I'm Coming Home to You

A lead

I woke up on the floor of the TARDIS, correction my TARDIS, my head felt like someone had put it in a vice grip. I stood up, my legs wobbled as if they were made of jelly. I opened the door and managed to make it to the front door.

I opened the door to my home, revealing nothing had changed but a large amount of dust had collected on the furniture. But what's one to expect after being gone for a long period of time? The smells of mum still lingered in the air, along with him, he had been here once more

I walked over and flipped the telly on, if anything unusual was happening I would guess it would be because of The Doctor. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a skillet and some eggs. I put the skillet on top of a stove eye and turned it on. I threw some butter in the pan and spread it around after it had melted and coated the skillet I cracked an egg and it began to sizzle as it hit the hot surface.

I quickly made my eggs over easy and put them on a plate while grabbing a fork. I walked back into the living room and started to pay attention to the news while eating my eggs. As the usual batch of murders and kidnapped dogs made their appearance I stood up and went to my room to shower off.

I turned the water on and undressed while it heated up. After every article of clothing had been stripped off my body I stepped into the warm water, letting it run over my body and sooth my aching muscles. The transformation into a Time Lord had been taxing on my body, I had been extremely emotional and my body had been filled with sharp pains hours after my transformation. Even now I was still weak from the transformation.

I grabbed my bottle of shampoo and put a small dollop in my hair. I worked it into a rich thick lather, after scrubbing my scalp I rinsed the shampoo out of my hair, grabbing a rag and a bar of soap to wash my body. I ran the rag over, making sure to get all of the impurities off of my body. Once I had completed this I turned the water off and grabbed a towel, I dried my body off and wrapped my hair up in a towel before going into my room and putting some clothes on.

I went through my closet grabbing a pink and blue sweater, a pair of jeans, and my converse sneakers. It wasn't flashy or dazzling but I'm not a flashy or dazzling girl. I ended up falling back on my bed and falling back to sleep, utterly exhausted from my transformation still.

When I woke up six and a half hours later I had started to feel slightly better. I hobbled into the kitchen and made myself a cup of tea, mum always said that was the remedy to everything.

I grabbed the kettle filling it full of water then placing it on the stove top to boil. I ended turning the telly back on to the news to see if there was any updates on anything.

I heard the kettle start to whistle and I went in and turned it off. I poured the water into a cup and put the tea bag in, mixing a couple of spoonfuls of sugar in as well before I went and sat back down on the couch, taking small sips of tea which started to help even more than the sleep did.

I soon finished my tea and put it in the kitchen. I went back to my room and grabbed my backpack and began to pack my remaining clothes up. As I sorted through my closet I found an old pinstripe suit that I bought for special occasions. I started to change into the suit, since I was going to be alone on this for awhile I needed to look professional.

I heard someone say there was a sudden news update. I ran back in to the living room where the news was showing a place where a hospital had up and vanished. It was there one second ago and the next it was just gone. The hospital had just vanished into thin air, even the support beams underneath the building were gone.

I smiled a little, chances were that if something that strange was going on, then I had a lead on my hunt for the Doctor. I grabbed my things and walked back into my TARDIS, I punched in the coordinates to the missing hospital. The hum of the TARDIS engine told me that everything was in working order.

It didn't take long for me to arrive, the TARDIS was parked on a sidewalk. I walked out into the streets, desperate to see this phenomenon myself.
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Long boring filler I know. Slightly nessescary though. But now begins Rose's quest to find the Doctor, and the various other aventures that she gets in to. It will follow season 3 in some aspects but in other aspects it will be mostly new things I can think of.