You Give Love a Bad Name

Fruit Loops

"Wait," I gasped, "you're gay?"

"Bi," he replied, the blush still noticeable on his cheeks. "But I tend to like guys more."

"Oh," I tried to find something to say and recover from the fact that my oldest brother got more ass than a toilet seat. Literally. "Um-"

"You're okay with it, right?" Logan asked me, his gray eyes quickly finding my green ones. "Because if you're a homophobe or something, I'm screwed. I thought we could be pretty good friends."

"Homophobe? Me? Psh!" I scoffed, rolling my eyes. "It's just that... Gerard's straight. He might not act like it half of the time, but he is."

Logan bit his lip. "Oh well. Its just a crush, after all. It will go away, right?"

Strangely, his words reminded me what I told myself about Frank. But my crush didn't go away, and it was driving me insane with every passing day and night.

All of a sudden, a brilliant idea crossed my mind.

"Hey," I started, a smile creeping on to my face, "what are you doing tomorrow?"

He shrugged and leaned back against the couch, putting both of his hands in his hoodie's pockets. "Finishing unpacking my stuff, probably. I still have like two boxes left. Why?"

"Want me and my friend to show you around Belleville and your new high school?" I asked eagerly. "Unless you'd rather unpack, of course."

He grinned and his gray eyes lit up, making his whole face glow with a God-like light. Calling him beautiful would have been a huge understatement. No word in the English dictionary, or in any other language, could have been used to describe how amazing he looked.

"Just name the time and place."

"Aww, shit," Mikey cursed, trying to mop the growing brown spot on his white shirt with a paper towel. "There goes my coffee and my last clean shirt."

"Maybe it’s a sign," Gerard offered, shoving a spoonful of Fruit Loops into his mouth.

"A sign?" Mikey repeated with a confused expression, lifting his head up to look at our oldest brother.

"Yeah, a sign from God," I smirked, joining in. "It means that its time to do your laundry, so I suggest that you step on it, Mikester."

Gerard snorted, spraying me and Mikey with milk and bits of rainbow-colored cereal.

"Ugh," I groaned, pushing back my chair from the table. "Gerard, you pig!"

"What?" He asked innocently, watching as I frantically tried to get his breakfast off my jacket. "It's not like you have to go anywhere."

I looked up and squinted my eyes at him. "Guess again."

"She and Frank are spending the day together and 'catching up'," Mikey said, still rubbing the coffee spot on his shirt. "When your best friend would rather spend the day with your sister instead of you, then there's a problem."

"Hey, he's my best friend too!" I protested, even though it was obvious that Mikey was kidding. "Besides, Logan's coming along, so suck it."

"Logan?" Gerard grimaced a little. "Why would you take him along?"

I could see by Gerard's facial expression that Logan was right. Gerard didn't hate him, but he definitely didn't like the guy.

"Because I happen to like him, that’s why," I retorted. "Besides, he doesn't know anyone here, so I thought it would be a good idea to show him around."

Gerard rolled his yes. "Whatever."

"You should get to know him, Gee," I said softly, trying to catch my brother's eye. "You might be surprised by what you might find about him, and what kind of a person he is. Just give him a chance."

"Well, the guy sure does give off bad first impressions," Mikey put in, coming to sit opposite me and Gerard, behind the kitchen table. "I can't blame Gerard for not being exactly crazy about him."

"Have you ever thought that maybe he's intimidated by you," I shot back, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh yeah, tall, dark and handsome being intimidated by us? As if," Gerard snorted, shaking his head. "Whatever, I'm not judging an - Oh, hey, Frank. Who let you in?"

I turned my head and saw no other than Mr. Iero standing in the doorframe of the kitchen door, looking cool and collected in a pair of shades and the hood of his hoodie pulled over his glossy black hair.

"I let myself in," he replied smoothly, taking off the sunglasses and coming to sit beside Gerard. "Someone forgot to close the front door."

My head, along with Gerard's, turned to look at Mikey, who gave us a guilty smile.

"What? I got distracted."

"Anyway," Frank stood up and flashed me a big grin, "ready for our fun-filled day?"

"Um," I laughed nervously. "I hope you don't mind, but I invited our new neighbor along."

Frank's face fell a little, but then shrugged it off. "Sure, what's her name?"

"His name is Logan and I think my little sister has a thing for him," Gerard taunted, nudging me in the ribs with his elbow.

I laughed to myself. If only Gerard knew who I liked, and who liked him.

I guess Mikey took my amusement as a confirmation to Gerard's statement, because he gave me a teasing smile and a slight pat on the head.

"Well, I'll be off, then. Places to go and people to see, you know?"

Gerard, Frank and I stared after Mikey as he practically bounced out the room.

"What’s up with him?" Frank asked me and my other brother.

Gerard arched his right eyebrow. "I was hoping you would know."

"He's late."

I stopped flipping the TV channels and slowly turned my head to look at Frank, who was sitting on the couch next to me. "By four minutes."

Frank huffed in annoyance and crossed his arms, resting his head on the back of the couch. "Whatever. Lets ditch the guy and go already."

I groaned and turned my whole body forward to face my best friend, tucking my feet under myself into the cris-cross style. "What's up with you? Your mood drastically changed in the past ten or so minutes."

Frank continued to stare straight ahead without uttering a single word.

Before I could say anything else, the sound of a doorbell filled the room, making me turn away from Frank with a sigh.

"That’s probably Logan," I mumbled, standing up and putting on my slippers. "I'll be right back."

Almost in a daze-like state, I stumbled through the hallway and stopped next to the front door, opening it and letting a gust of cool breeze brush over my face.

"Hey," Logan's tone was light and happy as he stood on the doorstep. "Sorry I'm late, I had to help Mom move a couple of boxes into the family room."

I grinned and opened the door wider. "It's all good. Come on in!"