Status: Active

You Are My Everything

I'm a car crash waiting to happen.

Over the next week and a half or so, Annalyse did everything in her power to avoid Ryan and Brendon. She was starting to talk to them a little, but she avoided the subject of the party altogether.
She was still getting sick. Sometime it seemed like it was worse at certain times.
She had met a girl about the same age as herself at school. Her name was Livy.
It turned out they were in most of the same classes. They became friends quickly. Annalyse had been hanging out with her all of the time since they met right after her confrontation with the boys.
"Are you okay?" Livy asked as Annalyse came back from the bathroom. She had gotten sick three times today. They still had three more classes to go.
Livy knew everything about Ryan and Brendon already. Annalyse filled her in on them the first day they had met.
Annalyse looked down at the lunch she had gotten and sighed. "Even thinking about food makes me wanna puke. And this is stuff I used to love." she cried, pointing at the plate that consisted of a pizza turnover, fries and a mountain dew.
Livy gave her a look. She had a feeling she knew what was making Annalyse so sick.
Annalyse knew exactly what she was thinking.
"Let's leave. I think you have an appointment with a dependable little stick." she smiled, trying to lighten the mood.
Annalyse sighed, throwing her food away and following Livy out of the school.

They went to the corner drugstore to get what they needed and headed back to Annalyse's house.
Annalyse went into the bathroom after much persuasion from Livy.
Five minutes later, Annalyse open the door. Livy slowly entered the bathroom.
A thin stick sat on the edge of the sink.
"Did you..." Livy asked.
Annalyse shook her head 'No', letting Livy know she didn't know what it showed.
Livy slowly crept up to the sink and picked up the stick. She closed her eyes. Annalyse wasn't the only one worried.
She slowly opened her eyes to see the result and then turned to Annalyse to tell her the news...
♠ ♠ ♠
