Status: Active

You Are My Everything

It's never been this hard before.

Over the next few weeks, Annalyse and Ryan spent most of their time together. They slowly got back to how things used to be. Ryan did everything to try to gain back Anna's trust, and he knew that things would never be the exact way they used to be, but he was happier than ever that she had given him a chance to fix things. Caitlin had tried to talk to him on several occasions, but he wasn't going to jeopardize what he has with Annalyse for her. He knew what he wanted, even though he had a feeling it would take a while to get it. Eventually, Brendon started talking to Ryan again as well. It was a bit harder for him to trust Ryan again, but he tried to make the best of it. He wanted to see Annalyse happy, that's all.

Annalyse was sitting by the soccer fields one day, just thinking about everything that had happened, waiting for Ryan and Brendon to get out of their last class. She couldn't help but think of the dark secret she had been hiding for two months. She hadn't told a soul, not even Brendon. How could she tell him that in 7 months he'd have a kid? And that the mother is his best friend? She couldn't bring herself to do it, but she couldn't bring herself to seek any other options either. She had never felt so stuck in her life.
Just then, she felt a pair of arms wrap around her from behind. She smiled and turned around to see Brendon's face beaming back at her.
"Good Afternoon, my lady. How was you're day?" he greeted her.
She giggled. "It was pretty swell. And yours?" she played along, being just as proper.
"It's perfect now." he said honestly, staring at her. Annalyse felt a feeling of guilt swell inside of her. He needed to know. But how could she? It'll ruin everything, and just when things were getting back to somewhat normal.
"Look, Brendon, can I talk to you about something?" she asked, breaking his gaze across the field. He looked at her. "Of course sweetums!"
She had never been so nervous in her life. She didn't know how to being and felt like getting sick. It was the worst feeling in the world.
After a few minutes of her trying to work up the courage, he broke the silence.
"Anna, is everything okay?" he asked, sounding somewhat worried.
"Uhm. Yeah. Well, no. But--Uhm. I really don't know how to say this, but I--"she began, but Ryan had plopped down behind them.
"What's going on? What is hard to say?" he asked, obliviously.
Annalyse shook her head. "Nothing." She grabbed her things and got up.
"Where are you going?" the two boys asked.
"I just remembered, Livy wanted me to come over, she had something important she needed to talk to me about." she said, looking down.
"What about our date tonight?" Ryan said sadly. They had been going on quite a few "dates" the past two or three weeks, and she had forgotten about the movie and dinner they had planned that evening.
"Crap. I'll call you and let you know if I can still make it. I'm sorry." she said, turning and leaving quickly. She felt horrible, but she couldn't handle that situation. She almost told her best friend that she was pregnant with his child in front of the guy she is practically dating. She felt more than horrible. She felt disgusting. There was no way this could turn out good.
Soon enough, Annalyse found herself standing in front of Livy's house.
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Hope you like it. I'm really hoping I will have another chapter out tomorrow, because i only have two classes. But this is all for now. Enjoy & let me know what you think! :)