Status: Active

You Are My Everything

Now's just not the time.

"I know, I should leave." Ryan said sadly, as Annalyse stared at him. She didn't want to see him go. She missed him so much. But she knew he had to. She didn't want to attempt to see what trouble would ensue if he stayed.
"Listen, how about I give you a call tomorrow. We could have coffee?" She asked, smiling slightly. He smiled brightly. "That'd be great!" He gave her a hug, not wanting to let go. They heard a car door slam outside and Annalyse sighed. Brendon was walking up the sidewalk to the house. "I'll see you Anna." Ryan said, walking out the door. Brendon walked past him, glaring. When he got to the door and saw Anna, he softened. The two turned and walked into the house.
Brendon set the movies he had brought on the coffee table. He turned around to look at Anna.
"Don't hate him. He apologized and he sounded really sincere." She tried her hardest to explain. "I just don't want him to be playing you." Brendon said honestly. "He isn't. He's still the same Ryan we knew before. He just had a bad lapse of judgment. We all screw up sometimes. But I still need him." She cried. Brendon said nothing, and the silence seemed to last forever. "Do you still love him?" he asked. "What?" Annalyse questioned incredulously. "Do you love him?" he stated simply. "No." she quickly responded. "Anna, I can see it. You still feel pretty strongly about him. And there's nothing wrong with it. You can't help how you feel." he said softly. "But we're trying to be something." she responded, confused. "But you aren't sure if it's me or Ryan that you want to be with." She looked down at the floor. "So what are you saying?" she whispered. "Maybe we should just stay friends for now, then you can work everything out with Ryan and see what you really want. I will always be here for you, you know that. And I will always love you. Maybe someday, we'll be together. I just want you to be happy. And I don't want you to be disappointed that you never gave it a chance with Ryan. I can tell that somewhere in your heart, you want to give him a chance." Brendon explained. Annalyse was astonished, but at the same time, she was grateful. She knew that she needed time to sort things out. "Brendon, you are by far the most amazing person I've ever met. And if we don't end up together, no other girl would be good enough for you." she joked. He smiled and pulled her into a hug. "We still need to hang out like we have been though. You can't just forget about me." he said. "That would never be possible." she smiled.
They went on to watch movies and Annalyse fell asleep in Brendon's arms. For the moment, neither of them wanted to be anywhere else. It just felt so right.
♠ ♠ ♠
So there's chapter 13. Tell me what you think of it.
Lots more to come. I'm excited!
Next chapter should be out either later tonight or tomorrow.
