Status: Active

You Are My Everything

Best Friends Until the End

Annalyse groaned as she heard the doorbell ring.

'Hopefully, they will have enough sense to let themselves in.' she thought.

She turned on her stereo. A few seconds later, the sounds of Blink-182 blasted from the speakers. She returned to straightening her dark, chestnut hair. When she was done, she searched for her makeup. She couldn't find her eyeliner anywhere.

"Looking for this?" she heard from behind her. She turned, facing the boy she had come to know as her best friend. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek, reaching for the eyeliner, but he pulled away. She sighed.

"George Ryan Ross." she said, smirking at the way he cringed when she used his full name. "You are going to make us late for this lovely day of academic studies." she said sarcastically. She wasn't lying, they were going to be late. But she'd rather do anything but go to her dreaded school.

He smiled, picking her up, earning a squeal from Annalyse. He carried her to the bed, throwing her down playfully, careful not to hurt her. She giggled as he climbed onto of her, holding himself up with his arms.

"You don't really want to go, do you?" he said, looking down at her, smiling. "You know we have to." she whined. He made a pouty face, causing Annalyse to look away. "No one will even know." he whispered into her ear, sending several chills down her spine. She wondered if Ryan noticed the effect it had. Ryan lightly pressed his lips on her ear. She closed her eyes tight, holding her breath.

The two jumped when the nightstand started vibrating.

She quickly grabbed her phone, flipping it open.

"He-hello?" her voice shaking. "Where the hell are you? First period is about to start!" a loud boy's voice filled the phone. "I'm late." she said obviously. "I'll be there. As soon as I get my eyeliner." she said, staring sharply into Ryan's eyes.

"You look beautiful without it." he whispered. She barely heard him, seeing as Brendon was screaming in her ear. "Get here now! Forget the eyeliner! I'm not going through the day all alone." he exclaimed sadly. "I'll be there soon, Bren." she said, shutting the phone.

"Can't we just skip?" Ryan whined. "No! I told Brendon we'd be there soon." She said, grabbing a hoodie. She put her keys and her phone in the front pocket. She started out the door, with Ryan following. Before reaching the door, she quickly turned around, causing Ryan to almost collide with her. "You know Mr. Ross, this is the third time this week that you've managed to make us late." she said, staring directly into his eyes. He smiled childishly. "That's why you love me." he stated proudly. She smiled, turning around. "That, I do." she half-spoke, half-whispered. He grabbed her hand as they walked down the sidewalk towards the school.


The two arrived about ten minutes later. They walked to their lockers, which were right next to each other. The bell rang, signaling the end of first period. Students flooded the halls. It didn't take long for Brendon to come running up to them.

"Thank god. I thought you were gonna skip." he said uneasily, glancing at Ryan.

Annalyse smiled. "You know I wouldn't leave you alone, hun."

He smiled back, pulling her into a hug. After he released her, he high-fived Ryan.

A few seconds later, the fourth and final member of the group joined the rest.

Caitlin Rae walked up to Annalyse and smiled. "Have a good weekend?" she asked.

Annalyse laughed. "Nothing out of the ordinary." she said, looking at Ryan and Brendon trying to trip people.

"Well, get ready. Party of the year. Next weekend." Caitlin smiled.

Annalyse looked at her. "Where at?"

"Cody's house. A few streets down from you." Cait smiled.

"Sounds fun." Annalyse said, as the warning bell rang. There was no way they'd reach their next class in time. Not like it was any surprise. They were late a lot lately.

She said goodbye to Caitlin, who started heading to her class.

Brendon followed Annalyse, but Ryan stayed back.

Annalyse waited for him, and as she turned around, she saw Caitlin hand him a note. She also gave him a look before receding down the hall.

Ryan put the note in his pocket before following the other two.

Annalyse didn't move until the bell rang, jolting her out of her thoughts.

The three ran down the halls to their class, getting reprimanded by numerous teachers.
♠ ♠ ♠
I really have high hopes for this story.
I've already posted some of it on my Quizilla!
I plan to post both now.
I have a pretty good plot planned out, so, tell me what you think so far.
I'm excited for it.