You Give Love a Bad Name



I tried to open my eyes, but they seemed to be glued shut. Why couldn't I open them? Why couldn't I...?

My head, oh God, my head was splitting in two. The pain was worse than unbearable, it was inhumane.

I blindly tried to lift up my right hand to touch my head, but couldn't. My body was numb. The only thing I felt was my head. My head and the throbbing pain.

I wanted to scream. What was wrong with me? Why couldn't I move?


I forced my eyes to open with extreme difficulty. There were white lights and people in masks.

Who were they?

The walls around me were moving with immense speed. Swirling like Autumn leaves in a gentle breeze.

Where was I?

There was something on my mouth, and I tried to make my hands move to pry it off. Why weren't they moving? Why...?

Where was Cara and Jake?


I wanted to scream for the bright lights and people to go away. Couldn't they see how big my headache was? I just needed to see Jake and Cara. I just wanted to make sure that they were okay.


Giving up, I closed my eyes once again, and everything around me fell back into darkness.