Status: Active

You Are My Everything

Heading on a one way track.

Livy had invited Annalyse as soon as she got to the door. She could tell that something had happened.
"What's wrong?" Livy quickly questioned. "Do they know?"
"That's the thing. They don't. Either of them. They are completely oblivious. Everything is finally starting to fall into place. Things are going really well with Ryan, but I can't keep this from Brendon. He means everything to me. But we aren't ready. We're teenagers for christ's sake! This isn't how my life was supposed to start of. This wasn't supposed to happen. I feel so helpless." Annalyse exlaimed, breaking down in Livy's arms. She had never felt like this before.
"What are the options you are looking at?" Livy questioned a few moments later. She was going to do everything she could to help Annalyse through this.
"Really, to be honest, I have no clue. I know I can't get an abortion. I can't kill this baby. I feel it, moving around and everything. It's not just a fairytale. There is no good way to end this." Anna cried softly, tears flooding her small face.
"You're going to have to tell them. You're going to start showing soon." Livy said as easy as she could. It was reality. She couldn't deny that soon there would be problems in hiding it.
"I could leave." Annalyse said lifelessly.
Livy stared at her incredulously. "Leave?" she whispered.
"Yeah, I can just, go away for now or something. Then neither of them will have to know about it. They can just move on with their lives. Maybe that would be for the best." she explained, her words completely sucked of emotion.
"You can't just leave. What will Brendon and Ryan think? Do they even know that anything is wrong? They'll be completely astonished and lost. And what about me? You're my best friend. Lyse, You can't just run away from this. You have a baby on the way, that's not going to change. You have to face the facts and just hope to god that things turn out alright."
Annalyse cried for what seemed like days. She had a million thoughts whirling around in her mind. She knew she couldn't run, but she didn't want to lose everything she had. That night, Livy let her stay over, so she wouldn't be walking home so late.
At around 3 in the morning, Annalyse's phone began to ring. She searched for it in the darkness, hoping it wouldn't wake Livy up. When she finally found underneath some clothes on the floor, she looked at the caller ID. It was Brendon. Without even thinking about it, she answered.
"Hello?" she said groggily, her voice strained and sad.
"Alyse! Where are you? I've been waiting for you at your house for a couple of hours. I'm worried." Brendon said honestly.
"I stayed at Livy's." Annalyse replied, feeling guilty for keeping him up so late.
"Is everything okay? You seemed really shaken up today after school. What was it that you wanted to tell me?" he asked.
She whispered, barely audible, "Nothing I can tell you over the phone."
"Then come home." he said, taking her by surprise. She wasn't really intending him to hear that. "We need to talk Annalyse. Please." he pleaded.
"Can you maybe come pick me up. I don't have any way to get home other than walking. And I don't want to bug Livy to take me so late." she asked, looking over at Livy who was now awake, sitting up in bed.
"Yeah sure. I'll be there real soon." he said quickly. "Bye." he hung up the phone.
She wasn't sure how things were going to turn out. But it looked like tonight might be the night that her secret would come out. Maybe it was for the best, maybe for the worst. But only time would tell.
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Hope you enjoy this one! Next chapter should be out hopefully sometime tomorrow. Let me know what you think! :)