
Step One

Kirkwall is not a city known for its hospitality. Rather, a typical Lowtown greeting would be a punch to the face and getting mugged.

Aren Surana has always loved the dark; it made more sense for her to travel at night since it made getting caught or seen less likely. As both an elf and a mage, the majority of everyone she met disliked her very quickly. Although her policy of "attack first, ask questions later" probably didn't help that much.

She pulled her hood around her face more to try and hide her bright red hair; no dye ever seemed to affect it so she gave up after Jowan nearly sliced her face in half the last time she tried to change the color.

Aren frowned, remembering the last time she had seen him. They had been friends in the Tower...more or less. Jowan was someone Aren could be around without him being absolutely terrified of her slightly sadistic personality. Jowan was constantly annoyed at her for her pranks, whether they simply be small water spells that would splash him at the worst of times or harassing him in all manners imaginable. She missed him, even after feeling nothing but anger at the betrayl. He didn't have to lie to her about practicing blood magic; she would have joined him. It was the user, not the magic itself that lacked control.

She leaned on the ship railing as the ship approached the docks of Kirkwall, and she guessed it was around three in the morning. Too early to go search for this Champion. She knew the Crows were in the city and that meant one thing.

And she was determined to get to their goal before them.

Her green eyes shut as she smiled and remembered the few peaceful weeks she'd had with Zevran before he dashed away to Antiva, leaving behind a necklace and what could barely be called a note.

'I'll be back soon my arse," Aren thought, snorting lightly as she reopened her eyes. The Gallows loomed across the harbor as they closed in on a docking space. She could almost smell the tension from the mages locked away in there. She pitied them, knowing they most likely heard of how she liberated the Ferelden Circle and given it near autonomy. Her only condition was that she be allowed to review all rules and regulations before they were pushed on apprentices and other Circle mages. She worked them out with Irving, who in turn gave them to Greagoir, and she would finalize them. She despised the Chantry ("Shitry" as she and Anders used to call it), and refused to allow them any more say in her Circle than need be.

Anders. The other reason she came to Kirkwall. She had wondered where her other escapist mage had gone to and her answer came to her in the form of Carver Hawke, the Champion's brother, as it would be. Fate worked in funny ways like that. She could sense him, faintly, and wondered how long it would take Anders to find her. She was furious about what happened with Justice; even though Anders had been the one to offer, Justice should have known to never merge with a human. Nothing ends well for either party.

She stumbled back slightly as the boat bumped into a dock, but composed herself immediately. It would not do well for her to be distracted in any way in this city of chains. She moved over to where the rest of the passengers were disembarking and waited her turn. Soon enough, she hoped to have all of her questions answered.