Between Angels And Demons

Chapter 19

Bonnie stared at Sam for a long period of time, then suddenly burst into tears, "I'm not normal okay..." she screamed at him, "I'm half demon... what ya gonna do now huh... exorcise me?!"

Sam stood, mouth open staring at Bonnie. Unable to take in what she just said.

Without waiting for an answer Bonnie ran out of the house.

"Great Sam... Just great..." Dean went to go after her, but was stopped by a small hand on his arm.

"Let her go..." Lexi said looking up at him. She'd appeared back downstairs just as her sister burst into tears.

"But I..."

"Believe me... It wouldn't be safe to be around her now..."

Dean stared out into the darkness, "Bonnie..."

Bonnie wandered around Bobby's scrap yard, kicking at random pieces of metal on the floor... Suddenly she heard the soft flutter of wings and looked up to see Balthazar sat on the bonnet of a rusted car.

"Bonnie, Bonnie, Bonnie..."

"What do you want?" Bonnie said angrily wiping away her tears.

"I came to see if you were okay..."

"Really Bal... Since when do you give a damn?"

"You're right... I don't..." Balthazar replied grinning annoyingly at Bonnie.

"Look... would you mind getting lost... I'm not in the mood..."

"Technically... I can't get lost... I'm an angel of the lord..." At this he laughed and jumped off the car, "Oh do lighten up..."

"Easy for you to say... he probably won't speak to me again..." Bonnie muttered.

"I think you would have to do a lot more to deter him..."

"Oh... Please shut up... what do you want anyway?"

"I came to see if Chuck had found you yet..." Balthazar replied.

"Not to my knowledge... "

At that a man came running around the corner and slammed into Bonnie knocking her off her feet.

"Ahh... right on queue... " And with that Balthazar disappeared.

"Jesus Christ... Chuck..." Bonnie muttered picking herself up of the dusty ground, then holding out her hand to help Chuck out.

"Run... He'll kill you!" Chuck screamed as he knocked her hand out of the way and ran towards the house.

"O...kay..." Bonnie started to walk after him.

As soon as Chuck got to the door he started pounding on it frantically.

Before anyone could answer it the door swung open sending Chuck flying into the room.

"Let ya self in why don't ya..." Bobby mumbled.

"You gotta help me... I'm being followed..." Chuck squealed.

"And you led it here you idjit..." Bobby frowned shaking his head.

"I... uhhh..."

"Chuck... hey calm down..." Sam said pushing Chuck towards a well worn sofa.

As soon as Chuck got to it he collapsed breathing heavily. "He's after the key..."

"Where is it now?" Dean asked.

"Here of course." Chuck replied, and with that he brought out a piece of rope with the key dangling from it. "We can't let him get it..."

"And he wont..." Said a voice from the doorway.

Dean looked over, his gaze met that of Bonnie's icy green eyes, "I thought you left..."

Bonnie didn't answer him, she walked straight past Dean without giving him a second glance.

Dean looked as if she had ripped his heart out and smashed it into a thousand pieces.