You Give Love a Bad Name

EXs and OHs

"When was she sweet?" Ray asked, walking into the room with Bob behind him.

"Or innocent for that matter?" Bob seconded, holding soda and chips, which he probably stole from our fridge.

"Keep talking and I won't be, Bob," I shot at him, as Frank snatched the bag of chips from Bob's hands.

"You know how many ways we can twist this sentence into something sexual, right?" Jake asked me, being the horny eighteen year old that he was, causing me to groan in frustration at this never ending battle that I was sadly losing.

"But you're not going to," Mikey said, with a warning look.

"Since you don't want your ass kicked by her big, strong, handsome, muscular brothers." Gerard said, flexing his biceps jokingly.

"You forgot gay," Frank reminded him with a smirk.

"Don't be jealous Frankie-boy that you don't have strikingly good looks that I have," Gerard pouted fakely. "I happen to be the beauty of the Way family. Mikey obviously skipped the pretty genes. I would say the same for Lena, but can't since she kinda looks like me."

"I don't mind," I narrowed my eyes at Gerard, as Mikey smacked him on the arm because he said that he was lacking in the looks department. "It's not your fault you look like a chick."

"Or maybe you look like a man," Frank informed me, not at all good naturally.

"Frank, just because you have a small dick, doesn't give you the right to act like a big one," I retorted, trying my best to stay calm.

"Heeey, break it up kids," Ray told us, trying to ease the mounting tension in the room. "I thought that you had to behave until the project is over."

"Fuck that," Frank said, gritting his teeth together in frustration. "Just being in the same room as her makes me want to shoot my brains out."

"Then do the world a favor and do it," I hissed, not even bothering to hide my ever growing anger anymore. "Honestly Frank, I'm so fucking happy that we're having this conversation right now, because one more day of staring at your fake, betraying face, and I would have broken your precious guitar against your head. Fuck, I would have done it already if it wasn't for Mikey and Gerard calming me the fuck down every time you make me feel like shit!"

"Oh yeah?" Frank yelled back, rising from the floor and pointing an accusing finger in my direction, making Jake shrink away from him with wide eyes. "I'm glad I make you feel like shit, because quite frankly, you fucking deserve it. How else did you expect to get treated after you screwed me over like you did?"

I bit on my lip in rage, feeling the cold metal ring in my mouth, as everyone in the room stood motionless, except for Jake, who quietly tried to scramble away from fuming Frank. Bob was holding his can of soda halfway to his mouth, his eyes wide and shocked, Ray next to him with his mouth open, as he stared at us with sheer nervousness. Mikey and Gerard were looking at each other with desperation and concern. Who could blame them?

"What the fuck are you talking about, Iero?" I tried to sound calm and collected as I stood up slowly, but failed miserably. "You are the one who screwed me over, you asshole. You are the one who threw away eight years of friendship without any explanation or second thought. You are the reason I stayed in my room for two weeks, crying my eyes out over my so-fucking-called best friend, before Gerard and Mikey managed to get me out,," I wanted to say something to make him feel like I was feeling; on the edge of a nervous meltdown, those three months of losing Frank building up and finally taking a toll, causing me to snap. "You fucking dick!"

"Don't play so fucking innocent, Lena. Don't pretend that you have no fucking clue what I'm talking about. You know," he told me, his voice getting louder and louder with every word.

"Oh man. We are so lucky that Mom's not home," I heard Mikey whisper, to whom I assumed to be Gerard, as I saw all of my friends backing out of the room, not dropping those wide eyed, concerned expressions, leaving Frank and I to finish fighting our never ending battle, for what I hoped to be the last time.

"No, I don't know, Frank. If I knew, I wouldn't be having this conversation with you right now," I was now walking from the couch towards him, who was glaring at me with his arms crossed, feeling like I was about choke him and go to jail for murder. "So why don't you clue me in?"

"Fine. You want to play dumb, Helena? I'll spell it out for you," Frank spat, using my full name - a sign that he was beyond pissed off, as he moved closer to me as well. "You knew that Valerie was cheating on me, so why didn't you fucking say anything?"

I stopped in the center of the room, literally to shocked to move.

He did this to me because of... Valerie?

His whore of a then-girlfriend?