Aaron was tired and exhausted,since he ran after the robber until
he caught him and delivered him at the police station.When he got home the clock was
four.Emmet was walking with the gang,then he saw Aaron and remembered him from yesterday.
He ran over to him and hugged Aaron.Everybody was looking weird at them.

Aaron got really surprised and wondered why the fuck this kiddo was hugging him.
-''Hey you..Why are you hugging me kid?''
-''You're the one who saved me yesterday! I remember you.''
-''Saved y..Wait,was that you!?''

Aaron was getting all the attention as Emmet was hugging him,would
this be the end of his peacful school life?
''I fear for my 'lay low' plan now!''
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hyhrthtg,got no words.. xD