Status: Active

You Are My Everything

There's No Turning Back

Brendon stared blankly into the night, trying to fully register what Annalyse had just told him. It was like the world had stopped spinning, the only sounds coming from the squealing swing and the sound of their breath in the crisp morning air.
Annalyse bit her lip as she awaited Brendon's reaction. It seemed like an eternity before he said a word. Her stomach began to churn as she began to panic. She just shouldn't have told him.
"W-what?" Brendon choked out, his voice barely audible.
"Bren, I'm sorry. I didn't want to tell you. I don't want you to think of me as the one who screwed up your life. But you deserved to know. I couldn't keep it from you any longer." she cried, beginning to ramble on.
"Anna, it's okay. You aren't ruini--wait." he began, stopping short when he realized exactly what she had just said. He looked straight at her. "Annalyse, how long have you known?" he demanded firmly. She kept her eyes focused on the ground below her. She had a pained expression on her face, wondering how well he was going to react to her answer. He should be angry with her, she knew that, but that was what she feared most.
"T--two months." She mumbled, her voice small. She hoped that he hadn't heard.
"Two months?!? My God Anna!" he exclaimed. Yeah, he definitely heard. He put his hands on his head, astonished at the scene that was playing out in front of him. He contemplated what to say for a while. "So how far along are you?" he finally asked.
"Uhm, I'm not really sure. I'm thinking four months." she stuttered along, still considerably quiet.
Brendon stayed silent for a while trying to gather his thoughts. He looked at Annalyse to see her staring around the park, avoiding his eyes. He walked towards her, lifting her chin to lock their eyes together. He softly stroked her cheek with his thumb, softening as he saw her eyes filling with tears.
"Look, Annalyse, don't cry. It's going to be alright. We'll figure this all out." he soothed, pulling her into his chest
"This wasn't supposed to happen Brendon. Why did this happen? We aren't ready for this." she cried as he ran his hand through her hair.
"I know it isn't the best situation, but we'll get through it. I'm right here, I'm not going anywhere. It'll all be okay." he said, trying to convince himself of that as well. She hugged him tight. He knew he couldn't leave her. Sure, it never really crossed his mind that he would be a father this soon. Even more so that it would be with his best friend of all people, who just so happens to be in love with someone else. But that was the reality of it, and they basically just had each other. They were going to have a baby in close to five months, nothing was going to change that.
"Listen, how about I drive you back home. You need to get some sleep." He told her, grabbing his hand and leading her to the car. The ride back to Annalyse's house was dead silent. When they arrived, Brendon walked her up to the door. She hugged him before he could say his goodbyes. He embraced her tightly, not wanting to let her go.
"Brendon, would you maybe...stay with me. I don't really want to be alone." She asked into his chest. He smiled slightly, pulling away from the hug. "Of course."
Annalyse pulled him into the house. The two went to her room. After she had changed into her pajamas, she laid down in her bed. After hesitating a bit, Brendon laid down next to her. He wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling himself closer to her, breathing in the sweet scent of her long hair. His hand slowly found its way to her stomach, and he lightly stroked the area right below her bellybutton. He hadn't noticed before, but she was beginning to show, only slightly. He couldn't believe it. His child was in there. It was something he never really thought he'd be saying to himself, especially not this soon. Annalyse's breathing was light and steady as she laid in the bed.
"Can you believe it?" Brendon spoke up quietly, his lips vibrating against her shoulder. "What?" she asked, her voice breaking from being silent for so long.
"We're going to be--ya know--parents, i guess." he explained hesitantly. She felt his lips draw into a slight smile against her skin. She hadn't been giving it much thought, but he was right. It was a pretty ridiculous thought.
"Honestly, no, I can't believe it. It was the last thing on my mind." she said, a confusing feeling washing over her. She was content, but at the same time slightly sad. She didn't know how to feel. She was scared, but at the same time happy that she was going to be a mother.
"You know, you're gonna be a great mother." Brendon told her. She smiled a little.
"You'll be the best father ever, hands down, I know it." She replied, actually getting surprisingly more comfortable talking about it.
"Have you been to the doctor's yet?" he questioned. She shook her head no.
"Well, this week we can go maybe. I would like to go with you. I mean, if that is okay." He didn't want to seem like he was jumping in and trying to control everything. He didn't even know if she wanted to keep the baby. But he wanted her to know that he would be there 100% if she did. Annalyse picked up on this and tried to set his mind at ease.
"It's okay Bren. I would love that. I'm glad to know that I'm not alone. And to know that you don't hate me. You don't know how much better I feel now that you know." she chuckled a bit at the fact of how much of a weight was off of her shoulders. He sat up, turning her over a bit so he could look at her. He put some hair that had fallen in her face behind her ear.
"I could never hate you. And I would never leave you alone. Please know that. I love you Annalyse, and no matter what, we are in this together." The corners of her mouth turned up a bit and a feeling of relief rushed over her. He leaned down, capturing her lips in a kiss. When he pulled away, he smiled, staring at her and taking in her beauty. She was absolutely radiant and his heart swelled with love, not only for her, but now also for his unborn child that she was carrying.
"Get some sleep. You've been up since 4." he told her, laying down and wrapping her in his arms once again. She laughed,
"You've been up a lot longer." He smiled, "Point taken."
He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before closing his eyes. She smiled over at him, feeling unbelievably content with where she was. She slowly drifted to sleep, in the arms of the boy who was the father of her baby and who she was falling more in love with by the minute. The thought of Ryan stayed in the back of her mind, but she wasn't sure how much longer that would last. For the time being, she was just going to cherish the feeling of everything being as okay as it could be in this situation.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was going to post this yesterday, but I accidentally exited out of my browser without posting it, and it deleted it all. To say the least, I was pretty disappointed. But anyways, here it is. Let me know what you think. I hope you all like it.